Harper's Young People, September 28, 1880 Part 5

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I am nine years old. I live one mile from town. We milk six cows, and I help do the milking.

I have a nice pet lamb. Her name is Fannie. A kind old man gave her to me when she was a little tiny thing. She was a year old last spring. I sold her fleece in the spring for forty-five cents a pound. It weighed five pounds. Papa let me keep all the money, and I am going to buy another sheep with it.

I helped papa all through haying. He has a new hay derrick, and I rode a horse and worked the derrick. The horse is twenty-five years old, and his name is General.

I am visiting Aunt Em now, but I am going to start to school next week. I like YOUNG PEOPLE so much!



I live up in the mountains of Sierra County. My papa is editor of a newspaper here, and my little brother, ten years old, folds the papers for papa every Thursday night. Papa gave me a nice French kid doll. She can turn her head, and has joints.

I have two brothers and a sister younger than myself. We all like to receive YOUNG PEOPLE and to look at the pictures. I liked "The Moral Pirates" very much, and would not mind being such a pirate myself.

My home is on the famous Yuba River, but its current is too rapid for boats of any kind.



I want to know why "the two Eds" did not try to eat on the cars? I am six years old.


I am a lover of YOUNG PEOPLE, and in common with others have exchanged specimens with many of the subscribers. A young lady of Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, sent me a piece of peac.o.c.k coal, and wished St. Croix carnelians in exchange. Unfortunately I have lost her name and address, and I wish to ask her to kindly send it to me again.

CARRIE E. SILLIMAN, Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin.


Will some correspondent of YOUNG PEOPLE please give me directions for pressing flowers and different kinds of sea-weed?


I have a little kitten named Tommy Milo. Sometimes he comes into our chamber and lies at the foot of the bed till one or two o'clock in the morning, and then crawls up to the head to be petted. Sometimes he plagues us so that we have to put him out of the room.

I can knit and crochet. I crocheted a collar of feathered-edge braid, and it is very pretty. I would like very much a pattern for knitting edging, if Gracie Meads or any one will send it to me.

ELIZA F., P. O. Box 162, West Newton, Ma.s.sachusetts.


I send you a pencil sketch of a magnolia blossom. I drew it myself. I draw a good deal for my own amus.e.m.e.nt, although I have had no instruction. The diameter of this blossom is about nine inches when it is fully open. This month is the time for the falling of the cones. They contain the seeds, which are covered with a bright red pulpy substance, and are suspended from the cone by a white silken thread about half an inch long. They are very pretty. Our magnolia-tree is very large. The circ.u.mference is about fifteen feet.

Several days ago I saw a wild vine that resembles the sweet-potato vine, and the blossom is just the same. We have what I think is the wild onion growing here. It grows all around in the fields.

I think HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE is a splendid paper.

A. L. H.

Many thanks for your pretty drawing. We regret we have no room to give it in the Post-office Box.


I don't know but the little folks are tired of hearing about pets, but I want to tell them how my kitty jumped on the piano, and ran over the keys from one end of them to the other, and the tune she played frightened her so that she scampered away with all her might. She is now curled up in my hat, fast asleep. I have two carrier-doves for pets besides.

I sent Carrie Harding, of Freeport, Illinois, some pressed flowers quite a long time ago, but I have not heard whether she received them or not.



I am nine years old. I have a great many dolls--sixteen in all. I have a little baby brother, and I have two canaries, and a cat named Muggins. I did have one named Snow, but one morning all of a sudden he disappeared, and has never been found.

I like YOUNG PEOPLE very much, especially the story of "Claudine's Doves." I wonder if Claudine is alive yet, and lives in Paris?

My YOUNG PEOPLE comes every Thursday, and I can hardly wait for it.



I live in Summerside. Our house is very near the water. There is an island in our bay, and we go there sometimes. I have a little garden, with some lovely black pansies and other flowers growing in it. My sister has a little white rabbit.


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Harper's Young People, September 28, 1880 Part 5 summary

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