Siren's Call Part 6

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He c.o.c.ked his head. "I hope you'll fill me in."

She handed him the robe. "I'll consider it if you promise not to sneak up on me again. You've got a bad habit of putting your nose where it doesn't belong." Since it was too late to drown him and hide the evidence, she supposed she'd have to put up with him. He'd already proved himself valuable by fixing the swamp cooler, and good help that worked cheap was hard to find.

Kenneth accepted the dripping thing, shaking it out and holding it open. "No more sneaking and peeking," he promised.

Tessa fought to keep her expression stern. He spoke as if he visited with Merfolk every day of the week. "Well, no peeking now. I like to s.h.i.+ft in private."

"I won't look." A grin split his face. "Unless you ask me to."

Tessa pondered a moment. She found the idea appealing, but decided to pa.s.s for the moment. Maybe she'd think about it. Later.

"We'll see about that."

He grinned. "Promise?"

"Keep it up and you'll go back into the water," she muttered. "I can guarantee you won't come out a second time."

"Oh. Feisty. I like that."

Tessa shot him a scowl, even though he couldn't see it. "Put a lid on it or you'll be sleeping with the fishes." She smacked her tail on the water to emphasize her point. "Mermaids are known for their bad tempers."

"Sounds like you have issues." His smile widened. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

"Shove yours, please. And close your eyes."

He gallantly closed his eyes. "Closed."

"About time."

Tessa reached for the crystal hanging around her neck and concentrated. Her tail began to reshape itself. Within seconds two normal legs replaced it.

She climbed to her feet, slipping into the robe and belting the tie around her waist. "All done."

Kenneth opened his eyes. Looking her up and down, he smiled his approval. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see more."

She gave him a level stare. "It's all anatomy. If you've seen one Mer, you've seen them all." She steadied her footing on the slippery rock. The wind was beginning to kick up, the mist thickening. "I think it's time to go in."

One corner of his mouth kicked up. "I suppose that's my cue to buzz off." He clearly didn't want to go.

Half distrust, half pleasure filled her. He was doing a d.a.m.n good job of worming his way into the rest of her night.

Unwilling to make things too easy for him, she snorted. "Buzz away."

He c.o.c.ked his head at her. "Oh, great. Send me off while I'm way too wound up to sleep." He threw her a flas.h.i.+ng grin.

Tessa's heart tripped at the s.e.xy arch of his full, sensual mouth. He really knew how to put that pirate's smile to good use. Something in his lost-boy appeal sent a rush of adrenaline through her veins.

Whether or not she wanted to admit it, Tessa genuinely liked the man. He had a good sense of humor and seemed to be a hard worker. Having him around might not be as bad as she'd imagined. He appeared able to handle the fact she wasn't entirely human.

Sick of holding everyone at arm's length, Tessa gave in. She was tired of hating herself for being different, of yearning uselessly to be human. Most of all she was tired of being alone.

She drew a deep breath. "Then you might as well come inside. I think I could use a drink." A shaky laugh escaped. "It's not every day I get to show off my tail."

Kenneth grinned. "It's a nice tail." And he'd like to see more of her.

With or without it on.

As for that drink, he could use one, too. He was wide-awake and too d.a.m.n wired to even consider sleeping now. Sleep wouldn't be coming anytime soon. He'd probably regret staying up so late, but dragging himself away from Tessa's company was impossible. He could snooze anytime.

Heart thudding in his chest, Kenneth followed her lead. Obscured by the thick mist settling across the land, the moonlight no longer cast its light on the earth below. The night had deepened, darkened. The island felt deserted, wrapped in a cottony soft coc.o.o.n.

Tessa moved like a gazelle, sure- footed and graceful as they negotiated the craggy sh.o.r.e. He stumbled like a clod with two left feet, silently cursing the effects of too many beers.

A moment later a door opened and the night disappeared, shut outside.

Tessa flashed an apologetic smile. "Hang on a minute. I want to put on something dry." Disappearing down a short hallway, she left him standing in a warm, cozy living room.

Kenneth looked around, taking in the simple decor. The house offered a reflection of its inhabitants, right down to the heavy wooden furniture one expected to see in an old New England oceanfront, complete with faded wallpaper and a mult.i.tude of family photographs stretching back through a couple of generations. Though immaculately clean, it was an old house. The place was obviously lived in, and comfortable to its inhabitants.

