Southern Literature From 1579-1895 Part 44

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"Oh, it's alive!" ses Miss Kesiah. "I seed it move."

"Call Cato, and make him cut the rope," ses Miss Carline, "and let's see what it is. Come here, Cato, and get this bag down."

"Don't hurt it for the world," ses Miss Mary.

Cato untied the rope that was round the jice, and let the bag down easy on the floor, and I tumbled out, all covered with corn-meal from head to foot.

"Goodness gracious!" ses Miss Mary, "if it ain't the Majer himself!"

"Yes," ses I, "and you know you promised to keep my Crismus present as long as you lived."

The galls laughed themselves almost to death, and went to brus.h.i.+n off the meal as fast as they could, sayin they was gwine to hang that bag up every Crismus till they got husbands too. Miss Mary--bless her bright eyes!--she blushed as beautiful as a mornin-glory, and sed she'd stick to her word. . . . I do believe if I was froze stiff, one look at her sweet face, as she stood thar lookin down to the floor with her roguish eyes, and her bright curls fallin all over her snowy neck, would have fotched me to. I tell you what, it was worth hangin in a meal bag from one Crismus to another to feel as happy as I have ever sense.


[31] By permission of T. B. Peterson and Brothers, Philadelphia.



JAMES BARRON HOPE was born near Norfolk, Virginia, educated at William and Mary College, and began the practice of law at Hampton. In 1857 he wrote the poem for the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown, and in 1858 an Ode for the dedication of the Was.h.i.+ngton Monument at Richmond. He also wrote poems for the "Southern Literary Messenger," as _Henry Ellen_. In 1861 he entered the Confederate service and fought through the war as captain. Afterwards he settled in Norfolk to the practice of his profession. His best poems are considered to be "Arms and the Man," and "Memorial Ode," the latter written for the laying of the corner-stone of the Lee Monument in Richmond, 1887, just before his death.


Leoni di Monota, [poems].

Elegiac Ode and other Poems.

Under the Empire, [novel].

Arms and the Man, and other Poems.


(_From Arms and the Man._[32])

A Metrical Address recited on the one hundredth anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, on invitation of the United States Congress, October 19, 1881.


Full-burnished through the long-revolving years The ploughshare of a Century to-day Runs peaceful furrows where a crop of Spears Once stood in War's array.

And we, like those who on the Trojan plain See h.o.a.ry secrets wrenched from upturned sods;-- Who, in their fancy, hear resound again The battle-cry of G.o.ds;--

We now,--this splendid scene before us spread Where Freedom's full hexameter began-- Restore our Epic, which the Nations read As far its thunders ran.

Here visions throng on People and on Bard, Ranks all a-glitter in battalions ma.s.sed And closed around as like a plumed guard, They lead us down the Past.

I see great Shapes in vague confusion march Like giant shadows, moving vast and slow, Beneath some torch-lit temple's mighty arch Where long processions go.

I see these Shapes before me all unfold, But ne'er can fix them on the lofty wall, Nor tell them, save as she of Endor told What she beheld to Saul.


(_From Memorial Ode._)

Our history is a s.h.i.+ning sea Locked in by lofty land, And its great Pillars of Hercules, Above the s.h.i.+fting sand I here behold in majesty Uprising on each hand.

These Pillars of our history, In fame forever young, Are known in every lat.i.tude And named in every tongue, And down through all the Ages Their story shall be sung.

The Father of his Country Stands above that shut-in sea, A glorious symbol to the world Of all that's great and free; And to-day Virginia matches him-- And matches him with Lee.


[32] By permission of Mrs. Jane Barren Hope Marr.



JAMES WOOD DAVIDSON was born in Newberry County, South Carolina, and educated at South Carolina College, Columbia. He taught at Winnsboro and at Columbia until the opening of the war, when he enlisted as a volunteer in the Army of Northern Virginia, and served throughout the great struggle. After the war he taught again in Columbia till 1871.

Then he removed to Was.h.i.+ngton and in 1873 to New York, where he engaged in literary and journalistic work. He has also lived in Florida and represented Dade County in the State Legislature. He is now living in Was.h.i.+ngton City.


Living Writers of the South, (1869).

The Correspondent.

Poetry of the Future.

Dictionary of Southern Authors, [unfinished].

School History of South Carolina.

Bell of Doom, [a poem].

Florida of To-day.

Helen of Troy, [a romance of ancient Greece; unfinished.]

Dr. Davidson's "Living Writers of the South" has made his name well known as a critic and student of literature, and his labors in behalf of Southern letters ent.i.tle him to high regard.

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Southern Literature From 1579-1895 Part 44 summary

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