Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia Part 5

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_Tribe_ (_a_) Kuinmurbura Witteru Yungaru (_b_) Kangulu Wutthuru Yungnuru

_Cla.s.s names_ _Fem. termination_ _Meaning_ V. Wongo Kubaru (Ubur, Obu) -an (Gidea tree) Bunburi (Anbeir, Unburri, Bunbai) Koorgilla (Urgilla)

_Tribes_: Ungorri (Howitt, 109); Kogai (Curr, I, 117; _J.A.I._ XIII, 337); Yuipera etc. (Curr, III, 45, 64; _J.A.I._ XIII, 302); Akulbura, Bathalibura (Howitt, 113, 141); Wakelbura (Howitt, 112); on Belyando (Curr, III, 26); Dalebura (Howitt, 113), Buntamurra (Howitt, 113, 226); Purgoma (Roth, 66); Jouon (_ib._ 67); Pitta-Pitta, Goa, Miorli (Roth, 56-7); Ringa-Ringa (_J.A.I._ XIII, 337); Mittakoodi (Roth, 56-7); Woonamurra (_ib._); Yerunthully (Mathews in _R.G.S. Qu._ X, 30); Badieri (_id. ib._ 1905, 55).

With these cla.s.s names are a.s.sociated the phratries

(_a_) Kogai, Wakelbura etc. Wuthera Mallera (_b_) Yuipera, Bathalibura Wootaroo Yungaroo (_c_) Purgoma Naka Tunna (_d_) Jouon Chepa Junna (_e_) Pitta-Pitta etc., Ootaroo Pakoota Mittakoodi, Woonamura (_f_) Badieri Wootaroo Yungo

Aberrant forms, probably inaccurate, are given by Curr (II, 424) for Halifax Bay: Korkoro, Korkeen, Wongo, Wotero; by Lumholtz (p. 199) for the Herbert R.: Gorilla, Gorgero, Gorgorilla, Otero, by Curr (II, 468) for the Yukkaburra: Utheroo, Multheroo, Yungaroo, Goorgilla.

On the Tully R. Roth (_Ethn. Bull._ V, 20) found the following:

_Cla.s.s names_ VI. Karavangi Chikun Kurongon Kurkilla

With these may be compared the names given by Mathews for the Warkeman (_J.R.S.N.S.W._ x.x.xII, 109, 251):

Karpungie Cheekungie Kellungie Koopungie

On the Annan R. we find (Howitt, 118) with male descent:

_Cla.s.s names_ _Meaning_ VII. Wandi Eaglehawk Walar Bee Jorro Bee Kutchal Salt.w.a.ter Eaglehawk

With these are a.s.sociated the phratries:

(_a_) Walar Murla

VIII. Ranya (Arenia) Rara (Arara) Loora Awunga (Arawongo)

_Tribes_: Wollongurma (Roth, 68); Goothanto (Mathews in _J.R.S.N.S.W._ x.x.xIII, 109).

Connected with these forms are:

_Cla.s.s names_ Barry (Ahjereena) Ararey (Arrenynung) Jury [? Loory] (Perrynung) Mungilly (Mahngal) [diamond snake][52]

_Tribes_: Koogobathy (_J.A.I._ XIII, 303); Koonjan etc. (Mathews in _J.R.S.N.S.W._ x.x.xIII, 110, x.x.xIV, 135). Probably Perrynung and Ahjereenya should be transposed.

_Cla.s.s names_ _Feminine_ IX. Jimmilingo Carburungo Badingo Ngarrangungo Maringo[53] Munjungo Youingo (Kapoodungo) Goothamungo

_Tribes_: Miappe (Roth, 56-7); Mycoolon (_J.A.I._ XIII, 302); Workoboongo (Roth, _ib._).

For the Kalkadoon, Roth (_ib._) gives:

Kunggilungo Patingo Toonbeungo Marinungo[53]

With these are a.s.sociated the phratries:

(_a_) Kalkadoon Ootaroo Mullara (_b_) Miappe Woodaroo Pakutta

_Cla.s.s names_ X. Murungun Mumbali Purdal Kuial

_Tribe_: Mara (_Northern Tribes_, 119).

With these the phratry names:

(_a_) Urku Ua

In this tribe is male descent, and, as in the S. Arunta, the are themselves divided; for equivalence the numbers of the eight-cla.s.s system are arranged (_Nor. Tr._ 123), 1, 4; 3, 2; 5, 7; 6, 8.

Leichardt (_Journal_, 447) reports from the Roper R., Gnangball, Odall, Nurumball, which from their form seem to be cla.s.s names and identifiable with some of the Mara names.

_Cla.s.s names_ XI. Awukaria Roumburia Urtalia Wialia

_Tribe_: Anula (_Nor. Tr._ 119).

XII. For the eight-cla.s.s system see Table I a; in which it is a.s.sumed that patrilineal descent prevails in all the tribes.

With these are a.s.sociated the following phratries:

(_a_) Umbaia, Gnanji Illitchi Liaritchi (_b_) Warramunga, Walpari, Uluuru Kingilli Wulmala (_c_) Worgaia " Bimgaru (_d_) Bingongina Wiliuku Liaraku

Spencer and Gillen, _Nor. Tr._ pp. 100-102, 119. On p. 102 is a statement about the Bingongina inconsistent with that on the following page; according to the former the phratry names are Illitchi, Liaritchi, as among the Umbaia.

_Cla.s.s names_ XIII. Panunga Bulthara Purula k.u.mara

_Tribe_: S. Arunta (_Nat. Tr._ 90).

XIII_a_. Deringara Gubilla Koomara Belthara

_Tribe_: Yoolanlanya etc. (_R.G.S. Qu._ XVI, 75).

The arrangement suggests that matrilineal descent prevails, but there is probably some error.

_Cla.s.s names_ XIII_b_. Burong (Parungo) Ballieri (Parajerri; Butcharrie) Banaka (Boogarloo) Kymerra (Kaiamba)

_Tribes_: Gnamo, Gnalluma (_Int. Arch._ XVI, 12); Nickol Bay and Kimberley have the alternative forms of 1, 2, and 4 (Curr, I, 296; _Kamilaroi_, 36, Mathews in _J.R.S.N.S.W._ x.x.xV, 220), Weedokarry (_id._ in _Proc. Am. Phil. Soc._ x.x.xIX, 89) have third form of 2; at Murchison R. Boorgarloo comes into use (_West Australian_, Ap. 7, 1906).

_Cla.s.s names_ _Meaning_ XIV. Tondarup (Namyungo) Fish hawk Didaruk Sea Ballaruk (Yangor) (Opossum) Naganok (Fish)

_Tribes_: S.W. Australia, Tarderick etc. (_West. Aust._, _loc. cit._; Moore, _Desc. Voc._, _Col. Mag._ V, 422.

The phratries are

(_a_) Wartungmat Munichmat

The equivalence is unknown.

_Cla.s.s names_ XV. Langenam Namegor Packwicky Pamarung

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Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia Part 5 summary

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