Tessa reappeared. "That's better." She'd thrown on a sweat suit, obscuring the curves that had been so obvious earlier. Her long hair was twirled up, secured with a clip. A few damp strands refused to be tamed, straggling around her face and neck in a most alluring way. Untouched by makeup, her skin was flawless, and deeply tanned.

After seeing her mostly naked, Kenneth hadn't thought she could get any better. He was wrong. Even bundled in baggy sweatpants and a baggier sweats.h.i.+rt, with her hair soaking wet, she looked s.e.xy as h.e.l.l.

He cleared his throat, turning away before a certain part of his anatomy revealed his thoughts. "You look great." It had been a long time since he'd considered getting physical with any woman.

Kenneth mentally put the brakes on. They'd known each other barely a single day. True, he'd thought about her, dreamed about her, for months. But at that point in time she was little more than a vague impression in his mind, a faceless phantom siren. Now that he knew her to be real and not a figment of his imagination, the fantasy was no longer acceptable.

He wanted the real woman.

But does she want me? His internal question nagged.

There was only one answer: Wait and find out.

Kenneth darted a glance around. "So you live here all by yourself?" He wanted to know everything about her. At least a hundred questions rolled through his mind, but he revisited the urge to pelt her with one right after the other.

Even though she had accepted his intrusion with good grace, he could tell by the aloofness in her manner that she wasn't entirely comfortable. It would take time for her to trust him. And until she did, he'd have to be patient. Answers would come. Later.

First he wanted her to be comfortable. He wanted her to trust him. It came without saying that he would have to earn it.

The barest hint of sadness touched Tessa's lips. A trace of shadows lingered behind her vibrant gaze. Loneliness . . . or something else? Whatever it was, it vanished as soon as it had arrived. "Just me and the lighthouse, and Jasper," she said honestly. "And now you."

"Your sister doesn't live here?"

"Sisters," she corrected. "Gwen and Addison moved over to Port Rock a few years ago. They prefer the human way of life."

Though she appeared calm, a vibe of uneasiness hovered around her. Given the circ.u.mstances behind his discovery, it was entirely understandable she would feel ill at ease.

"Must get lonely, being left behind."

A frown crossed her face. "Sometimes." A visible s.h.i.+ver coursed through her. "I think I need that drink to take the chill off. Join me?"

He nodded. "Sure." He didn't really need any more booze, but a gentleman didn't let a lady drink all by herself.

Tessa indicated the sofa with a nod of her head. "Sit. I'll pour."

Kenneth took a seat. A hand-crocheted throw was tossed over the back of a well-worn sofa. Though it sagged a little in the middle, its thick cus.h.i.+ons were comfortable. A twenty-gallon tank sat behind it, teeming with a mult.i.tude of colorful fish. He settled back, watching the fish swim in their tranquil environment.

He jerked a thumb toward the tank. "So these would be your cousins, right?"

Tessa put her hands on her hips. She had the grace to grin, flas.h.i.+ng perfectly white teeth. "Cute." Her green eyes s.h.i.+mmered with good humor. "You're a real funny guy."

Kenneth held her gaze and winked. "Humor's a good defense. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. And you look like a lady who needs a little laughter in her life."

Lips the shade of fresh strawberries settled into a s.e.xy smirk. "You think so?"

He spread his hands. "Definitely." Right then and there he vowed to taste her lips before morning arrived. At the moment, the notion didn't seem far-fetched at all.

Tessa raised a mock fist. "Sit down before I knock you on your a.s.s, please."

Kenneth did a mental comparison. Tall and willowy, Tessa wasn't a shrinking violet. She stood at least five-ten, fairly tall for a woman. That pretty package probably carried a lot of dynamite.

Still, he couldn't resist challenging her. He arched an eyebrow and shot back, "You really think you could?"

Tessa's brows arched higher. She stepped right up to the plate and swung hard. "I'm a lot stronger than I look." She pointedly eyed him from head to foot. "And don't forget who dragged your sorry a.s.s out of the bay."

She'd hit a home run. The proverbial ball sailed right over his head. He flinched. "You've got a point."

She stuck out her tongue and pulled a face. "And they stick out all over my body, I know. n.o.body's ever accused me of being a nice b.i.t.c.h."

Well, at least she knew herself. Most people didn't.

Kenneth held his hands up, signaling a time-out. "Maybe we could skip the b.i.t.c.h part and try for pleasant."

She shook her head. "Pleasant is the polite way of saying I'll tolerate you for now. If you want me to be civil, I need a drink."

"If it will help your mood, by all means, proceed."

