Orthography Part 4

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13. To take a _thorough stand_; to continue steadily in some state or course of action; especially in spite of opposition.

14. To _go through_; to spread throughout the whole.

15. To turn in another direction; to _turn thoroughly_ from a former course. "Blessings unused _pervert_ into a waste."

16. _Having_ a _way through_. "---- to have their way free and _pervious_ to all places."

#clud, clus# = shut.

1. close 2. clos _et_, little 3. _con_ clude, together 4. _dis_ close, un 5. _en_ close, in 6. _ex_ elude, out 7. exclus _ion_, act of 8. _in_ clude, within 9. _pre_ clude, before 10. _re_ cluse, back 11. _se_ clude, aside 12. se clus _ion_, state of being

1. To _shut_.

2. A _small_ side room in which, clothing and other articles are kept _shut_ away from view.

3. To bring to an end. Literally to _shut_ in or _together_ (obsolete); as, "The body of Christ was _concluded_ in the grave."

4. To _un-shut_; to open or uncover; to make known.

9. To put an obstacle _before_, or in the way of, in order to _shut_ out; to prevent or hinder.

10. One who is _shut_ up (or has _shut_ himself _back_) from the world or public view.

11. To _shut_ off or keep apart or _aside_, as from company or society.

#cor, cord# = heart.

1. core 2. cordi_al_, relating to 3. _con_ cord, with 4. cord _ate_, shaped 5. _dis_ cord, apart 6. discord _ant_, being 7. _re_ cord, again 8. cour _age_, having

1. The _heart_ or innermost part of a thing; as the _core_ of an apple.

2. _Relating to_ the _heart_; hearty, sincere.

3. Heart _with heart_; hence unity of sentiment or harmony. "Love quarrels oft in _concord_ end."

4. _Heart shaped_; as a _cordate_ leaf.

5. Heart _apart_ from _heart_; hence disagreement or want of harmony.

6. State of _being_ out of harmony.

7. _Record_; through the Latin _recordari_, to remember (or know _again_). To get by _heart_; hence to register; to write or inscribe an authentic account of.

8. _Having heart_; hence bravery, calmness, firmness. (The heart is accounted the seat of bravery; hence the derivative sense of courage.)

#corpus, corpor# = body.

1. corpse 2. corps (p.r.o.nounce core) 3. corpor _al_, relating to 4. corpu _lent_, full of 5. incorpor _ate_, make 6. corpus _cle_, small 7. corset 8. _habeas_ corpus. You may have

1. The _body_ only; hence a dead body.

2. A _body_ of soldiers.

3. _Relating to_ the _body_; as _corporal_ punishment.

4. A _corpulent_ person is fleshy; literally _full of body_.

5. To _make into_ a _body_ in the legal sense, so that a number of individuals may transact business legally as one person.

6. A _small body_; a minute particle.

7. In the middle ages, a close-fitting _body_ garment, having sleeves and skirt.

8. Literally, _you may have the body_. A writ requiring the body of a person restrained of liberty to be brought into court that the lawfulness of the restraint may be investigated.

#cura, curo# = care.

1. cure 2. cur_able_, capable of 3. cur_ate_, one who 4. curi _ous_, full of 5. _mani_ cure, hand 6. _ac_ cur ate, to 7. _pro_ cure, for 8. _se_ cure, aside

1. To take _care_ of; to restore to health.

2. _Capable of_ being cured or restored by _care_.

3. _One who_ has the _care_ of souls; a parish priest.

4. Formerly, _curious_ meant _full of care_, or careful, nice, precise; as, "Men were not _curious_ what syllables or particles they used." Eager to learn; inquisitive.

5. To _care_ for the _hands_ and nails.

6. A thing is made _accurate_ by giving _care to_ it.

7. Literally, to _care for_; to look after; as, "I _procured_ that rumor to be spread." To obtain; to get.

8. _Aside_, or free, from _care_, anxiety, or fear; safe.


#pre# = before.

1. pre _amble_, walk 2. pre _cede_, go 3. pre ced _ent_, that which 4. pre _cip_ ice, head 5. pre _clude_, shut 6. pre _coc_ ious, cook, ripe 7. pre _curs_ or, run 8. pre _destinate_, to determine 9. pre _dict_, speak 10. pre _face_, say 11. pre _fer_, bring 12. pre _fix_, fasten 13. pre _judice_, judgment 14. pre _limin_ ary, threshold 15. pre _mature_, ripe 16. pre _monit_ ion, warning 17. pre _pare_, make ready 18. pre _posit_ ion, place 19. pre _poster_ ous, after 20. pre _scribe_, write

1. The introductory part of a discourse. Formerly _preamble_ meant, to _walk_ over _before_hand; as, "I will take a thorough view of those who have _preambled_ this by path."

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Orthography Part 4 summary

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