The Headless Horseman Part 20

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"Close at hand, Don Mauricio. Making straight for myself."

"Fling your rope over him, if you can. If not, cripple him with a shot--anything to put an end to his capers."

The character of the pursuer was still a mystery to most, if not all, upon the ground: for only the mustanger knew the exact signification of the phrases--"un asino cimmaron," "un macho."

"Explain, Maurice!" commanded the major. "Look yonder!" replied the young Irishman, pointing to the top of the hill.

The two words were sufficient. All eyes became directed towards the crest of the ridge, where an animal, usually regarded as the type of slowness and stupidity, was seen advancing with the swiftness of a bird upon the wing.

But very different is the "asino cimmaron" from the a.s.s of civilisation--the donkey be-cudgelled into stolidity.

The one now in sight was a male, almost as large as any of the mustangs it was chasing; and if not fleet as the fleetest, still able to keep up with them by the sheer pertinacity of its pursuit!

The tableau of nature, thus presented on the green surface of the prairie, was as promptly produced as it could have been upon the stage of a theatre, or the arena of a hippodrome.

Scarce a score of words had pa.s.sed among the spectators, before the wild mares were close up to them; and then, as if for the first time, perceiving the mounted party, they seemed to forget their dreaded pursuer, and s.h.i.+ed off in a slanting direction.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" shouted the guide to a score of people, endeavouring to restrain their steeds; "keep your places, if you can. I know where the herd has its haunt. They are heading towards it now; and we shall find them again, with a better chance of a chase. If you pursue them at this moment, they'll scatter into yonder chapparal; and ten to one if we ever more get sight of them.

"Hola, Senor Crespino! Send your bullet through that brute. He's near enough for your _escopette_, is he not?"

The Mexican, detaching a short gun--"escopeta"--from his saddle-flap, and hastily bringing its b.u.t.t to his shoulder, fired at the wild a.s.s.

The animal brayed on hearing the report; but only as if in defiance. He was evidently untouched. Crespino's bullet had not been truly aimed.

"I must stop him!" exclaimed Maurice, "or the mares will run on till the end of daylight."

As the mustanger spoke, he struck the spur sharply into the flanks of his horse. Like an arrow projected from its bow, Castro shot off in pursuit of the jacka.s.s, now galloping regardlessly past.

Half a dozen springs of the blood bay, guided in a diagonal direction, brought his rider within casting distance; and like a flash of lightning, the loop of the lazo was seen descending over the long ears.

On launching it, the mustanger halted, and made a half-wheel--the horse going round as upon a pivot; and with like mechanical obedience to the will of his rider, bracing himself for the expected pluck.

There was a short interval of intense expectation, as the wild a.s.s, careering onward, took up the slack of the rope. Then the animal was seen to rise erect on its hind legs, and fall heavily backward upon the sward--where it lay motionless, and apparently as dead, as if shot through the heart!

It was only stunned, however, by the shock, and the quick tightening of the loop causing temporary strangulation; which the Mexican mustanger prolonged to eternity, by drawing his sharp-edged _machete_ across its throat.

The incident caused a postponement of the chase. All awaited the action of the guide; who, after "throwing" the macho, had dismounted to recover his lazo.

He had succeeded in releasing the rope from the neck of the prostrate animal, when he was seen to coil it up with a quickness that betokened some new cause of excitement--at the same time that he ran to regain his saddle.

Only a few of the others--most being fully occupied with their own excited steeds--observed this show of haste on the part of the mustanger. Those who did, saw it with surprise. He had counselled patience in the pursuit. They could perceive no cause for the eccentric change of tactics, unless it was that Louise Poindexter, mounted on the spotted mustang, had suddenly separated from the company, and was galloping off after the wild mares, as if resolved on being foremost of the field!

But the hunter of wild horses had not construed her conduct in this sense. That uncourteous start could scarce be an intention--except on the part of the spotted mustang? Maurice had recognised the manada, as the same from which he had himself captured it: and, no doubt, with the design of rejoining its old a.s.sociates, it was running away with its rider!

So believed the guide; and the belief became instantly universal.

Stirred by gallantry, half the field spurred off in pursuit. Calhoun, Hanc.o.c.k, and Crossman leading, with half a score of young planters, lawyers, and legislators close following--each as he rode off reflecting to himself, what a bit of luck it would be to bring up the runaway.

