Orthography Part 25

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13. A _transverse_ beam is one _turned across_ others.

14. _Capable of_ moving or _turning_ around; as a _versatile_ spindle; turning with ease from one thing to another; many sided; as, a _versatile_ writer.

15. _That which_ is translated (or _turned_) from another language; as, the King James _version_ of the Bible.

16. The highest point, peak, or summit. Literally the _turning_ point.

17. A _turning_ or whirling around; dizziness or giddiness.

"That old _vertigo_ in his head Will never leave him till he's dead."

18. A _whirl_pool. (_Vortex_ is another form of _vertex_.)


#ic# = pertaining to.

1. _aqua_ tic, water 2. _arc_ tic, bear 3. _barbar_ ic, foreign; uncivilized 4. _chron_ ic, time 5. _civ_ ic, citizen 6. _dom_ estic, house 7. _epi dem_ ic, upon + people 8. _erra_ tic, wander 9. _Homer_ ic, Homer 10. _luna_ tic, moon 11. _lyr_ ic, lyre, harp 12. _metal_ lic, metal 13. _metr_ ic, measure 14. _numer_ ic, number 15. _op_ tic, eye 16. _pan_ ic, Pan 17. _phon_ ic, sound 18. _publ_ ic, people 19. _rust_ ic, country 20. _techn_ ic, art, trade

2. _Arctic_ means, literally, _pertaining to_ the northern constellations called the Great and Little _Bears_; hence pertaining to the north polar regions.

8. _Erratic_ means _wandering_ from the proper or usual course in opinion or conduct.

9. _Homeric_ means _relating to Homer_, the great epic poet of ancient Greece, or to the poetry which he wrote.

10. A _lunatic_ is one who is periodically insane, with intervals of sanity (as if affected by the _moon_).

11. _Lyric_ poetry is that which is adapted to the _lyre_ or harp; fit to be sung to an accompaniment.

16. _Panic_ means sudden or groundless fright, such as was said to have been caused by _Pan_, the G.o.d of pastures and forests.

#ise, (ize)# = make, do, cause.

1. _ad vert_ ise, to + turn 2. _critic_ ise, judge 3. _familiar_ ize, family 4. _fertil_ ize, bear, produce 5. _leg_ alize, law 6. _re cogn_ ize, again + know 7. _sym path_ ize, with + feel 8. _tan tal_ ize, Tantalus 9. agonize 10. brutalize 11. civilize 12. crystallize 13. equalize 14. generalize 15. harmonize 16. humanize 17. idolize 18. magnetize 19. modernize 20. naturalize 21. organize 22. realize 23. systematize 24. tyrannize

1. A merchant when he _advertises_ goods hopes thereby to _cause_ people to _turn_ their attention _to_ them.

2. To _criticise_ is to (_make_) pa.s.s _judgment_ upon.

3. To _familiarize_ means, literally, to _make_ as one of the _family_, to become intimate with.

4. Ground is _fertilized_ when it is _caused_ to _produce_ more abundantly.

5. Any conduct is _legalized_ when it is _made lawful_.

6. We _recognize_ a person when we _know_ him _again_; as, one whom we have known before.

7. To _sympathize_ is to _feel with_ another.

8. _Tantalize_ is derived from Tantalus, a Phyrgian king who, according to Greek mythology, was punished in the lower world by being placed in a lake of pure water up to his chin, while there hung over him luscious fruit, the fruit and the water receding whenever he sought to satisfy his hunger or thirst. Hence tantalize means to tease or torment by presenting something desirable to the view and frustrating expectation by keeping it out of reach.

Words 9 to 24 may be defined in a simple and satisfactory manner by using some meaning of the suffix _ize_ in the definition with the first part of the word; thus, _agonize_ means to _cause_ to have _agony_.

#ist# = one who.

1. _agri cultur_ ist, field + culture 2. _an arch_ ist, without + rule 3. _art_ ist, art 4. _a the_ ist, without + G.o.d 5. _botan_ ist, plant 6. _de_ ist, G.o.d 7. _dent_ ist, tooth 8. _flor_ ist, flower 9. _ge olog_ ist, earth + science 10. _hypno_ tist, sleep 11. _journ_ alist, day 12. _jur_ ist, right 13. _loy_ alist, law 14. _oc_ ulist, eye 15. _optim_ ist, best 16. _pessim_ ist, worst 17. _re viv_ alist, again + life 18. _roy_ alist, king 19. _sci_ entist, knowledge 20. _somn ambul_ ist, sleep + walk

4. An _atheist_ is _one who_ is _without_ belief in a personal _G.o.d_.

6. A _deist_ is _one who_ believes in _G.o.d_ but denies revealed religion.

15. An _optimist_ is _one who_ holds the opinion that all events are ordered for the _best_.

16. A _pessimist_ is _one who_ has a disposition to take the least hopeful (_worst_) view of things; one who believes that the ultimate tendency of the world is toward evil and not good.

#oid# = having the form of, shaped like.

1. _aster_ oid, star 2. _dent_ oid, tooth 3. _ethm_ oid, sieve 4. _spher_ oid, sphere 5. _typh_ oid, cloud, stupor 6. _variol_ oid, various

#meter, metr# = measure.

1. _anemo_ meter, wind 2. _baro_ meter, weight 3. _chrono_ meter, time 4. _dia_ meter, across 5. _gas_ ometer, gas 6. _ge_ ometer, earth 7. _hexa_ meter, six 8. _hydro_ meter, water 9. _lacto_ meter, milk 10. metr _ic_, pertaining to 11. _penta_ meter, five 12. _peri_ meter, around 13. _thermo_ meter, heat 14. _tri gon_ ometry, three + angle

1. The _anemometer_ is an instrument for _measuring_ the force and velocity of the _wind_.

2. The _barometer measures_ the _weight_ of the atmosphere, and thus aids in determining the indications of the weather.

3. A _chronometer_ is an instrument for _measuring time_.

Specifically, it is a large and very accurate watch for use in astronomical observations.

6. _Geometry_ literally means _earth measure_. It treats of the measurement of surfaces, and is therefore applied in the _measurement_ of _land_.

7. The _hexameter_ in poetry is a _measure_ having _six_ poetic feet to the line.

8. The _hydrometer_ is used for _measuring_ the specific gravity of _water_ and other liquids.

9. The _lactometer_ is used for _measuring_ the purity and richness of _milk_.

10. The _metric_ system of weights and measures is one in which the meter is the unit of _measure_.

12. The _perimeter_ is the _measure around_ a body or figure.

14. _Trigonometry_ treats of _measurements_ based on the triangle (_three angles_).

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Orthography Part 25 summary

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