Home Occupations for Boys and Girls Part 10

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Cut a sheet of tissue paper into little oblongs 4 5 inches. Dip each narrow end 3/4 of an inch into ink, red, green, etc., or into water-color paints, and let dry. Then cut this colored margin into narrow slits, making fringe. Copy some appropriate couplet on a narrow slip of paper and place it with a piece of candy inside the paper, giving the fringed ends a final twist. The making of these at home for some future occasion, such as a birthday party, will afford a happy hour's amus.e.m.e.nt.

=Paper Money= (_White paper_, _pencil_, _scissors_, _cent_)

Place the cent beneath the paper and then press on it with the bottom of the pencil, rubbing at the same time with a circular motion. Soon the impression of the coin will appear on the paper. Cut out and use in playing store.

=Snowflakes= (_White paper_, _mucilage_, _a ten-cent box of mica crystals or five cents' worth of alum powder_)

A six-pointed star must first be made of white paper. To make this take piece of the paper from 3 to 6 inches square, according to the size of the star. Fold the paper once and cut an approximate half circle. Then fold this in thirds, pressing the folds to make creases. If opened out the circle would be marked by six equi-distant creases radiating from the centre. Do not, however, open, for you are now ready to cut. Before doing this, observe if possible some real snowflakes, with microscope or magnifying gla.s.s, or even with the naked eye. Notice the form and hexagonal structure. This is seen best if the flake is caught on some woolen fabric. Then look into an unabridged dictionary and study the picture of the magnified snowflake crystal. Then cut tiny triangles, circles, etc., into your folded circle so that when opened out it will suggest an enlarged snowflake with its six varied points. A delicate appearance is secured by cutting delicate tapering points, or, if the points be broad, cut holes in them to give a lacey effect. We do not give more definite directions for cutting, as the great fascination of the occupation consists in the experiments with their many surprises.

(1) Now take the paper snowflake and brush it lightly over with a thin, transparent mucilage, and then sift over it some mica crystals obtainable at a toy-store, one box being sufficient for many flakes.

After drying, cover the other side in the same way. Suspended from the Christmas tree, these are very effective.

(2) The flakes can be made in another way, thus: Make a solution of alum water, dissolving five cents' worth of alum in a pint of water. Be sure it is all dissolved. Then put the flakes in a shallow dish (granite ware or some material that the acid will not injure). Cover with the solution and put in a place slightly warm, so that the gradual evaporation of the water will help in the slow formation of the crystals. When finally evaporated the lacey "cut-out" will be found covered with alum crystals. Cover during evaporation with some light protection from the dust.

=Tailless Kite= (_Two sticks, 3-1/2 feet long and 1/2 inch wide_, _a ball of strong but thin twine_, _two pieces tissue paper_, _knife_, _flour paste_)

Get the sticks from the saw-mill. Cut a notch in the two ends of each stick as a catch for the framework of twine which will be put on later.

On one stick make a pencil mark about seven inches from the top. Put the middle of the second stick across the first at this mark and bind the two together firmly at right angles to each other. You now have a skeleton in the form of a cross. Number the ends of the sticks 1, 2, 3, 4, making the top 1, the right hand end 2, the bottom 3, and the left hand 4, and the place where they join 5.

Now bend the second stick (the cross piece) into a bow and tie a piece of twine from end to end like a bow-string. You must get the curve of the bow just right, so that the distance from the middle of the bow-string to the joinings of the sticks is the same as from the joinings of the sticks to the top of the main stick, _i. e._, seven inches.

Now carry twine all around, from end to end of the skeleton, to make a framework for the paper; put this twine through each notch and around the end of the stick several times to strengthen. Now paste together, end to end, lengthwise, the two pieces of paper, to make one long piece (a single piece is not large enough). Place the paper on the floor or broad table, and lay the frame upon it. The paper will not be as long or wide in all places as the framework, hence, fold it over the twine framework experimentally, and cut off in places where it is too wide.

Allow enough for secure pasting. Use the cut-off corners to lengthen in other places where necessary, by pasting on. If two colors of paper are taken, the effect is very pretty, the corners being arranged to match each other. The best paste is made by a judicious mixture of ordinary flour and water.

Now the belly-band must be tied on, as the flying string is attached to the belly-band. The belly-band is attached on the outside or convex side of the kite, being attached at 5 where the two sticks join; and at 3. It must be just as long as the distance from 5 to 2 added to the distance from 2 to 3. When tied at both ends put your pencil through the loop and move it so that the pencil rests upon the figure 2. The cord will then make an angle coinciding with 5-2 and 2-3. At the angle 2, attach the belly-band.

In flying the kite it is important to have a very long flying-string.


=Go-Bang Board= (_Bristol board_, _ruler_, _ink_, _pen_, _b.u.t.ton-molds_, _water-color paints or colored inks_)

Get a piece of bristol board or clean cardboard at stationer's and cut it 18 inches square. Divide by straight lines into small squares 3/4 inches each way.