But few, if any, of the gentlemen felt actual alarm. All knew that Louise Poindexter was a splendid equestrian; a s.p.a.cious plain lay before her, smooth as a race-track; the mustang might gallop till it tired itself down; it could not throw her; there could be little chance of her receiving any serious injury?

There was one who did not entertain this confident view. It was he who had been the first to show anxiety--the mustanger himself.

He was the last to leave the ground. Delayed in the rearrangement of his lazo--a moment more in remounting--he was a hundred paces behind every compet.i.tor, as his horse sprang forward upon the pursuit.

Calhoun was a like distance in the lead, pressing on with all the desperate energy of his nature, and all the speed he could extract from the heels of his horse. The dragoon and rifleman were a little in his rear; and then came the "ruck."

Maurice soon pa.s.sed through the thick of the field, overlapped the leaders one by one; and forging still further ahead, showed Ca.s.sius Calhoun the heels of his horse.

A muttered curse was sent hissing through the teeth of the ex-officer of volunteers, as the blood bay, bounding past, concealed from his sight the receding form of the spotted mustang.

The sun, looking down from the zenith, gave light to a singular tableau.

A herd of wild mares going at reckless speed across the prairie; one of their own kind, with a lady upon its back, following about four hundred yards behind; at a like distance after the lady, a steed of red bay colour, bestridden by a cavalier picturesquely attired, and apparently intent upon overtaking her; still further to the rear a string of mounted men--some in civil, some in military, garb; behind these a troop of dragoons going at full gallop, having just parted from a mixed group of ladies and gentlemen--also mounted, but motionless, on the plain, or only stirring around the same spot with excited gesticulations!

In twenty minutes the tableau was changed. The same personages were upon the stage--the grand _tapis vert_ of the prairie--but the grouping was different, or, at all events, the groups were more widely apart.

The manada had gained distance upon the spotted mustang; the mustang upon the blood bay; and the blood bay--ah! his compet.i.tors were no longer in sight, or could only have been seen by the far-piercing eye of the _caracara_, soaring high in the sapphire heavens.

The wild mares--the mustang and its rider--the red horse, and his--had the savanna to themselves!



For another mile the chase continued, without much change. The mares still swept on in full flight, though no longer screaming or in fear.

The mustang still uttered an occasional neigh, which its old a.s.sociates seemed not to notice; while its rider held her seat in the saddle unshaken, and without any apparent alarm.

The blood bay appeared more excited, though not so much as his master; who was beginning to show signs either of despondency or chagrin.

"Come, Castro!" he exclaimed, with a certain spitefulness of tone.

"What the deuce is the matter with your heels--to-day of all others?

Remember, you overtook her before--though not so easily, I admit. But now she's weighted. Look yonder, you dull brute! Weighted with that which is worth more than gold--worth every drop of your blood, and mine too. The yegua pinta seems to have improved her paces. Is it from training; or does a horse run faster when ridden?

"What if I lose sight of her? In truth, it begins to look queer! It would be an awkward situation for the young lady. Worse than that-- there's danger in it--real danger. If I should lose sight of her, she'd be in trouble to a certainty!"

Thus muttering, Maurice rode on: his eyes now fixed upon the form still flitting away before him; at intervals interrogating, with uneasy glances, the s.p.a.ce that separated him from it.

Up to this time he had not thought of hailing the rider of the runaway.

His shouts might have been heard; but no words of warning, or instruction. He had refrained: partly on this account; partly because he was in momentary expectation of overtaking her; and partly because he knew that acts, not words, were wanted to bring the mustang to a stand.

All along he had been flattering himself that he would soon be near enough to fling his lazo over the creature's neck, and control it at discretion. He was gradually becoming relieved of this hallucination.

The chase now entered among copses that thickly studded the plain, fast closing into a continuous chapparal. This was a new source of uneasiness to the pursuer. The runaway might take to the thicket, or become lost to his view amid the windings of the wood.

The wild mares were already invisible--at intervals. They would soon be out of sight altogether. There seemed no chance of their old a.s.sociate overtaking them.

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The Headless Horseman Part 20 summary

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