The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Part 115

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Disc (disk), the hymenial surface, usually cup-shaped.

Discomycetes, Ascomycetes with the hymenium exposed.

Dissepiments, dividing walls.

Distant, applied to gills which are not close.

Discrete, distinct, not divided.

Echinate, furnished with stiff bristles.

Effused, spread over without regular form.

Emarginate, when the gills are notched or scooped out at junction with stem.

Ephemeral, lasting but a short time.

Epidermis, the external or outer layer of the plant.

Epiphytal, growing upon another plant.

Eccentric, out of the center; stem not attached to center of pileus.

Exoperidium, outer layer of the peridium.

Exotic, foreign.

Explanate, flattened or expanded.

Farinaceous, mealy.

Farinose, covered with a mealy powder.

Falcate, hooked or curved like a scythe.

Fasciculate, growing in bundles.

Fastigiate, bundled together with a sheath.

Ferruginous, rust-colored.

Fibrillose, clothed with small fibers.

Fibrous, composed of fibers.

Filiform, thread-like.

Fimbriated, fringed.

Fissile, capable of being split.

Fistular, fistulose, with the stem hollow or becoming hollow.

Flabelliform, fan-shaped.

Flaccid, soft and flabby.

Flavescent, turning yellow.

Flexuose, wavy.

Flocci, threads as of mold.

Floccose, downy.

Flocculose, covered with flocci.

Free, said of gills not attached to the stem.

Friable, easily crumbling.

Fugacious, disappearing quickly.

Fuliginous, sooty-brown or dark smoke-color.

Furcate, forked.

Furfuraceous, with bran-like scales or scurf.

Fuscous, dingy, brownish or brown tinged with gray.

Fusiform, spindle-shaped.

Gasteromyces, Basidiomycetes, in which the hymenium is inclosed.

Gelatinous, jelly-like.

Genus, a group of closely related species.

Gibbous, swollen at one point.

Gills, plates radiating from the stem on which the basidia are borne.

Glabrous, smooth.

Glaucous, with a white bloom.

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The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Part 115 summary

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