The Bible in Spain Volume II Part 34

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ORAcAM, ORAcO. _Port._ A prayer.

OTRO. _Span._ Other. _No hay otro en el mundo_, "There's none like it in the world."

OULEM. _Hebr._ Of the world. Arab. '_olam_.

PACHi. _Rom._ Modesty, honour, virginity. P. ii. 347.

PACIENCIA. _Span._ and _Port._ Patience.

PAcO. _Port._ The Court.

PADRE. _Span._ and _Port._ Father.

PADRINO. _Span._ (1) Sponsor, G.o.dfather; (2) second-in a duel.

PADRON. _Span._ Patron, landlord.

PAHAN. _Phn._ A rabbit.

PAISANO. _Span._ and _Port._ A countryman; _not_ a peasant, but a man of the same country as another; a compatriot. As the conventional answer to the challenge, "_Quien vive_?" by a Spanish sentry, it means "Civilian."

PAJANDI. _Rom._ A guitar. According to Borrow, lit. "the thing that is touched or played upon." P. ii. 369, 426.

PAJARIA. _Span._ Straw-market. The place where straw is _kept_ is PAJAR.

PAL. Rom. See PLAN.

PALABRA. _Span._ A word.

PALOMAR. _Span._ A dovecote.

PAN. _Span._ Bread.

PANHAGIA. _Grk._ Lit. All-holy. The Virgin Mary.

PANi. See p.a.w.nEE.

PAnUELO. _Span._ A handkerchief. Lit. a little cloth.

PAPAS. _Grk._ A priest (pap??).

PARA. _Span._ and _Port._ For.

PARNo. _Rom._ White. P. ii. 359; Pp. 410; M. viii. 32.

PARNe. White, or silver money; thence, as in the case of Fr. _argent_, money in general. See PARNo.

PARRA. _Span._ Festoons of vines; the trellis or stakes upon which these festoons are trained.

PARUGAR. _Rom._ To barter, swop, chaffer. P. ii. 354; Pp. 412; M.

viii. 33.

PASTELEROS. _Span._ Pastrycooks.

PASTESAS. _Rom._ The hands. _Ustilar a pastesas_ is to steal "with the hands," or by any sleight of hand. Z. i. 315. The usual Span. gypsy word is _ba_, J.; _bas_, Z. i. 522. Both are doubtless variations of the more common _vast_. P. ii. 86; Pp. 573; M. viii. 94; SC. 151.

PASTOR. _Span._ and _Port._ Shepherd.

PATIO. _Span._ and _Port._ The court of a house; either the open s.p.a.ce round which Spanish houses are so commonly built, or an open court in front of it.


p.a.w.nEE, PANi. _Rom._ Water. Hind. _pani_. The one special word known to all gypsies wherever found, even in Brazil. P. ii. 343; Pp. 405; M.

viii. 31; G. i. 61.

PELUNI. _Arab._ Of another. See ii. 313.

PENAR, PENELAR. _Rom._ To speak, say. P. ii. 386; Pp. 421; M. viii.


PEnA. _Span._ A rock.

PEPTNDORIO. _Rom._ Antonio; proper name.

PERICO. _Span._ A small parrot.

PERO. _Span._ But

PERRO. _Span._ A dog.

PESAR. _Span._ and _Port._ To afflict, distress. Lit. to weigh. _Me peso_, "I'm very sorry."

PESETA. _Span._ A Spanish coin, representing, down to 1870, two silver reals or four reals _vellon_, but since 1870 the standard or unit of value in Spanish finance, is nearly equal to the French _franc_, and, like it, divided for purposes of account, into 100 _centimos_.

PETULENGRO, PETALENGRO. _Eng. Rom._ A shoeing smith. See note on i.

204; P. ii. 348; Pp. 427; M. viii. 37; SC. 13, 121; and, generally, Lavengro and The Romany Rye.

PFAFFEN. _Germ._ Monks; a contemptuous term for clerics generally, whether regular or secular.

PIAZZA. _Ital._ An open square in a town, surrounded by colonnades. In modern American parlance the word is often used for a veranda, in which sense Borrow apparently uses it, i. 276.

PICADOR. _Span._ and _Port._ A riding-master, bull-fighter. See note, i. 170, and TORERO.

PICARDIA. _Span._ and _Port._ Knavishness; from _picaro_, a rogue, knave, or loafer. The English adjective _picaresque_ is conventionally applied to a certain cla.s.s of Spanish story of low life and sharp practice relieved by humour.

PiCARO. _Span._ and _Port._ Rogue, knave.

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