Siren's Call Part 29

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Tessa rolled her eyes. "My red hair and green eyes mark me as genetically inferior."

Kenneth winced. It wasn't the first time in history the pursuit of racial superiority had destroyed innocent lives. "You just granted us the status of amba.s.sadors," he said, trying to pull the proverbial rabbit out of a non-existent hat. "Surely you could extend the courtesy to Tessa, as well. She is the reason we are here."

"As a Mer born and raised on the human side, technically she belongs to us," Jake added.

Magaera's eyes went as hard as stone. "Technically you are all alive because of my good graces," she countered icily.

"And we do wish to stay on your good side, merciful queen," Jake backpedaled, ever the expert a.s.s kisser.

Kenneth gaped at the archaeologist. He should have figured when push came to shove, Jake would be the first to jump overboard to save his own worthless hide. The rat.

Magaera looked at them all, her expression grave. "As I said earlier, I require guidance as I plan the Mers' return to the human world."

Kenneth's inner antennae went on high alert. There was no way in h.e.l.l he'd help the Mer return to the human world.

Snapping his resolve into line, he cleared his throat. "I'm not helping you."

The queen's expression was utterly unconcerned. She didn't look one bit impressed that he dared to speak up against her.

Magaera laughed. "You mistake your value in my eyes." Her eyes flared, pale and almost colorless. "I require only one of you, and I have made my choice." Her lips stretched into a mirthless smile. "Like the ill-bred Mer you unwisely defend, you are expendable."

Just like that, the hammer delivering her judgment came down.


Chapter 17.

Hands on her hips, Tessa surveyed the cell. As far as she could tell the walls surrounding them were fas.h.i.+oned from sheets of snowflake-colored obsidian. Though no more than a few inches thick, the smooth, s.h.i.+ny surface was impenetrable. And appeared to be absolutely unbreakable.

"There has to be a way out of this."

"You tell me," Kenneth said from behind her.

Tessa pivoted on her heel. Kenneth sat on the cold stone floor. Back against the wall, he sat with one leg bent at the knee, his arm casually propped on top. His hand dangled. The obsidian glowed faintly, just enough to provide a filtered, gloomy light.

"For a man that's just been condemned to death, you're taking things pretty calmly."

He shrugged. "Not much I can do about it. We've been over every inch of this cell, and there isn't a crack in the walls. And unless you can somehow conjure a sledgehammer, I doubt we're going to be busting out of this place anytime soon."

Tessa inwardly winced. He was absolutely right, d.a.m.n it.

Walking over to the nearest wall, she pressed both her palms against the surface. The stone was negatively charged, amplified until it had the strength of steel.

s.h.i.+t. I can't draw a charge off these. It was like having a flashlight and a handful of dead batteries. Neither would do her any good.

She shook her head. Claustrophobia was beginning to set in. It was like being locked in a giant gla.s.s cube. "I doubt a sledgehammer would do the job. The stone's been drained so no Mer can draw energy out."

"I suppose after that go- round with the sea-gate you haven't got any charge left to throw at it anyway."

Tessa's hands dropped. She'd almost burned herself down to a crisp trying to channel enough energy to open the sea-gate. Right now she'd need a mountain-sized crystal just to generate enough energy to flick a pea. "I wish I did, but I haven't got a drop left."

He shrugged. "Guess we sit and wait it out, then."

Nerves upsetting her empty stomach, Tessa felt sick. "I wish you'd at least look a little bit worried."

"You just have to accept what you can't change."

She tried for a smile but found none. "How about you changing what you can't accept?"

He drew in a deep breath, then blew it out. "Feel free."

Tessa sighed. "I wish I was."

She trekked over to sit beside him, plopping down. Unlike the luxurious chambers aboveground, the dungeons below the queen's sanctuary were cold, stark, and forbidding. They were given no furniture to sit on and no food to eat. Their sole luxury was a thin stream of water issuing from a slit in the wall. The water filled a circular stone basin; a drain carved around its edge prevented overflow. The water was clean, clear, and ice-cold.

At least we won't thirst to death, she thought. Of course, the flip side, starvation, wouldn't be pleasant with or without water. She hoped that wasn't going to be their fate. The idea of slowly wasting away into skin and bones wasn't on her list of ways to die. At the very least, she hoped they'd go fast.

