Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5929: Unfamiliar

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Chapter 5929: Unfamiliar

Li Qiye’s remark offended the inspectors on top of indirectly insulting their dynasty.

“Ignorant mortal, kneel and beg for forgiveness!” An expert on the team said.

Not to mention mortals, even cultivators would tremble in horror due to Immortal Suppression’s notoriety.

“I was planning on sparing all of you but no longer. None shall leave this place alive after courting death.” Li Qiye said with a smile.

His response astounded the group. They looked at him again and verified his lack of cultivation.

“Fool, we will refine your soul and let you taste a fate worse than death!” Another inspector reached for Li Qiye with a claw technique, capable of pulling tendons and bones from their original locations.

Li Qiye didn’t bat an eye since the hand was immediately bit off.

“Crack!” Blood from the inspector’s stump splashed everywhere.

“Ahh!” The docile tiger laying beneath Li Qiye ate his hand and then it only took another three bites or so for it to devour the man.

This happened in the blink of an eye and caught the inspectors off guard.

“How dare you?!” A dozen of them summoned their weapon - paG.o.das, sabers, staffs…

The tiger understood Li Qiye had granted implicit permission and opened its mouth, swallowing both the treasures and their masters.

“Ahh!” The dozen became food inside its stomach.

It didn’t take long before it dealt with the group, leaving only the commander alive with just one hand. He used his hand to support his body while continuing to move backward, horrified.

“I didn’t want to pick on a bunch of juniors but my merciful nature has a limit.” Li Qiye smiled.

“I, I am an inspector of Immortal Suppression… Don’t you know the consequences… your clan…” The commander was scared out of his mind.

“Can’t say I’m familiar with Immortal Suppression.” Li Qiye smiled.

“Our, our ancestor is Immortal Suppressor!” He tried again.

“Still unfamiliar.” Li Qiye waved his hand.

The tiger was next to the commander, causing him to pee in his pants as he shouted: “Have, have you heard of our immemorial ancestors then! The great Mo s.h.i.+, Dingtian, and Poye, the three lords of this world!”

“Actually, yes.” Li Qiye smiled: “But they can’t save you.”

“Nooo!” The commander got up and tried to flee.

“Crack!” The flood tiger swiftly devoured the man after a few crunching sounds. It extended its tongue and licked the remaining drops of blood, ensuring nothing went to waste before returning to Li Qiye.

It resembled a fluffy yellow dog incapable of harming anyone. Alas, it had just devoured a hundred powerful cultivators or so. Its hunger remained unsatiated for that was just a light snack.

Chu Zhu smiled wryly. This mythical sea monster lived up to its reputation but fortunately, it had been tamed.

Li Qiye glanced at the statues one last time before commanding: “Let’s go.”

He climbed up the carriage and lay down lazily. Chu Zhu followed him and off they went.

Once the villagers regained their wits, the duo was long gone.

“Thank you, Immortal.” They prostrated in his direction and muttered words of grat.i.tude.


The carriage appeared to be moving slowly but in reality, its speed far surpa.s.sed what ordinary cultivators could muster.

“Young n.o.ble, do you not like Immortal Suppression Dynasty?” Chu Zhu asked.

Li Qiye and the flood tiger enjoyed themselves inside the carriage. He smiled and said: “I’ve never heard of them before but if they’re suicidal, I will do them a favor.”

“Immortal Suppressor is in charge of the dynasty.” Chu Zhu spoke while carefully observing his face: “Rumor has it that Mo s.h.i.+ taught him the supreme arts. He remained in Sin and continued the mission, rarely appearing after becoming an Ancestor.”

Some said he was the strongest in Sin - the only Primal Ancestor. Of course, others believed that Sin was full of hidden tigers and crouching dragons. There were more Ancestors around but they didn’t wish to show themselves.

All in all, Immortal Suppressor had done a superb job in Sin. The dynasty remained standing until now so his reputation as the number one was justified.

“I’m unfamiliar.” Li Qiye smiled.

Chu Zhu got nothing after trying to read his expression.

“But you have heard of Mos.h.i.+, Dingtian, and Poye?” She said softly.

These names could silence anyone in Three Immortals. Mo s.h.i.+ and Dingtian’s prestige remained even though they were no longer here.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5929: Unfamiliar summary

You're reading Emperor’s Domination. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yan Bi Xiao Sheng,厌笔萧生. Already has 72 views.

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