Orthography Part 2

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5. To _draw_ a bounding line _round_; hence to mark out the limits of.

6. _Looking around_ on all sides; examining carefully.

7. That which attends or relates to (_stands around_, as it were,) an event, a person or a thing.

8. To _circ.u.mvent_ one in any enterprise is to _come around_ in an unexpected way for the purpose of gaining an advantage.

#contra, (contro, counter)# = against

1. contra _dict_, speak 2. contra _vene_, come 3. contra _st_, stand 4. counter _act_, do 5. counter _balance_, scales 6. contro _versy_, turn

1. To _speak against_; to a.s.sert the opposite of.

2. To _come against_; to oppose.

3. To _stand against_; to set in opposition to, as two or more objects of a like kind with a view to showing their difference.

4. To act _against_; to _do_ what hinders.

5. To _weigh against_ with equal weight; equal weight, power or influence acting in opposition to.

6. A _turning against_; debate, contention.

#ann# = year.

1. annu _al_, relating to 2. anni _vers_ ary, turn 3. annu _ity_, that which 4. _bi_ ennial, two 5. _cent_ ennial, hundred 6. _mille_ nnium, thousand 7. _per_ ennial, through 8. _super_ annuate, beyond

1. _Relating to_ a _year_; yearly.

2. _That_ day _which returns_ once a _year_ commemorating some event.

3. A stated sum of money payable _yearly_.

4. Happening once in _two years_; lasting two years.

5. Consisting of or lasting a _hundred years_. Happening every hundred years.

6. A period or interval of a _thousand years_.

7. _Throughout_ the _year_; lasting, perpetual.

8. Condition of being _beyond_ the _years_ of active service; impaired or disabled by length of years.

#art# = skill.

1. art _ist_, one who 2. arti _fic_ ial, make 3. artist _ic_, relating to 4. art _less_, without

1. _One who_ is _skilled_ or adept in any of the fine arts.

2. Produced or _made_ by _art_ or _skill_ rather than by nature.

3. _Relating_ to _skill_ in any field.

4. _Without skill_; especially without skill in fraud or deceit.

#aster, (astr)# = star.

1. aster _isk_, little 2. aster _oid_, form 3. astr _olog_ er, speak.

4. astr _onomy_, distribute 5. _dis_ aster, apart

1. Literally, a _little star_; a mark like a star used to refer to a note in the margin.

2. _Formed_ like a _star_.

3. _One who speaks_ about the _stars_; one who foretells events by the stars, or interprets the supposed influence of the stars.

4. The science which treats of the _distribution_, arrangement and size of heavenly bodies (_stars_).

5. An unfavorable aspect of a _star_ or planet, hence an ill portent, a calamity.

#aud# = hear.

1. aud _ible_, capable of 2. audit _ory_, pertaining to 3. audit _ors_, those who 4. _in_ audible, not

1. _Capable of_ being _heard_.

2. _Pertaining to_ the _hearing_, or the sense of hearing.

3. _Those who hear_; people who a.s.semble for the purpose of hearing music or discourse.

4. _Not capable_ of being _heard_; indistinct.


#dis (dif)# = apart, from, away.

1. dis _burse_, purse 2. dis _cord_, heart 3. dis _cuss_, shake 4. dif _fer_, bear 5. dif _fuse_, pour 6. dis _loc_ ate, place 7. dis _miss_, send 8. dis _pel_, drive 9. dis _pose_, put 10. dis _rupt_, break 11. dis _sect_, cut 12. dis _tend_, stretch

1. To _disburse_ money is to pay it out (_from_ one's _purse_).

2. (Literally, _hearts apart_.) Want of harmony; not agreeing in opinion, or in action.

3. The _discussion_ of a question _shakes_ it _apart_, for a more thorough examination.

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Orthography Part 2 summary

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