Preferably without a lot of pain.

"I'm sorry I got you into this mess."

A pent-up breath rushed from his lungs. "It's okay."

Tessa shook her head. "No, it's not. Because I insisted on opening the sea-gate, you're about to be executed." She slammed her palms against her forehead over and over. "I'm so d.a.m.n brainless."

"Hey, stop that!" Kenneth's fingers circled her wrists, bringing her hands down. "You couldn't have known what was behind that thing when you opened it. h.e.l.l, I think we all wanted to know."

She shook her head stubbornly. "You didn't. You warned us it could be trouble messing with the unknown. If you'd have been smart, you wouldn't have followed me through."

Kenneth gave her an incredulous look. "Do you honestly think I could have stayed behind, not knowing what happened to you? There was no way in h.e.l.l anyone could have kept me from going through that gate after you vanished."

Her vision blurred. "I signed our death warrants when I opened the sea-gate."

A wry smile parted his lips. "Except for Jake's. He seems to be getting along quite well."

Tessa blinked back her tears, refusing to let them fall. "That rat b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Somehow he always manages to slither away untouched."

"Maybe it's our one advantage. Given some time, he may be able to convince the queen it's in her best interest to release us."

She sniffed. "You really think he'd do that?"

He nodded. "Jake's crafty, and so is Magaera. She clearly plans for the Mer to make a return to our world now that the sea-gate is open. But they just can't exactly come swimming out. She'll need help."

Tessa considered. "Maybe Jake can convince her she needs our cooperation. The moment the Mer come out, the whole d.a.m.n world's going to freak."

"We can hope." Kenneth's fingertips trailed slowly down her cheek, raising an exquisite sensitivity. "Meanwhile, stop beating yourself up. Let's just wait and see what happens."

She smiled. "How did I get lucky enough to find a man like you?"

He arched a brow. "You found me, remember? You're the one who fished me out of the water."

Tessa laughed. "Looks like I caught myself a keeper." The filtered light cast gentle shadows across his face, lessening the severity of his angular features.

His gaze fastened onto hers. "When I said I'd follow you to h.e.l.l and back, I meant it. I love you, Tessa. I think I've loved you from the day your lips first touched mine."

Tessa tilted her head to look up at him. "Really? You're not just saying that because we're about to die?"

One corner of his mouth tugged up. "I'm not just saying that. I mean it. I want to be with you, whether we've got five more minutes or fifty more years."

Drawing a deep breath, she shook her head. Wow. She couldn't say for sure how she would've felt had their positions been reversed. Betrayed. Maybe even angry. She'd run roughshod over him and he'd taken it. If that wasn't the mark of a patient man, she didn't know what was.

She inwardly cringed. And I've been such a b.i.t.c.h, insisting on getting my way every time. "That's . . ." Emotion clogged her throat, cutting off her words.

Kenneth leaned closer, closing the narrow distance between them. "Called commitment. And if you haven't already figured it out, I'm very committed to you." His mouth slowly covered hers.

Lips parting under his, Tessa eased into the kiss. Sensing his need for control, she allowed him to take command. He eased his tongue in, delivering a velvety stroke. The taste of him was rich and smooth, like taking a bite of rich dark chocolate.

Her internal temperature hitched up a notch. So did strategic body parts. G.o.ddess, I want him.


Tingling with antic.i.p.ation, Tessa's hand began to trace the inside of his thigh.

Kenneth pulled back, letting out a reluctant groan. "Better be careful." He darted a glance toward his hips. "I don't think I could hold back."

Body temperature inching higher, Tessa breathed a soft sound laced with need. "I want to." Heat curled through her, traveling lower. Moistness dampened her panties. "This might be our only chance to be together again."

Tipping back his head, he blew out a breath. "G.o.d, I wish it wasn't here, like this."

She cupped her hands around his face, forcing him to look at her. "So it's not moonlight and roses." She pressed another quick kiss to his mouth. "It's you and me being together."

Kenneth lifted a strong hand, brus.h.i.+ng a few stray locks of hair away from her face. His gaze searched hers. "You really want this?"

