Clark's Field Part 37

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By Grant Richards


"A far better novel than its predecessor, 'Caviare.'"--_London Athenaeum._

"Cheeriness, youth, high spirits and the joy of life--these are the ingredients of this novel."--_London Telegraph._

"In 'Valentine' the action is laid almost wholly in London, with occasional week ends at Paris.... 'Valentine' is a good story about enjoyably human people, told with the rich personal charm of the accomplished raconteur."--_Boston Transcript._

"Its details and all the actions of all connected with its details are worked out with a realistic thoroughness that makes the story seem a piece of recorded history.... Distinctly light reading, clever, engaging, skillfully wrought."--_Churchman._

By Sarah Morgan Dawson


"A living voice from the past of the Civil War comes to us from the pages of 'A Confederate Girl's Diary.'... It is fascinatingly interesting, a volume of real life.... A very human doc.u.ment, and one remarkably mature and just, to have been written by so young a girl in times so trying."--_Chicago Tribune._

"No such intimate diary of the war from a woman's point of view has yet been given to the world, and certainly no diary of such unusual literary merit."--_San Francisco Argonaut._

"We can but wonder that this maiden of the sixties could have created and left to posterity such an adequate, convincing and psychologically perfect portrayal of a woman of the South in the era that closed with the surrender at Appomattox.... Not a page of the story could be spared.

No one can wonder at the intense courage and bravery of the Southern soldiers after reading with what pa.s.sionate faith and devotion these fiery-hearted Southern women sent them into battle."--_Boston Transcript._

By Mary Johnston


"Hagar will stand out as one of the splendid woman characters of modern fiction--serene and strong, an ideal feminist and a thorough American."--_Portland (Me.) Telegram._

"A splendid story ... not the least part of its charm is that delightful atmosphere of Virginia family life with which Miss Johnston's readers are familiar."--_Baltimore Evening Sun._

"A powerful plea for woman suffrage in the guise of gripping fiction."--_Springfield Republican._

"Feminism has never had a more human exposition. It is a book notable for sane methods as well as a delightful plot."--_Literary Digest._

"Hagar is one of the most admirable of Miss Johnston's creations and the novel is a worthy addition to Miss Johnston's works."--_Philadelphia Record._


The Story of Waitstill Baxter

"It cannot fail to prove a delight of delights to 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' enthusiasts."--_Chicago Inter-Ocean._

"All admirers of Jane Austen will enjoy Waitstill Baxter.... The solution the reader must find out for himself. It is a triumph of ingenuity. The characters are happy in their background of Puritan village life. The drudgery, the flowers, the strictness in morals and the narrowness of outlook all combine to form a harmonious picture."--_The London Times._

"Always generously giving of her best, and delightful as that best always is, Mrs. Wiggin has provided us with something even better in 'Waitstill Baxter.'"--_Montreal Star._

"In the strength of its sympathy, in the vivid reality of the lives it portrays, this story will be accepted as the very best of all the popular books that Mrs. Wiggin has written for an admiring const.i.tuency."--_Wilmington Every Evening._

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