The Romance of Lust Part 31

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"Very well, but you must throw off this tiresome chemise, or I won't withdraw."

As her l.u.s.t was so excited, she made no objection, so withdrawing we stood up; she drew her s.h.i.+ft over her head, and displayed a far more splendid form, with an exquisitely fair and dimpled skin, than I could have thought possible.

"My dear Mrs. Nichols, what a fine perfect form you have got, let me embrace you in my arms."

She was nothing loath, flattered by my praise. She laid hold of my c.o.c.k with one hand, and closely clasped me with the other arm, while I threw an arm and hand round on her truly magnificent a.r.s.e, and with my other hand pressed on a wonderful pair of bubbles as hard and firm as any maid of eighteen. Our mouths met in a loving kiss, our tongues exchanged endearments. She said-

"You have made me very wicked, let me have this enormous and dear fellow again."

I said I must first gaze on all her beauties, especially on her gorgeous and enormous bottom. She turned herself round in every way, delighted to find that I so ardently admired her.

She then lay down on her back, and spread wide her legs, and called to me to mount and put it in.

"First I must kiss this beautiful c.u.n.t, and suck this superb c.l.i.toris."

Her mount was covered with closely curled brown silky locks; her c.u.n.t was large with grand thick lips and well-haired sides. Her c.l.i.toris stood out quite three inches, red and stiff. I took it in my mouth, sucked it, and frigged her c.u.n.t with two fingers, which went in with the greatest ease, but were nipped tightly the moment the entrance was gained, and I frigged and sucked until she spent madly with absolute screams of delight. I continued to suck and excite her, which quickly made her cry out-

"Oh, darling boy, come and shove your glorious p.r.i.c.k into my longing c.u.n.t."

I sprang up and buried him until our two hairs were crushed between us. She held me tight for a minute without moving, then went off like a wild Bacchante, and uttered voluptuous bawdy expressions.

"Shove your delicious p.r.i.c.k further and harder. Oh, you are killing me with delight."

She was a perfect mistress of the art, gave me exquisite pleasure, and, I may add, proved afterwards a woman of infinite variety, and became one of my most devoted admirers. Our intrigue continued for years, while her age, as is the case with good wine, only appeared to improve her. Her husband was not a bad f.u.c.ker, but having only a small p.r.i.c.k, had never stimulated her l.u.s.t as my big splitter had done.

We had on this first occasion three other good f.u.c.ks, which she seemed to enjoy more and more.

As I had previously f.u.c.ked the girls pretty well, my p.r.i.c.k at last refused to rise and perform. We had to stop f.u.c.king, but I gamahuched her once more after again posing her, and admiring her really wonderfully well made and well-preserved body. She had a good suck at my c.o.c.k, without bringing him up again.

At last we separated, but not before she made a promise that she would sleep with me that night, and a glorious night we had. I had the more difficult task of reconciling her to my having her nieces. I used to have them one night, and sleep with her the next.

Ann, as I have said, was one of the lewdest and most lascivious women I had ever known. I had told them of the beauty of their aunt's whole person, and of her wonderful c.l.i.toris, and how she liked me to gamahuche it. This awakened the tribadic pa.s.sions of Ann to gamahuche her aunt.

I, at last, persuaded her to let Ann join us, and both were afterwards extremely glad I had done so, for both were thorough tribades, and lasciviously enjoyed each other, while being f.u.c.ked by me in turns. Mrs. Nichols too, once she got used to a.r.s.e-f.u.c.king, delighted in it, and we had the wildest orgies together.

Meanwhile, my very dear friend MacCallum had returned to town. He lived in the outskirts, but had taken a small set of chambers at Lyon's Inn, a sitting-room and bedroom, where he had a complete library of bawdy books and pictures to excite to new efforts pa.s.sions palled with excess. It was here I took my sisters, and every Sunday we four, stripped to the buff, indulged in every excess the wildest l.u.s.t could prompt.

At Christmas, uncle, aunt, the Dales, and Ellen all came to town, and taking the same rooms with others that uncle and Mrs. Dale and her son had formerly down in Norfolk Street, we had the most glorious orgies.

I confessed that I had debauched my sisters during the weary months I had been left alone with them, and advised their initiation into our society. Uncle greedily s.n.a.t.c.hed at the idea, so did aunt and Harry Dale, but his mother and Ellen rather discouraged it. However, the majority had it, and aunt went to the school, and took them away for the holidays. I had instructed them to keep up the idea of a late initiation by me, and how much they liked it when done, carefully avoiding the least reference to former freedoms.