Tessa swallowed over the lump in her throat and nodded. "Yes." All she knew was need, the desire to touch and be touched. Licking dry lips, she glanced down, exploring the bulge beneath his jeans. "And I doubt you're in much of a position to say no right now."

He smiled crookedly. "I d.a.m.n sure wouldn't want to."

Tessa stretched out over his lap. "You don't have to." Unb.u.t.toning his jeans, she tugged his zipper down.

Kenneth gasped as her fingers circled his shaft. "Oh, G.o.d, I can't believe you're actually going to . . ." His gasp of surprise filled her ears as her lips closed around the plum-ripe crown.

Tessa pleasured him with her mouth, tonguing his length with slow circles and wicked little nips. She continued the sweet torment, making him moan more than once.

Fighting through the pleasure to catch his breath, Kenneth tangled his fingers in her long hair. "If you don't stop now, I'll lose it."

She smiled. "Just let it happen."

But Kenneth wasn't content to just let it happen. He needed control.

Absolute control.

With a groan of effort, he a.s.sumed the superior position, pulling her up onto her knees and turning her around. "You're not running away from me anymore, Tessa." His strong hands circled her waist, ripping the front of her jeans open. He fiercely tugged them over her hips.

Hands pressed firmly against the floor, Tessa glanced back over one shoulder. When they'd made love before, he'd always been a gentle, considerate lover.

Now he'd turned into a tiger, and his carnal appet.i.te made her the prey. There was no way she could resist his hard, sleekly muscled body. There was no way she wanted to. Her body pulsed in antic.i.p.ation.

She caught a glimpse of his erection. "Come on," she challenged with throaty gasp. "Make me yours. Only yours."

Answering her cry, Kenneth gave a single, unsparing thrust.

Shuddering in surrender, Tessa felt every inch. Her nails sc.r.a.ped against the cold stone floor as he moved in and out. Each jolt of his hips against hers only stoked the flames higher.

Wildly aroused, she moved her hips to meet him. It wasn't long before waves of pleasure took over her, giving her no chance to catch her breath. Tessa came with a strangled cry. The sensations went on and on, spreading through her like a searing wildfire consuming dry prairie gra.s.s. Kenneth's body shuddered as final release claimed him, and they collapsed together, a heap of tangled limbs.

Gathering her into his arms, Kenneth pulled her close. His arm pillowed her head. Limp and stunned, Tessa couldn't move. Not one single inch. The exertions of the entire day had suddenly caught up with her and she was too d.a.m.n exhausted. They lay in the semidarkness for a long time, her back pressed to his front.

Just as she was about to slip into a dreamy sleep of contentment, a portion of the obsidian wall began to glimmer. A slice of the stone vanished, leaving a doorway-sized opening.

Tessa hurriedly sat up as Jake Ma.s.sey stepped inside. A Mer guard followed closely at his heels.

Blue eyes glittering, he eyed her half- naked body. "Well, well, looks as if we've caught you two doing the nasty. Unfortunately, in Ishaldi it's a crime against nature for a Mer to mate with a motley inferior."

Despite the languor seeping through his bones, Kenneth snapped instantly awake. Pus.h.i.+ng to his knees, he struggled to pull his clothing back into place. Beside him, Tessa was cursing as she fought with her own zipper. He'd given it quite a yank earlier and she couldn't seem to get it up again. Her cheeks were flushed, blazing with embarra.s.sment.

"Who the h.e.l.l you calling motley?"

Ignoring her question, Jake kept his sultry gaze pinned on Tessa. "She's a great lay, isn't she?"

"Jake," Tessa cried angrily. "Now isn't the time for your games."

Clothes back in place, Kenneth stood up. "What the h.e.l.l are you up to, man?"

Jake waved a hand casually. "Queen Magaera has given me the chance to come and say good-bye."

Kenneth felt a cold spike go straight through his heart. Any confidence he'd had that Jake could help them escape certain death fizzled away. "What do you mean, say good-bye?"

"Although I tried to change Her Majesty's mind, I'm afraid the queen is still set on executing you both."

Tessa let out a gasp. "Doesn't sound as if you tried very d.a.m.n hard."

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Siren's Call Part 29 summary

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