In Time of Emergency Part 8

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In a shelter, it is especially important to be sanitary in the storing, handling and eating of food, so as to avoid digestive upsets or other more serious illness, and to avoid attracting vermin. Be sure to:

--Keep all food in covered containers.

--Keep cooking and eating utensils clean.

--Keep all garbage in a closed container, or dispose of it outside the home when it is safe to go outside. If possible, bury it. Avoid letting garbage or trash acc.u.mulate inside the shelter, both for fire and sanitation reasons.


In many home shelters, people would have to use emergency toilets until it was safe to leave shelter for brief periods of time.

An emergency toilet, consisting of a watertight container with a snug-fitting cover, would be necessary. It could be a garbage container, or a pail or bucket. If the container is small, a larger container, also with a cover, should be available to empty the contents into for later disposal. If possible, both containers should be lined with plastic bags.

This emergency toilet could be fitted with some kind of seat, especially for children or elderly persons. Or it may be possible to remove the seat from a wooden chair, cut a hole in it, and place the container underneath. For privacy, the toilet could be screened from view.

Every time someone uses the toilet, he should pour or sprinkle into it a small amount of regular household disinfectant, such as creosol or chlorine bleach, to keep down odors and germs. After each use, the lid should be put back on.

When the toilet container needs to be emptied, and outside radiation levels permit, the contents should be buried outside in a hole 1 or 2 feet deep. This would prevent the spread of disease by rats and insects.

If the regular toilets inside the home--or the sewer lines--are not usable for any reason, an outside toilet should be built when it is safe to do so.

If anyone has been outside and fallout particles have collected on his shoes or clothing, they should be brushed off before he enters the shelter area again.





1. Follow the normal fire prevention rules given in this chapter.

2. Keep on hand at home the basic fire fighting tools mentioned in this chapter.


1. Close doors, windows, venetian blinds, shades, and drapes in your house.

2. Unless otherwise advised, fill buckets and other containers with water, for emergency fire fighting as well as other purposes.

3. If a fire should occur, fight it promptly, following the recommended procedures.


Fire, always a danger, could be even more of a disaster during a nuclear attack emergency when the fire department might not be available to help you. Also, the risk of fire would be greater at that time.

Normal fire-prevention rules are of special importance in an emergency.

They include familiar commonsense precautions such as not allowing trash to acc.u.mulate, especially near heat sources; exercising extreme caution in the use of flammable fluids such as gasoline, naphtha, etc.; storage of such fluids outdoors when possible; care in the use of electricity; repairing of faulty wiring and avoiding overloaded circuits; and repair of faulty heating systems.

These special fire precautions should be taken in a time of nuclear emergency, especially if you plan to use a home shelter:

(1) Keep some of the intense heat rays from nuclear explosions from entering your house by closing your doors, windows, venetian blinds, window shades and drapes. If the climate will not permit this for an extended period of time, close as many as possible, then close the rest when the Attack Warning Signal is given.

(2) Unless local authorities advise otherwise, fill buckets, bathtubs and other containers with water, for use in emergency fire fighting.

If a fire does occur, your home might be saved if you know how to fight fires, and have on hand some basic firefighting tools. These should include a garden hose, a ladder, buckets filled with sand, containers filled with water, and a fire extinguisher. Keep in mind that vaporizing-liquid types of fire extinguishers can produce dangerous fumes when used in small enclosed s.p.a.ces.

Remember the 3 basic ways to put out a fire:

* Take away its fuel.

* Take away its air (smother it).

* Cool it with water or fire-extinguisher chemicals.

_Ordinary fires_ should be fought by:

--Getting the burning material out of the house (carry it out, or throw it out of a door or window if you can); or

--Putting out the fire with water, sand, earth or fire-extinguisher chemicals; or

--Smothering the fire with a rug or blanket, preferably wet.

_Special types of fires_ require special methods:

--If it is an _electrical fire_, be sure to shut off the electricity first. Then put out the flames with water or anything else available. If you can't shut off the electricity, don't use water on an electrical fire.

--If it is an _oil or grease fire_, shut off the supply of whatever is burning. Then smother the flames with sand, earth, rugs, or other heavy materials. Don't use water.

--If it is a _gas fire_, shut off the gas supply. Then use water, sand, or earth to put out whatever is burning.


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In Time of Emergency Part 8 summary

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