The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Part 122

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Lenzites, 231

Leotia, 501

Lepiota, 46

Leptoglossum, 499

Leptonia, 254

Lycogala, 577

Lycoperdon, 541

Macropodia, 507

Marasmius, 136

Merulius, 423

Mitremyces, 561, 485

Mucronella, 432

Mutinus, 526

Mycena, 118

Myriostomav, 571

Naucoria, 281

Nidularia, 521

Nolanea, 255

Nectrea, 573

Nyctalis, 204

Oomyces, 573

Omphalia, 130

Otidea, 511

Panaeolus, 339

Pa.n.u.s, 222

Paronia, 573

Paxillus, 287

Peziza, 503

Phallus, 522

Phlebia, 448

Pholiota, 257

Pilosace, 319

Piptoporus, 409

Pleurotus, 153

Pluteolus, 274

Pluteus, 235

Podaxon, 560

Polyporus, 388

Polysacc.u.m, 561

Polystictus, 414

Psathyrella, 346

Psilocybe, 328

Radulum, 432

Reticularia, 578

Russula, 182

Sarcoscypha, 512

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The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Part 122 summary

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