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DESEMBARCAR. _Span._ and _Port._ To disembark.
DESESPERADO. _Span._ and _Port._ Desperate; a desperado.
DESHONESTO. _Span._ and _Port._ Not "dishonest," but "immodest, lascivious."
DEs.p.a.cHO. _Span._ An office; a _depot_. Used also of certain shops, such as the bakers, tobacco-sellers, and others.
DESPOBLADO. _Span._ Desert, or waste lands. Lit. depopulated; the true history is seen in the etymology. The word is applied to uncultivated desert, or uninhabited parts of the country, grazed for the most part by half wild sheep or cattle.
DESPUES. _Span._ Afterwards. _Hasta despues_, "Au revoir."
DETRAS. _Span._ Behind. See TIRAR.
DIESTRO. _Span._ Skilful, dexterous; as a substantive, a performer at a bull-feast, also a fencer.
DIOS. _Span._ G.o.d.
DISPARATE. _Span._ and _Port._ A blunder, or extravagance. As an interjection, "Stuff and nonsense!"
DJMAH. The name of a tower in Tangier. Apparently the Arab. _Jami_' = mosque.
DOIRO. _Port._ Of gold, _de oiro_ or _ouro_.
DON, DOnA. _Span._ DOM, DONA. _Port._ Lord; lady.
DONOSTIAN. _Basque_. San Sebastian.
DORSO. _Span._ and _Port._ The back.
DOSTA. _Rom._ Enough! Span. _basta_! P. ii. 308; M. vii. 45.
DOUBLOON. _Eng._ A gold coin. _Span. doblon_. See Burke's _Hist. of Spain_, ii. 284.
DRAO. _Rom._ Poison. P. ii. 316; Pp. 215; M. vii. 45.
DROMaLIS. _Rom._ Carriers, muleteers, men of the road. P. ii. 319.
DRUN, DROM. _Rom._ A road. Grk. d????. P. ii. 318; Pp. 215; M. vii.
DRUNGRUJE, better DRONGRUGI or DRUNJI. _Rom._ The king's highway; also a bridle-path. See DRUN.
DUENDE. _Span._ and _Port._ A ghost, or hobgoblin. In _Germania_, or thieves' slang = the watch, patrol.
DUFFEL. _O. Eng._ A coa.r.s.e woollen cloth, said to have been first made at Duffel, near Amsterdam.
DUROTUNo. A shepherd. Probably connected with _dur_ = far, P. ii. 317; M. vii. 48. It is worth noticing that we find _Gorotune_ = a native of Estremadura, which looks like a pun, P. i. 54, so too J., who has also _oroturne_ = a mountaineer, which suits the idea.
E, Es. _Rom._ Genitive, sing. and plur., of the article _O_.
E. _Port._ And.
EIDRI. See s.h.i.+LLAM.
ELLEGREN. Stated by Borrow to be a Scand. word, meaning "elfin plant,"
but the dictionaries do not give it. _Elle_, however, in composition = fairy, in Danish; and _gren_ = bough, in Danish, Norse, and Swedish.
EMBeO. _Rom._ A book. P. ii. 62.
EMBUSTERO. _Span._ Impostor, cheat, schemer; from _embuste_, a deceit, false or fraudulent scheme, snare.
ENCINA. _Span._ An oak.
ENDEMONIADO. _Span._ Possessed by the devil.
ENGANCHAR. _Span._ To enlist as a soldier. Prim. to hook; _gancho_, a hook.
ENSAYO. _Span._ An essay, attempt.
ENTENDER. _Span._ To understand.
ENTERO. _Span._ An _entire_ horse, or stallion. As an adjective, entire, perfect, complete.
ERRATE. _Rom._ A respectful appellation of the gypsy race, used by them of their own race. From Rom. _rat_, blood; the people of the same blood; our blood relations. P. ii. 272; Pp. 457; M. viii. 56.
ERRAY. _Rom._ Gentleman. More commonly, _rai_; in Eng. Rom., _rye_.
P. ii. 264; Pp. 453; M. viii. 54.
ERREGUInA. _Basque._ Queen. Borrow is mistaken in connecting this word with Sanscrit. It is simply the Lat. _regina_.
ERUDITO. _Span._ and _Port._ Learned.
ESCAPADO. _Span._ and _Port._ Escaped, a runaway.
ESCLIVITUD. _Span._ Slavery.
ESCOCeS. _Span._ Scotch.
ESCONDIDO. _Span._ and _Port._ _Adj._ hidden.
ESCOPETA. _Span._ and _Port._ A gun.
ESCRIBANO. _Span._ A notary, or his clerk. Lit. a writer.