They afforded a very effective aid to the wild variety of our orgies. Uncle especially affected them, and was never tired of f.u.c.king, sucking or gamahuching their splendid charms. Aunt, whose lech was for fresh young women, was unbounded in her admiration and tribadic use of their bodies.

I made a confident of Harry Dale about our re-unions at MacCallum's, and, with the latter's leave, introduced him to our orgies in the Inn.

MacCallum took greatly to the fine tight a.r.s.e of young Dale. He also wished to have Ellen introduced. I took occasion to break the matter to her, and in the end she made a delicious addition to those private orgies. In March Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Egerton, and husbands came up to town.

I had written to the Benson, and got a note from her the moment she arrived. I called immediately, and finding her alone, her husband having gone to the city, was received with delight. After flying into each other's arms, nature was too fierce for any amorous preliminaries. A sofa received our ardent bodies, and before one could think, legs were opened, c.u.n.t invaded, and a most rapid f.u.c.k, too rapid for luxury, was run off. Then while recovering from our first delirium of pleasure, we had time for a few words of mutual praise and admiration of improvements in both; but it was not until I had f.u.c.ked her four times, and made her spend at least twice as often, that we found time to enter into close converse upon past events.

I had known by letter of the intrigue with the Count, Mrs. Egerton, and herself, and now heard, from her own mouth, more exciting details. She told me how Mrs. Egerton was eager to possess my unusually great p.r.i.c.k, adding-

"By the way, she must be alone at this hour. Come along, we may have some fun to-day."

I had not seen Mrs. Egerton for many years, in fact, for long before I had f.u.c.ked Mrs. Benson. We went. Her reception was all I could wish.

Mrs. Benson told us to lose no time, but to run off at least an introductory embrace when the field was so clear. Mrs. Egerton made no objection; the Benson acted mistress of the ceremonies, pulled out my p.r.i.c.k and lifted the Egerton's petticoats, turning both sides to view, and making the Egerton handle and admire the n.o.bleness of my p.r.i.c.k, then telling her to kneel and present her fat a.r.s.e to my l.u.s.tful gaze, guided my longing p.r.i.c.k into her really delicious c.u.n.t; and a most excellent f.u.c.k we had, which, as Mrs. Benson said, would put us at our ease in an interview she had planned for next day, in which the Count was to join us, and telling me I should have to show my mettle to rival the Count.

We met next day at a quiet house in Percy Street, Tottenham Court Road.

The ladies had gone to the Soho Bazaar, leaving their carriage in Soho Square, going out by another entrance in a back street, and driving up in a cab to us in Percy Street.

At an evening call I had made, to be introduced to Mr. Egerton, I had met and been introduced to the Count. We had walked home as far as his apartments, in Berners Street, and arranged to meet in Percy Street, before the arrival of our beautiful and dear friends. Thus we were impatiently awaiting their coming when they arrived.

It is needless to say no sooner had they entered, and the mere embrace and kiss of welcome been given, than they retired to another room, opening into the one where we 'were, to take off all enc.u.mbrances to the wildest l.u.s.t, while we, too, disenc.u.mbered ourselves of all our clothes. We were quicker than they were, and the Count was in the act of handling and admiring the grandeur of my p.r.i.c.k when the two beautiful creatures entered in nature's only robe, and well might we exclaim-

"Woman, when unadorned is adorned the most," for two more beautiful women or more perfectly lovely in shape could hardly be seen. Women, too, as voluptuous and lascivious in their pa.s.sions as any of their s.e.x could be, and it was now our delight to enjoy and satisfy their ardent l.u.s.t by f.u.c.king them in every way, as well as for the first time giving them the joy of having two real p.r.i.c.ks in them at once. The charming Benson, as my original initiator in love's mysteries, claimed my first embrace, the Count f.u.c.king Mrs. Egerton. We were so placed that each could see the other, and thus enjoy the excitement of the scene. The dear creatures spent thrice to our once.

Then the Egerton claimed me while the Count refilled the c.u.n.t I had just quitted.

Again we made them spend thrice to our once. They preferred these preliminary encounters to the more lascivious excesses we were about to enter upon as exciting and preparing their pa.s.sions for more voluptuous embraces.

Both the dear creatures loved a p.r.i.c.k in culo from time to time, but as yet they had not had the opportunity of having a p.r.i.c.k in each aperture at once.

The Egerton, to whom my p.r.i.c.k was as yet a novelty, said she must have it in her c.u.n.t while the Count planted his lesser but very fine p.r.i.c.k in her a.r.s.e.