Tessa rolled her eyes. "About time." She walked over to a small wet bar tucked in one corner.

Kenneth watched her walk, enjoying the sight. Tessa cracked open a bottle. Splas.h.i.+ng a generous amount into two, she delivered one to him. "Best service on the island."

He accepted the drink. "And delivered by the prettiest girl."

Tessa settled down across from him. The distinct aroma of sea water and warm female skin tickled his nostrils. He inhaled, enjoying her unique scent. "You may imbibe liberally and be merry."

He eyed the amber liquid. It smelled vaguely like apricot brandy. Not his favorite, but he'd grin and drink it and pretend to enjoy it. Now that he'd gotten inside the house, he wanted to stay. The fact that she had a working swamp cooler had nothing to do with it, either. "Can't say I really need this."

She raised her gla.s.s in a brief toast. "Be merry tonight, hungover tomorrow. We'll both probably be dragging a.s.s for staying up so late." She downed hers. "Good thing I'm sleeping in."

A woman who took her booze straight and neat. Impressive. "Am I going to have that luxury?"

She considered. "Entertain me well and you might."

Tipping the gla.s.s, he swallowed his shot in a single gulp. It added to the warm glow in his belly. "I'll sing and dance, and offer a little romance." The words sounded insipid coming out of his mouth, but he didn't care. Right now he was having a good time. It seemed like forever and a day had pa.s.sed since he'd enjoyed a woman's company and just laughed.

Tessa eyed him over the rim of her gla.s.s. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Kenneth willingly swallowed the bait. He felt positively giddy. "So if I'm good, maybe you'll show me your tail again?"

Tessa released a tremulous breath. Uncertainty hovered beneath her calm facade. The subject loomed between them like an invisible wall. "It's been a long time since I showed my tail to a strange man."

Remembering how uniquely beautiful she'd looked sitting on the rock, tension knotted his stomach. Moonlight had lit the incoming mist, lending a magical touch to the scene of the mermaid staring out over the water.

Kenneth wished he'd had a camera to capture the fleeting moment. As it stood, he doubted he'd ever be able to forget his first glimpse of Tessa in her true form. "If it helps, yours is the first tail I've ever laid eyes on," he said, trying to keep the conversation light, nonthreatening. "And now that you know me, why are you calling me strange?"

She visibly relaxed. "What would you like me to call you?" she quipped back. "A cab?"

Ken laid a hand over his heart and put on a Groucho Marx leer. "How about calling me your boyfriend?"

Eyes widening with surprise, Tessa delicately coughed into her hand. She looked at him as if deciding whether or not to take the bait. All she had to say was no, and it was game over.

Her tongue darted out, moistening her tempting lips. "Is that something you'd want?"

He leaned closer. Oh, yeah. He definitely did. "Is it something you'd consider?" Though he fully expected to be turned down, it was fun to ask. It was part of what made chasing the fairer s.e.x interesting.

Tessa hesitated. She looked both startled and pleased. "Maybe." Her answer intrigued.

Kenneth went one step further. The ground could crumble beneath his feet at any moment, but he didn't care. Even if she shot him down, he had to ask. "So how do I turn maybe into yes?"

She gave a bemused smile. "You could try asking."

The desire to be funny vanished. He leaned forward, reaching out to trace her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "So if I asked for a kiss, do you think I'd get one?" He wasn't sure if he was teasing or not. If she allowed it, he'd definitely follow through.

Tessa tipped her head to one side. "You've already had a kiss."

Kenneth gulped back a moan. Keeping his thoughts on track wasn't easy. Right now he'd love to nuzzle the gentle curve between her neck and shoulder. "Oh, I think I'd remember kissing you."

One corner of her fine mouth edged up. "Guess you don't remember all that mouth-to-mouth."

Ken's pulse spiked. He'd always had the notion they'd already had some kind of physical connection. "Is that all it was? Simple mouth-to-mouth?"

Tessa's gaze never wavered. Eyes he could drown in glittered mysteriously. "There was a teeny bit of Mer magic involved." She lifted her hand, measuring off about a half inch between her thumb and forefinger.

Given the fact she could s.h.i.+ft her shape, he wasn't surprised. Banter evaporated, replaced with something a little more serious. Things were beginning to get a little bit more complicated and tangled than he'd initially imagined.

"Magic?" A burning sensation settled in the pit of his stomach. "As in some kind of enchantment?"

The light faded from her gaze. "Of a sort," she answered vaguely, her expression shuttered.

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Siren's Call Part 6 summary

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