A Short History of the 6th Division Part 9

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22. Artillery co-operation in 14th Divisional attack.

July 6. Artillery co-operation in 4th Divisional attack near Pilkem.

30. Attack on 14th Division at Hooge. Drove them back to Sanctuary and Zouave Woods. Counter-attack unsuccessful.

31. 16th Infantry Brigade moved up. Decided to relieve 6th Division and give it task of retaking Hooge.

Aug. 2-3. Relieved.

6. Took over new front and commenced bombardment.

9. Attack on Hooge by 16th and 18th Infantry Brigades--infantry moved close up under barrage, which remained on support trench five minutes longer--attack successful, but right suffered very heavily from sh.e.l.ling from south and fire from east.

Oct. 14. 17th Infantry Brigade left for 24th Division, and 71st arrived.

Nov. 19-20. Division relieved--to Houtkerque and Poperinghe, but had to find working parties for divisions in line.

Dec. 14. Into line again--Routers Railway to Wieltje.

19. Gas attack by enemy.


Jan. 24. 11th Ess.e.x patrol raid (3 officers and 10 other ranks) on mound on Verlorenhoek Road--killed six Germans.

Feb. 14-15. Two enemy raids near Wieltje and Trenches B9 and 10 repulsed.

Mar. 9-10. 1st The Buffs bombing raid (1 officer and 19 other ranks) on crater at I 12.

15-16. 2nd D.L.I. (3 officers and 44 other ranks) successful raid, capturing a prisoner--Bangalore torpedo laid by Lieut. Smith, R.N.V.R.

15-18. Relieved from line--to Houtkerque, Wormhoudt, Calais.

April 15-18. Back into line 5,500 yards front, with left on ca.n.a.l next to 58th French Division and right next Guards Division.

19-20. Enemy occupied trenches out of which he had sh.e.l.led a company of the 8th Bedfords in Morteldje Salient--counter-attack unsuccessful.

21. Trenches retaken by two companies K.S.L.I., in spite of very heavy going.

May 14-15. Enemy attacked four bombing posts of 1st The Buffs--beaten off three times, but captured them at fourth attempt--all garrison casualties.

June 3. Five officers and 200 other ranks 1st West Yorks drove enemy out of posts on frontage 450 yards and re-occupied it.

10. "Admiral" reported missing from patrol of 9th Norfolks.

17-18. Relieved--to Bollezeele, Houtkerque, Wormhoudt.

July 15-17. Into line north-west of Hooge to north of Wieltje.

July 29 to Aug. 1. Relieved preparatory to entraining.

Aug. 2-3. Entrained Hopoutre, Proven, and Esquelbec, and detrained Candas and Doullens.

3-4. Marched to Acheux--Raincheval area.

5-7. Into line on Ancre--preparing for attack.

21. 9th Suffolk and 2nd Sherwood Foresters' unsuccessful raid.

24. 14th D.L.I. unsuccessful raid.

Aug. 26-27. Relieved and began to move south to Vignacourt-- Flesselles area.

Sept. 6-8. Moved up to XIV Corps area.

11. Into line on front between Leuze Wood and Ginchy.

13. Attack by 71st Infantry Brigade on Quadrilateral unsuccessful--renewed in evening but only partially successful.

15. _General attack_ by 16th and 71st Infantry Brigades--6th Divisional objective beyond the Quadrilateral--attack failed--renewed in evening and failed again.

16. 18th Infantry Brigade into line in relief of 71st Infantry Brigade.

18. Fresh attack on Quadrilateral after bombardment by 16th and 18th Infantry Brigades--successful.

19. Relieved.

21. Into line again.

25. _General attack_--6th Division on Lesboeufs, and south to Morval--by 16th and 18th Infantry Brigades, with 71st Infantry Brigade in reserve--successful--over 500 prisoners.

30. Relieved by 20th Division.

Oct. 8-9. Into line relieving 20th Division.

12. _General attack_--6th Division towards Le Transloy--by 18th and 71st Infantry Brigades--16th Infantry Brigade in reserve--unsuccessful.

15. Attack renewed--partially successful.

18. Fresh attack by 71st Infantry Brigade--only partially successful on left.

20. Relieved--to Corbie.

28. a.s.sembled in reserve to I Corps.

Nov. 25. Into line on Ca.n.a.l Sector, La Ba.s.see.

During Dec. Side-slipped slightly to south.

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