A Short History of the 6th Division Part 8

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Sept. 8. Division embarked Southampton.

9. Commenced disembarking St. Nazaire.

10. Commenced entraining.

12. Into billets Coulommiers--Mortcerf--Marles--Chaume.

13-19. Marching to the Aisne--into General Reserve, D.H.Q. at Bazoches.

19. 18th Infantry Brigade to I Corps to relieve 2nd Infantry Brigade.

20. Attack on I Corps--18th Infantry Brigade heavily engaged.

21. 16th Infantry Brigade to II Corps to relieve 7th and 9th Infantry Brigades, and 17th Infantry Brigade to I Corps to relieve 6th Infantry Brigade and 4th Guards Brigade.

Sept. 20 to Oct. 6. In trenches on the Aisne.

Oct. 2. Division (less 16th and 17th Infantry Brigades) concentrated in area Serches--Jury, under III Corps--D.H.Q. at Serches.

6. 17th Infantry Brigade rejoined Division, which marched west.

9. Division (less 16th Infantry Brigade) entrained at St. Sauveur near Compiegne.

10-11. Division arrived St. Omer and went into billets--19th Infantry Brigade joined Division (one battalion to Renescure)--one battalion 18th Infantry Brigade to Racquinghem.

12. March to Hazebrouck to cover detrainment of 4th Division. 16th Infantry Brigade relieved by French troops.

13. 16th Infantry Brigade entrained for Ca.s.sel. Division marched east--fighting from 1 p.m. on line La Couronne--Merris--Fontaine Houck, which was reached at nightfall--considerable casualties.

14. Line reached R. du Leet--Blanche Maison--east of Bailleul.

Oct. 15-16. 18th Infantry Brigade crossed River Lys at Sailly, and 17th Infantry Brigade at Bac St. Maur during the night--Steenwerck occupied.

16. Line advanced to Rouge du Bout--Rue Dormoire. 16th Infantry Brigade rejoined Division and went into Divisional Reserve.

17. Line Rouge du Bout--Bois Grenier--Chapelle d'Armentieres reached without opposition.

18. Reconnaissance in force on enemy's reported positions. Line at night after considerable fighting Radinghem--Ennetieres-- Premesques--Halte to west of Perenchies--l'Epinette (east of Armentieres).

19. Entrenching above line.

20. Ma.s.sed German attack all along line--Division driven back to Touquet--Bois Blancs--Le Quesne--La Houssoie--Rue du Bois--l'Epinette.

21. 19th Infantry Brigade (sent to fill gap between II and III Corps) driven back from Le Maisnil--Fromelles to La Boutillerie--Touquet.

22. Heavy attack on 19th Infantry Brigade in evening repulsed.

23. 17th Infantry Brigade relieved by 4th Division and became Divisional Reserve--attacks on 16th Infantry Brigade (K.S.L.I. and Y. and L.) repulsed with much loss to enemy-- 300 dead in front of trenches.

24-25. Continuous attacks on Divisional front throughout day, all repulsed, but situation critical.

25-26. Retirement made during night to prepared line about half a mile in rear Touquet--Flamengerie Farm--Rue du Bois, so as to straighten front.

27-28. Attack by night on 18th Infantry Brigade trenches, which were captured but retaken by counter-attack--East Yorks especially distinguished themselves.

28-29. Attack by night on 19th Infantry Brigade repulsed.

29-30. Strong attack by night on 19th Infantry Brigade captured trenches, but was driven out by counter-attack and 200 dead counted.

Nov. and Dec. } 1915. } In trenches Armentieres front.

Jan. and Feb. }

Mar. 12. L'Epinette attacked and captured by North Staffords.h.i.+re Regiment.

Mar. 15. 16th Infantry Brigade moved up to Vlamertinghe, but returned next day.

May. A little mining and counter-mining on the Frelinghien and Le Touquet fronts.

27. Major-Gen. Sir John Keir left to command VI Corps, being succeeded by Brig.-Gen. Congreve. Brig.-Gen. Humphreys succeeded Brig.-Gen. Paget in command of Divisional Artillery.

Relief by 27th Division commenced.

31. Front handed over to 27th Division--19th Infantry Brigade left Division.

May 31 to June 1. Took over new front Ypres Salient.

June 2. Relief completed on front from Ypres--Roulers Railway to Wieltje.

5. 17th Infantry Brigade into line, which now extended to just short of Turco Farm.

8. D.H.Q. from Couthove to Vlamertinghe.

15. Gallant bombing attack by Lieut. Smith's Grenadier Platoon to a.s.sist 41st Brigade.

16. Artillery co-operation with 3rd Divisional attack on Bellewarde Farm.

20. 16th Infantry Brigade's first experience of gas.

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A Short History of the 6th Division Part 8 summary

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