To draw the straight lines in ink turn the ruler upside down and run the penholder against the edge, which is a little raised from the paper.

This keeps the ink from blotting.

Four is the smallest number that can play with much success, and each should have about a dozen counters. These can be made of the smallest sized b.u.t.ton-molds, each set of 12 painted a different color, or distinguished by a ring of a particular color drawn upon its upper surface with ink or paint. Small flat b.u.t.tons may also be used.

To win the game each player must succeed in getting a certain number of counters (number previously agreed upon), say four, five or six, in a straight row, either horizontally, vertically or obliquely. If he gets three in a row, then the next player should stop this opponent's progress at one end of the line by putting one of his own men there, and must depend upon his neighbor to close the other end of the line. One player must not give warning to another of the prospective success of a third. Each must keep a lookout on his own account.

=Checker-Board= (_Bristol board or any stiff, smooth cardboard_, _smooth, glazed paper of two colors, red and black_, _paste_, _scissors_, _ruler_)

Cut from the cardboard a square of 15 inches. Draw a line parallel to each side one inch from the edge for a border. From each colored sheet of paper cut 32 squares of 1-3/4 inches each. Paste eight of these in a row, alternating colors, and arranging so that they just touch the top border line. Make eight such rows, one beneath the other, and finally giving 64 squares.

For checkers, b.u.t.ton-molds of small size may be used. Twelve will be needed of one color and twelve of another. Paint these with water-colors. Flat porcelain b.u.t.tons may also be used.

=Toy Screen= (_Tinted cardboard_, _punch_, _worsted or ribbon_, _4 small pictures_)

Cut four pieces of pale blue Bristol board 3 4 inches. Punch two holes in the two long sides of two of these, and in one side of each of the remaining ones. Tie the four panels together with the ribbon or worsted so as to make a tiny screen, first pasting on each panel a miniature picture of a Madonna and Child or some other similar subject. Suitable for child to give as Christmas gift. Must be done neatly.

=Fan= (_Bristol board_, _pencil_, _worsted_, _two slats_, _sc.r.a.p picture_)

Cut two pieces of tinted Bristol board into ovals, 6-3/4 8 inches.

Make a series of pencil dots 1/4 inch from edge of oval and one inch apart. Through these, holding the ovals together, punch holes. Sew together with worsted, using the overhand st.i.tch. Having gone around once, if cross-st.i.tch effect is desired, go around again the other way, going thus through each hole a second time. For handles take two long slats and glue on to each side of the fan from the centre down to the point of the oval, and beyond. Paste a pretty sc.r.a.p picture over the centre to finish off. Tie the worsted around the ends of slats in a pretty knot to hold them together. Baby ribbon may be used instead of worsted.

=Cardboard Animals= (_Glue_, _blocks or spools_, _picture-books_, _cardboard_, _tissue paper_)

Find models in picture-books, or get from b.u.t.terick Fas.h.i.+on Co. their animal pictures, or same may be had from kindergarten supply stores.

Trace outline upon tissue paper, using soft pencil. Turn paper over on cardboard and trace firmly again around the outline. This leaves impression of picture. Cut it out and glue it to block or spool, or attach a cardboard brace to one side to make stand.

=Candlesticks= (_Squares of bright tissue paper_, _Bristol board_, _rubber bands_)

Cut circle of stiff cardboard 5 inches in diameter. Draw upon it two diameters at right angles to each other. From the _centre_ cut along each of these diameters for a little less than half an inch. Bend up the corners thus made and insert a candle.

Cut pieces of tissue paper 12 inches square; place the circle holding the candle upon the tissue paper, fold the latter around the circle and the candle, and put a rubber band around to hold in place. The appearance is improved if two colors of tissue paper be used. The effect up and down a table of these simple candlesticks is most festive. Colors may be changed to suit special occasions.

=Chinese Toy= (_Three thin pieces of cardboard 2 2-1/2 inches in measurement_ [_visiting cards will do_], _6 lengths of taffeta binding or baby ribbon, 1/4 inch wide 3 inches long_)

The following toy can be made with little expense and very little trouble if directions are followed explicitly. It may be well to have an older child read each statement as the less experienced one tries to follow. A child who enjoys attempting things that are a little difficult will enjoy working this out.

Place the three cards one beneath the other, narrow sides facing each other.

Letter the cards respectively A, B, C.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Chinese Toy.]

As they lie on the table, write on upper side of each card "right," and on the under side write "wrong."

Then place each card so that the "right" side is up.

Take card A and on _right_ side at middle of top place figure 1 and at each lower corner place a figure 2.

Do the same with Card B.

Turn B card over and on _wrong_ side of B put figure 3 at each upper corner and figure 4 at middle of lower edge.

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Home Occupations for Boys and Girls Part 10 summary

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