Memoir Of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Commandeur Of Jaffnapatam Part 6

Memoir Of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Commandeur Of Jaffnapatam -

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As the Manaar chanks are not in demand in Bengal, we have kept here a quant.i.ty of 36 1/2 Couren of different kinds, intending to sell in the usual commercial way to the Bengal merchants here present; but they did not care to take it, and said plainly that the chanks were not of the required size or colour; they must therefore be sent to Colombo by the first opportunity, to be sent on to Bengal next year to be sold at any price, as this will be better than having them lying here useless.

9. The subject of the inhabitants has been treated of in such a way that it is unnecessary for me to add anything.

10. With regard to the t.i.thes, I agree with Mr. Zwaardecroon that the taxes need not be reduced, especially as I never heard that the inhabitants asked for this to be done. It will be the duty of the Dessave to see that the tenth of the harvest of the waste lands, which were granted with exemption of taxes for a certain period, is brought into the Company's stores after the stated period has expired.

11. Poll tax.--It is necessary that a beginning should be made with the work of revising the Head Thombo, and that the names of the old and infirm people and of those that have died should be taken off the list, while the names of the youths who have reached the required age are entered. This renovation should take place once in three years, and the Dessave as Land Regent should sometimes a.s.sist in this work.

12. Officie Gelden.--It will be very well if this be divided according to the number of people in each caste, so that each individual pays his share, instead of the amount being demanded from each caste as a whole, because it is apparent that the Majoraals have profited by the old method.

13. No remarks are at present necessary with regard to the Adigary.

14. The Oely service, imposed upon those castes which are bound to serve, must be looked after, as this is the only practicable means of continuing the necessary works. The idea of raising the fine for non-attendance from 2 stivers, which they willingly pay, to 4 stivers or one fanam, [71] is not bad, but I found this to be the practise already for many years, as may be seen from the annexed account of two parties of men who had been absent, which most likely was overlooked by mistake. This is yet stronger evidence that the circ.u.mstances of the inhabitants have improved, and I therefore think it would be well to raise the chicos from 4 stivers to 6 stivers or 1 1/2 fanam, with a view to finding out whether the men will then be more diligent in the performance of their duty; because the work must be carried on by every possible means. Your Honours are again seriously recommended to see that the sicos or fines specified in the annexed Memoir are collected without delay, and also the amount still due for 1693, because such delay cannot but be prejudicial to the Company. The old and infirm people whose names are not entered in the new Thombo must still deliver mats, and kernels for coals for the smith's shop. No objections will be raised to this if they see that we do not slacken in our supervision.

15. Tax Collectors and Majoraals.--The payment of the taxes does not seem satisfactory, because only Rds. 180 have been paid yet out of the Rds. 2,975.1 due as sicos for the year 1695. It would be well if these officers could be transferred according to the Instructions of 1673 and 1675. It used to be the practice to transfer them every three years; but I think it will be trouble in vain now, because when an attempt was made to have these offices filled by people of various castes, it caused such commotion and uproar that it was not considered advisable to persist in this course except where the interest of the Company made it strictly necessary. Perhaps a gradual change could be brought about by filling the places of some of the Bellales when they die by persons of other castes, which I think could be easily done. Although Mr. Zwaardecroon seems to think it desirable that the appointment of new officials for vacancies and the issuing of the actens should be deferred till his return from Mallabaar or until another Commandeur should come over, we trust that he does not mean that these appointments could not be made by the Governor of the Island or by the person authorized by him to do so. If the Commandeur were present, such appointment should not be made without his knowledge, especially after the example of the commotion caused by the transfer of these officers in this Commandement, but in order that Your Honours may not be at a loss what to do, it will be better for you not to wait for the return of Mr. Zwaardecroon from Mallabaar, nor for the arrival of any other Commandeur, but to refer these and all other matters concerning this Commandement, which is subordinate to us, to Colombo to the Governor and Council, so that proper advice in debita forma may be given.

16. The Lascoreens certainly make better messengers than soldiers. The Dessave must therefore maintain discipline among them, and take care that no men bound to perform other duties are entered as Lascoreens. This they often try to bring about in order to be excused from labour, and the Company is thus deprived of labourers and is put to great inconvenience. I noticed this to be the case in Colombo during the short time I was in Ceylon, when the labour had to be supplied by the Company's slaves. There seems to be no danger of another famine for some time, as the crop in Coromandel has turned out very well. We cannot therefore agree to an increase of pay, although it is true that the present wages of the men are very low. It must be remembered, however, that they are also very simple people, who have but few wants, and are not always employed in the service of the Company; so that they may easily earn something besides if they are not too lazy. We will therefore keep their wages for the present at the rate they have been at for so many years; especially because it is our endeavour to reduce the heavy expenditure of the Company by every practicable means. We trust that there was good reason why the concession made by His Excellency the Extraordinary Councillor of India, Mr. Laurens Pyl, in favour of the Lascoreens has not been executed, and we consider that on account of the long interval that has elapsed it is no longer of application. The proposal to transfer the Lascoreens in this Commandement twice, or at least once a year, will be a good expedient for the reasons stated.

