Orthography Part 5

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3. _That which_ has _gone before_. A previous example or usage which has, in some measure at least, become established; as, a custom, habit, or rule.

4. A _head_long fall; an abrupt descent. Literally, _head_ _fore_most.

5. See second month, page 16.

6. _Ripe_ in understanding at an early age or _before_ due time; as, a _precocious_ child.

7. A _precursor_ is a _forerunner_. That which precedes an event and indicates its approach.

8. To _determine_ _before_hand by an unchangeable purpose or decree.

"Whom He did foreknow He also did _predestinate_ to be conformed to the image of His Son."

11. To _prefer_ one thing to another is to _bring_ or set it before the other in estimation. To hold in greater liking or esteem.

13. A _prejudgment_ formed without due examination. "_Prejudice_ is the child of ignorance."

14. Literally, _before_ the _threshold_. Preceding or leading up to something more important; as _preliminary_ arrangements.

18. A _preposition_ is so called because usually _placed before_ the word with which it is phrased.

19. Anything is _preposterous_ when it is contrary to nature, reason, or common sense. Literally, having that _last_ which ought to be _first_; as, the "cart before the horse".

20. To lay down _before_hand in _writing_ as a rule of action.

"_Prescribe_ not us our duties."

#re# = back, again.

1. re _bound_, leap 2. re _cede_, go 3. re _claim_, call 4. re _cluse_, shut 5. re _cogn_ ize, know 6. re con _struct_, build 7. re _course_, run 8. re _create_, make 9. re _cruit_, grow 10. re _cur_, run 11. re _flect_, bend 12. re _fresh_, new 13. re _hash_, chop 14. re im _burse_, purse 15. re _ject_, throw 16. re _juven_ ate, young 17. re _lapse_, slip 18. re _late_, carry 19. re _lease_, loose 20. re _mit_, send 21. re _morse_, bite 22. re _nov_ ate, new 23. re _pel_, drive 24. re _plen_ ish, full 25. re _pulse_, drive 26. re _sult_, leap 27. re _sume_, take (up) 28. re _surrect_ ion, rise 29. re _tain_, hold 30. re _tract_, draw

Use each of the above words in a sentence and ill.u.s.trate its meaning, thus: A ball thrown against a brick wall will _rebound_ (_leap back_).

#semi# = half.

1. semicircle 2. semicolon 3. semidiameter 4. semilunar 5. semivowel 6. semiweekly

#super# = over, above, beyond.

1. super _annu_ ate, year 2. super _cili_ ous, pride 3. super _fic_ ial, face 4. super _flu_ ous, flow 5. super _natur_ al, nature 6. super _numer_ ary, number 7. super _pose_, put 8. super _script_ ion, write 9. super _struct_ ure, build.

10. super _vise_, see

1. A _superannuate_ is one who has become impaired or disabled by length of years. Specifically, one living _beyond_ the _years_ of active service and allowed to retire on a pension.

2. Lofty with _pride_; _over_bearing. "A _supercilious_ nabob of the east, haughty and purse-proud."

3. Literally, not extending below (i. e. in depth _beyond_) the sur_face_; shallow. "She despised _superficiality_, and looked deeper than the color of things."

4. _Overflowing_; more than is needed; as, a composition abounding with _superfluous_ words.

5. Being _beyond_ or exceeding the powers of _nature_. Miracles were performed by _supernatural_ power.

6. _Beyond_ a stated or required _number_; as, a _supernumerary_ officer in a regiment.

7. To _put over_ or upon; as to _superpose_ one rock upon another.

8. A _superscription_ is a _writing over_ or _upon_; especially an address on a letter.

9. A _superstructure_ is something _built over_ something else; particularly an edifice in relation to its foundation.

10. To _oversee_; as, to _supervise_ the erection of a house.

#tri# = three.

1. tri _angle_, angle 2. tri _cuspid_, point 3. tri _cycle_, circle 4. tri _dent_, tooth 5. tri _enni_ al, year 6. tri _gam_ ist, marriage.

7. tri gon _ometry_, measure 8. tri _later_ al, side 9. tri _nomi_ al, term 10. trio 11. tri _pod_, foot 12. tri _sect_, cut 13. tri _syllable_, syllable 14. trium _vir_, man 15. tri _une_, one 16. tri _via_ l, way

2. A _tricuspid_ tooth has _three points_.

4. A _three-toothed_ or three-p.r.o.nged spear. Specifically, a fis.h.i.+ng spear.

"His nature is too n.o.ble for the world; He would not flatter Neptune for his _trident_, Or Jove for his power to thunder."

6. A _trigamist_ is one who has been _three_ times _married_; especially one who has three wives or three husbands at the same time.

7. _Trigonometry_ literally means _three angle measure_. That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations of sides and angles of triangles, and applies them to other figures.

9. A _trinomial_ in algebra is a quant.i.ty consisting of _three terms_.

10. A _trio_ is a musical composition in _three_ parts.

11. A _tripod_ has _three feet_ or legs; as a three-legged table or stool, a three-footed kettle or vase.

14. A _triumvir_ is one of _three men_ united in office; specifically in ancient Rome.

15. The _triune_ is _three_ in _one_; the three-fold personality of one divine being,-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

16. _Trivial_ formerly meant, pertaining to _three ways_; where three ways or roads cross; of the cross roads; hence, common, commonplace, such as may be picked up anywhere; ordinary; trifling; of little worth.

#due# = lead, draw.

1. _ab_ duct, away 2 _ad_ duce, to 3. _aque_ duct, water 4. _con_ duct, with 5. _de_ duct, from 6. duct _ile_, capable of 7. duke, a leader 8. _e_ duc ate, out 9. _in_ duce, into 10. in duce _ment_, that which 11. _intro_ duce, into 12. _pro_ duce, forth 13. _se_ duce, aside 14. _re_ duce, back

1. To _lead_ or carry _away_ wrongfully and usually by force; to kidnap; as, to _abduct_ a child.

2. To _lead_ or bring _to_; to bring forward or offer as an argument in a case. "I too prize facts and shall _adduce_ nothing else."

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Orthography Part 5 summary

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