Orthography Part 3

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4. When two minds _differ_, one _bears_ in one direction, the other in another, and thus they _bear apart_. They do not agree.

5. To _pour_ out and cause to spread _apart_, as a fluid; to circulate; to scatter.

6. To _place apart_ or out of proper position.

7. To _dismiss_ a congregation is to _send_ the people (or allow them to go) _apart_ to their homes.

8. To _dispel_ fear is to _drive_ it _away_.

9. To _dispose_ of property is to part with it (_put_ it _apart_ from one).

10. Rocks are _disrupted_ when _broken apart_.

11. To _dissect_ the eye of an ox is to _cut_ it _apart_, for the purpose of examination.

12. To _distend_ is to _stretch apart_ or spread in all directions; to dilate, to expand.

#extra# = beyond.

1. Extra _ordin_ ary, order, rule (_ary_, relating to). _Relating to_ what is _beyond_ or out of the common _rule_ or _order_; exceptional, unusual.

2. Extra _vag_ ant, _wander_ (_ant_, ing). _Wandering beyond_ bounds or out of the regular course; excessive.

#inter# = between, among, through.

1. inter _cede_, go 2. inter _cept_, take 3. inter _course_, run 4. inter _ject_ ion, throw 5. inter _lop_ er, run 6. inter _mingle_, mix 7. inter _pose_, place 8. inter _rogate_, ask 9. inter _sect_, cut 10. inter _val_, wall 11. inter _vene_, come 12. inter _view_, see

1. To _go between_ parties for the purpose of reconciling those who differ; to plead in favor of another.

2. To seize or _take between_ the starting point and destination; as to _intercept_ a letter or messenger.

3. Frequent or habitual meeting or contact of one person with another (a _running between_, to and fro).

4. An _interjection_ is a word _thrown_ in _between_ other words to express emotion or feeling.

5. An _interloper_ is _one who runs_ in _between_ two parties to get the advantage which one would obtain from the other. One who intercepts and buys a basket of eggs between a farmer's wagon and a grocery store would, from the standpoint of the merchant, be an _interloper_.

6. To _mix between_ or together.

7. To protect the eyes from a strong light _interpose_ (_place between_ the eyes and light) a shade.

8. To _interrogate_ is to question. (The _questions_ come _between_ the answers.)

9. One line _intersects_ another when it _cuts_ through it, or _between_ its parts.

10. An _interval_ is an open s.p.a.ce or stretch between things or limits. Formerly it meant a s.p.a.ce _between walls_.

11. To _come between_ persons, things, or events.

12. A mutual exchange of _views between_ two or more people.

#non# = not, un.

The prefix _non-_ may be joined to the leading word by means of a hyphen, or, in most cases, the hyphen may be dispensed with.

1. noncommittal 2. non compos mentis 3. nonconductor 4. nondescript 5. nonent.i.ty 6. nonessential 7. nonpareil 8. non-payment 9. nonplus 10. non-resident 11. nonsense 12. nonsuit

2. _Com_, with + _pos_, power + _mentis_, of mind. Literally, _not with power of mind_. Not of sound mind; not capable, mentally, of managing one's own affairs.

4. That which has _not_ been _described_; difficult to describe; new, novel, odd.

5. _Ent.i.ty_ means thing or being; hence a _nonent.i.ty_ is _no thing_ or nothing. Often applied to a person or thing which counts for little or _nothing_.

9. _Plus_ means more. Literally, a person is _nonplused_ when he can do _no more_, or go no further; puzzled, confounded, embarra.s.sed.

(It seems unnecessary to append definitions or ill.u.s.trations to other words of the above list.)

#per# = through, thoroughly, by.

1. per _ambul_ ate, walk 2. per _ceive_, take 3. per _cent_, hundred 4. per _col_ ate, filter 5. per _enni_ al, year 6. per _fect_, make 7. per _for_ ate, bore 8. per _form_, form 9. per _fume_, smoke 10. per _mit_, let go 11. per _plex_, entangle 12. per _secute_, follow 13. per _sist_, stand 14. per _vade_, go 15. per _vert_, turn 16. per _vi_ ous, way

1. To _walk through_ or over. He got out of bed and _perambulated_ the room for some minutes.

2. To _take_ or obtain knowledge _through_ the senses. To _take_ with a _thorough_ mental grasp; to understand.

3. _By_ the _hundred_.

4. To pa.s.s _through_; as, a _filter_ or strainer.

5. Lasting _through_ the _year_, or through many years.

6. _Thoroughly made_; finished in every part; without blemish or defect.

7. To _bore through_; to make holes in; to pierce.

8. To _form thoroughly_; to execute, accomplish, or carry out.

9. "To _perfume_ means literally to _smoke thoroughly_. Hence to impregnate or fill with scent or odor."-_Kennedy._

10. By this _permit_ we may _go through_ the factory.

11. To _entangle thoroughly_. "Love with doubts _perplexes_ still the mind."

12. To _follow_ with persistence or _thoroughness_. To follow close after; specifically to afflict or hara.s.s on account of adherence to a particular creed. The early Christians suffered _persecution_.

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Orthography Part 3 summary

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