The Count's p.r.i.c.k was quite as long, or nearly so, as mine, and even thicker close to the roots, but tapered up to a small pointed k.n.o.b, so that for the enculage he had greater facility, than my huge-k.n.o.bbed affair, whose head was as thick as any part of it. This difference of formation made the dear creatures both prefer my p.r.i.c.k in front while the Count attacked them in the rear. They generally each got two, with me below and the Count above. But, although it was at first somewhat painful when my huge p.r.i.c.k took the rearward side with the Count in front, they soon got accustomed to it, although invariably beginning, after our preliminary f.u.c.king, with the Count first in culo.

The Egerton, as I said before, made her first trial of two p.r.i.c.ks f.u.c.king her at once, by having me below her. I had laid down on my back, she straddled over me, the Benson claimed the place of conductress to the instruments of pleasure, and, first giving a suck to my p.r.i.c.k, she guided it into the delicious c.u.n.t of her friend, who sank down upon my stiff-standing p.r.i.c.k, deliciously impaling herself thereon, and went off in a voluptuous discharge on feeling its huge head engulphed to the utmost; she rose and fell upon it in an upright position, until she had spent a second time, and had brought up her pa.s.sion to the wildest rage of l.u.s.t, then falling into my longing arms, she called out to the Count to shove his p.r.i.c.k at once into her a.r.s.e.

The Benson had, meanwhile, sucked and moistened the Count's fine p.r.i.c.k, making him as eager as the Egerton to be into her beautiful a.r.s.ehole. The Benson conducted it to the divine entrance of that rapture-giving receptacle, which he entered at first with little difficulty, but as the thickening of his p.r.i.c.k by its further entrance began to stretch the tender folds between our two p.r.i.c.ks, the Egerton cried out for a momentary pause, as it was producing the strange sensation that one p.r.i.c.k alone produces in the earlier stage of sodomitic embraces.

The Benson came to her aid by desiring the Count to withdraw about half the distance he had gained and having whipt up some warm soapsuds she well wetted his lower shaft and then he more easily recovered lost ground, and gained a complete lodgement within the tremendously stretched affair, for as I have said, the lower part of his shaft was thicker than I could grasp.

The Egerton felt as if the two apertures were about to be torn into one, and cried out for a few minutes' cessation.

We both lay still, beyond the involuntary throbbing of our p.r.i.c.ks, pressed as they were against each other, for the at-all-times-thin membrane dividing c.u.n.t from a.r.s.ehole was now stretched to the fineness of gold leaf, and to our sensations did not appear to exist at all.

These double throbbings soon stirred up all the wild lubricity of the Egerton's nature, first showing itself in the responsive inward pressures of the delicate widely stretched folds of both receptacles, then increasing in fiery l.u.s.t, she cried out for us to begin gently our first movements. We drew in and out in unison together, at first slowly, but the Egerton finding that we were producing the most excessive delight to her double-gorged receptacles, cried out-

"Oh! oh! It is heavenly; f.u.c.k faster, you angelic f.u.c.kers. I-Oh! faster, faster. Oh! oh! it is too much."

She spent in such an agony of ecstasy as to faint clean away.

We were not aware of this, not having ourselves spent as we had only paused to let her enjoy her most heavenly discharge to the utmost. Then, first with throbs, and then with in and outward movements, we soon recovered her from her trance of excessive joy. Her pa.s.sions were more violently stirred than before. She wriggled her a.r.s.e convulsively sideways, she raved in the grossest bawdy terms, and so excited us that we all three came to the final crisis in wild cries of the grossest l.u.s.t, and died away in an agony of bliss, so overpowering that we lay, almost insensible, soaking in the sacred vases in which were compressed our well-satisfied p.r.i.c.ks. Meanwhile the Benson, wildly excited by the scene enacted below her eyes, sought relief by kneeling beyond my head, for we always f.u.c.ked on the floor with mattresses spread widely around; she then backed her splendid a.r.s.e over my head, and brought her c.u.n.t to my mouth, and I had gamahuched her continuously until my own delicious spending annihilated all power of movement for the time being.

The Egerton, in the agony of her pleasure at the moment of the last spend, had fastened her teeth on the glorious a.r.s.e of the Benson before her, and bit so hard as actually to draw blood and make the Benson spring forward with a sudden start and cry. But we were all too lost in the ecstatic joys to even hear the cry of pain she uttered.

At last the Egerton gave signs of returning life. The Benson had risen and was eager for her turn, but Mrs. Egerton implored that she might have once again a taste of these more than heavenly joys while both p.r.i.c.ks were still engulfed within her and thus avoid the pain of entrance.

This was so reasonable that the Benson yielded with a good grace.

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The Romance of Lust Part 31 summary

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