Handbook of the Trees of New England Part 35

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_Fraxinus viridis, Michx. f. Fraxinus lanceolata, Borkh._


River valleys and wet woods.

Ontario to Saskatchewan.

Maine,--common along the Pen.o.bscot river from Oldtown to Bangor; Vermont,--along Lake Champlain; Gardner's island, and the north end of South Hero; Rhode Island (Bailey); Connecticut,--frequent (J. N. Bishop, _Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture_, 1895).

South along the mountains to Florida; west to the Rocky mountains.

The claims to specific distinction rest mainly upon the usual absence of p.u.b.escence from the young shoots, leaves and petioles, the color of the leaves (which is bright green above and scarcely less so beneath), the usually more distinct serratures above the center, and a rather more ac.u.minate apex.

Apparently an extreme form of _F. p.u.b.escens_, connected with it by numerous intermediate forms through the entire range of the species.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE Lx.x.xV.--Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, var.


1. Winter buds.

2. Fruiting branch.

=Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.=

_Fraxinus sambucifolia, Lam._


=Habitat and Range.=--Wet woods, river bottoms, and swamps.

Anticosti through Ontario.

Maine,--common; New Hamps.h.i.+re,--south of the White mountains; Vermont,--common; Ma.s.sachusetts,--more common in central and western sections; Rhode Island,--infrequent; Connecticut,--occasional throughout.

South to Delaware and Virginia; west to Arkansas and Missouri.

=Habit.=--A tall tree reaching a height of 60-80 feet, with a trunk diameter of 1-2 feet; attaining greater dimensions southward. In swamps, when shut in by other trees, the trunk is straight, very slender, scarcely tapering to point of branching, in open situations under favorable conditions forming a large, round, open head. Easily distinguished from the other ashes by its sessile leaflets.

=Bark.=--Bark of trunk a soft ash-gray, in old trees marked by parallel ridges separating into fine, thin, close flakes; limbs light gray, rough-warted, the smaller with conspicuous leaf-scars; season's shoots olive green, stout; flattened at apex, with small, black, vertical dots.

=Winter Buds and Leaves.=--Buds roundish, pointed, very dark, the terminal 1/8 inch long. Leaves compound, opposite, 12-15 inches long; stipules none; stem grooved and smooth; leaflets 7-11, more frequently 9, 3-5 inches long, 1-1/2-2 inches wide, green on both sides, lighter beneath and more or less hairy on the veins; outline variable, more usually oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate; apex ac.u.minate; base obtuse to rounded, sessile except the odd leaflets; stipels none.

=Inflorescence.=--May. Appearing before the leaves in loose panicles from lateral or terminal buds of the preceding season, sterile and fertile flowers on different trees; bracted; calyx none; petals none.

=Fruit.=--August to September. Samaras, in panicles, rather more than 1 inch long, rounded at both ends: body entirely surrounded by the wing.

=Horticultural Value.=--Hardy throughout New England; grows in any good soil, but prefers swamp or wet land. Its very tall, slender habit makes it a useful tree in some positions, but it is not readily obtainable in nurseries and is seldom used. Propagated from the seed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE Lx.x.xVI.--Fraxinus nigra.]

1. Winter buds.

2. Branch with sterile flowers.

3. Sterile flower.

4. Branch with fertile flowers.

5. Fertile flower.

6. Fruiting branch.

7. Fruit.


=Viburnum Lentago, L.=


=Habitat and Range.=--Rich woods, thickets, river valleys, along fences.

Province of Quebec to Saskatchewan.

Frequent throughout New England.

South along the mountains to Georgia and Kentucky; west to Minnesota, Nebraska, and Missouri.

=Habit.=--A shrub or small tree, 10-25 feet in height with numerous branches forming a wide-spreading, compact rounded head; conspicuous by rich foliage, profuse, fragrant yellowish-white flowers, and long, drooping cl.u.s.ters of crimson fruit which deepen to a rich purple when fully ripe.

=Bark.=--Trunk and larger branches dark purplish or reddish brown, separating in old trees into small, firm sections; branchlets grayish-brown; season's shoots reddish-brown, dotted, more or less scurfy.

=Winter Buds and Leaves.=--Leaf-buds long, narrow, covered with scurfy, brown, leaf-like scales; flower-buds much longer, swollen at the base, with two leaf-like scales extended into a long, spire-like point. Leaves simple, opposite, 2-4 inches long, upper surface bright green, lower paler and set with rusty scales, ovate to oblong-ovate or orbicular, sharply and finely serrate, smooth, tapered or abruptly pointed; base acute to rounded or truncate; stem slender, wavy-margined, channeled above; stipules none.

=Inflorescence.=--May or early June. Terminal, in broad, flat-topped, compound, sessile cymes; calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, 5-toothed; corolla white, salver-shaped, segments 5, oval, reflexed; stamens 5, projecting, anthers yellow; pistil truncate.

=Fruit.=--Profuse, in cl.u.s.ters; drupes 1/2 inch long, oval, crimson when ripening, deep purple when fully ripe, edible, sweet: stone flat, oval, rough, obscurely striate lengthwise.

=Horticultural Value.=--Hardy throughout New England; prefers a rich soil in open places or in light shade. Its showy flowers, healthy foliage, and vigorous growth make it a desirable plant for high shrub plantations, and as an undergrowth in open woods. Offered for sale by collectors and occasionally by nurserymen; easily transplanted; propagated from seed or from cuttings.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE Lx.x.xVII.--Viburnum Lentago.]

1. Winter buds.

2. Flowering branch.

3. Flower.

4. Flower, side view.

5. Flower with petals and stamens removed.

6. Fruiting branch.

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Handbook of the Trees of New England Part 35 summary

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