Orthography Part 24

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3. To _wring_ or wrest _out of_ or away from; to get by force or by taking unfair advantage. "'Till the injurious Romans did _extort_ this tribute from us, we were free."

4. To bend, _twist_ or turn _back_. A _retort_ is a short and pointed reply _turned back_ on an a.s.sailant. A _retort_ tube is one _twisted_ or bent back at one end.

5. The _torch_ is so called because the wick is _twisted_ like a rope.

6. _Torment_ comes from _tormentum_, a machine (engine) for throwing stones to inflict _torture_.

7. The _tortoise_ is so called because of its _twisted_ or crooked feet.

8. _Wringing_ pain; anguish of body or mind. "In ancient Greece, _torture_ was never employed except in case of treason".

#tract# = draw.

1. _abs_ tract, away 2. _at_ tract, to 3. _con_ tract, together 4. _de_ tract, from 5. _dis_ tract, apart 6. _ex_ tract, out 7. _pro_ tract, forward 8. _re_ tract, back 9. _re_ treat, back 10. _sub_ tract, under 11. trace 12. tract _able_, capable of 13. trail 14. train

1. To _draw away_; to consider apart. "In truth the object and sensation are the same thing and cannot be _abstracted_ from each other."

2. To _draw to_ or toward. A magnet _attracts_ iron filings.

3. To _draw together_ or closer. Heat expands and cold _contracts_.

4. To _draw_ away _from_. To take away a part of something, especially from one's credit. "Should I detract his worth, 'twould argue want of merit in myself."

5. To _draw apart_ or away. The attention is _distracted_ when it is _drawn apart_ from the thing in hand.

6. To _draw out_, to withdraw. Honey is sometimes _extracted_ from the honeycomb and the comb replaced in the beehive.

7. To _draw_ forward; to extend or prolong; as, "England desired not to _protract_ the war."

8. To _draw back_; to take back what has been said. When one finds he has said a hasty thing he would do well to _retract_ it.

9. To _draw back_, as from an enemy. "Come, shepherd, let us make an honorable _retreat_."

10. To _draw_ away; as apart from the whole. Literally to _draw_ away from _under_, or in an underhanded way, as by stealth. The word is very seldom used literally.

11. A _trace_ is one of the tugs or straps by which a vehicle is _drawn_.

12. A _tractable_ child is one which can be easily led or _drawn_.

13. _Trail_ means to _draw_ along, or what is _drawn_.

14. A _train_ consists of cars _drawn_ by a locomotive.

#ven, vent# = come.

1. _ad_ vent, to 2. _ad_ vent ure, upon 3. _a_ venue, to 4. _con_ vene, together 5. _circ.u.m_ vent, around 6. _e_ vent, out 7. _inter_ vention, between 8. _in_ vent, upon 9. _re_ venue, back 10. _pre_ vent, before

1. A _coming_ or arrival of any important event or personage. The _advent_ of summer. An _Adventist_ is one who makes the second personal coming of Christ a special feature in his doctrine.

2. An _adventure_ is a stirring experience, _come upon_, as it were, suddenly and unexpectedly.

3. That which _comes to_ a certain place. Formerly an _avenue_ was a roadway bordered with trees which _comes to_ a residence.

4. To _come together_. "The household fowls _convene_."

5. To _circ.u.mvent_ an individual is to gain an advantage over him in a secret and round about (_coming around_) way.

6. The _outcome_ of an occurrence; as, "In that _event_ all will be right." "Marriage is the _event_ for good or evil in all lives."

7. The act of _coming between_ persons or objects; especially interference with the acts of others.

8. To _come upon_; to find out or discover.

9. _Revenue_ is that which _comes back_, as from an investment; income from all forms of one's property.

10. To stop or hinder from happening by means of previous measures.

Originally _prevent_ meant to _come before_; as in Matt. xvii:25: "When Peter was come into the house, Jesus _prevented_ him."

#vers, vert# = turn.

1. _ad_ verse, to (against) 2. ad vers _ity_, state of 3. _ad_ vert, to 4. ad vert _ise_, act of 5. _a_ vers ion, away 6. _a_ vert, away 7. _di_ verse, apart 8. _di_ version, aside 9. _di_ vorce, apart 10. _in_ vert, into 11. _per_ verse, thoroughly 12. _re_ verse, back 13. _trans_ verse, across 14. _versat_ ile, capable of 15. vers _ion_, that which 16. vertex 17. vertigo 18. vortex

1. _Turned against_; antagonistic. _Adverse_ winds. "Error is _adverse_ to human happiness."

2. _State of_ adverse fortune; a condition of calamity, distress, or unhappiness. "Ye have this day rejected your G.o.d, who himself saved you out of all _adversities_."

3. To _turn_ the mind or attention _to_; as, "I will only _advert_ to some leading points in the argument."-_Emerson._

4. To _advertise_ an article is to cause the public to _turn_ attention _to_ it.

5. A _turning away_ from. "Adhesion to vice and _aversion_ to goodness."

6. To _turn away_ or aside. "Till ardent prayer _averts_ the public woe."

7. _Diverse_ ways are different ways-they _turn apart_.

8. The act of _turning aside_ from a course; as the _diversion_ of the mind from study.

9. A judgment or decree dissolving marriage, and thus _turning_ husband and wife _apart_ from each other.

10. To _turn into_ another position; as, upside down, inside out, end for end, etc.

11. A _perverse_ inclination is one _thoroughly_ wrong or _turned_ from the right.

12. To _turn back_; as to _reverse_ an engine.

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Orthography Part 24 summary

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