17. The importation of slaves from the opposite coast seems to be most profitable to the inhabitants of Jaffnapatam, as no less a number than 3,584 were brought across in two years' time, for which they paid 9,856 guilders as duty. It would be better if they imported a larger quant.i.ty of rice or nely, because there is so often a scarcity of food supplies here. It is also true that the importation of so many slaves increases the number of people to be fed, and that the Wannias could make themselves more formidable with the help of these men, so that there is some reason for the question whether the Company does not run the risk of being put to inconvenience with regard to this Commandement. Considering also that the inhabitants have suffered from chicken-pox since the importation of slaves, which may endanger whole Provinces, I think it will be well to prevent the importation of slaves. As to the larger importation on account of the famine on the opposite coast, where these creatures were to be had for a handful of rice, this will most likely cease now, after the better harvest. The danger with regard to the Wannias I do not consider so very great, as the rule of the Company is such that the inhabitants prefer it to the extreme hards.h.i.+ps they had to undergo under the Wannia chiefs, and they would kill them if not for fear of the power of the Company. Therefore I think it unnecessary to have any apprehension on this score.

18. Rice and nely are the two articles which are always wanting, not only in Jaffnapatam, but throughout Ceylon all over the Company's territory, and therefore the officers of the Government must constantly guard against a monopoly being made of this grain. This opportunity is taken to recommend the matter to Your Honours as regards this Commandement.

19. I do not consider any remarks necessary with regard to the native trade. I agree, however, with the method practised by Mr. Zwaardecroon in order to prevent the monopoly of grain, viz., that all vessels returning with grain, which the owners take to Point Pedro, Tellemanaar, and Wallewitteture, often under false pretexts, in order to hide it there, should be ordered to sail to Kayts. This matter is recommended to Your Honours' attention.

20. With regard to the coconut trees, we find that more difficulties are raised about the order from Colombo of October 13 last, for the delivery of 24 casks of coconut oil, than is necessary, considering the large number of trees found in this country. It seems to me that this could be easily done; because, according to what is published from time to time, and from what is stated in the Pa.s.s Book, it appears that during the period of five years 1692 to 1696 inclusive, a number of 5,397,800 of these nuts were exported, besides the quant.i.ty smuggled and the number consumed within this Commandement. Calculating that one cask, or 400 cans of 10 quarterns, of oil can be easily drawn from 5,700 coconuts (that is to say, in Colombo: in this Commandement 6,670 nuts would be required for the same quant.i.ty, and thus, for the whole supply of 24 casks, 160,080 nuts would be necessary), I must say I do not understand why this order should be considered so unreasonable, and why the Company's subjects could not supply this quant.i.ty for good payment. Instead of issuing licenses for the export of the nuts it will be necessary to prohibit it, because none of either of the kinds of oil demanded has been delivered. I do not wish to express my opinion here, but will only state that shortly after my arrival, I found that the inhabitants on their own account gladly delivered the oil at the Company's stores at the rate of 3 fanams or Rd. 1/4 per marcal of 36 quarterns, even up to 14 casks, and since then, again, 10 casks have been delivered, and they still continue to do so. They also delivered 3 amen of margosa oil, while the Political Council were bold enough to a.s.sert in their letter of April 4 last that it was absolutely impossible to send either of the two kinds of oil, the excuse being that they had not even sufficient for their own requirements. How far this statement can be relied upon I will not discuss here; but I recommend to Your Honours to be more truthful and energetic in future, and not to trouble us with unnecessary correspondence, as was done lately; although so long as the Dessave is present I have better expectations.

21. No remarks are necessary on the subject of the iron and steel tools, except that there is the more reason why what is recommended here must be observed; because the free trade with Coromandel and Palecatte has been opened this year by order of the Honourable the Supreme Government of India.

22. It is very desirable that the palmyra planks and laths should be purchased by the Dessave. As reference is made here to the large demand for Colombo and Negapatam, I cannot refrain from remarking that the demand from Negapatam has been taken much more notice of than that from Colombo; because, within a period of four years, no more than 1,970 planks and 19,652 laths have been sent here, which was by no means sufficient, and in consequence other and far less durable wood had to be used. We also had to obtain laths from private persons at Jaffnapatam at a high rate and of inferior quality. I therefore specially request that during the next northern monsoon the following are sent to this Commandement of Colombo, [72] where several necessary building operations are to be undertaken:--4,000 palmyra planks in two kinds, viz., 2,000 planks, four out of one tree; 2,000 planks, three out of one tree; 20,000 palmyra laths. Your Honour must see that this timber is sent to Colombo by any opportunity that offers itself.

23. It will be necessary to train another able person for the supervision of the felling of timber, so that we may not be put to any inconvenience in case of the death of the old sergeant. Such a person must be well acquainted with the country and the forests, and the advice here given must be followed.

24. Charcoal, which is burnt from kernels, has been mentioned under the heading of the Oely service, where it is stated who are bound to deliver it. These persons must be kept up to the mark, but as a subst.i.tute in times of necessity 12 hoeden [73] of coals were sent last January as promised to Your Honour. This must, however, be economically used.

25. As stated here, the bark-lunt is more a matter of convenience than of importance. It is, however, necessary to continue exacting this duty, being an old right of the lord of the land; but on the other hand it must be seen that too much is not extorted.

26. The coral stone is a great convenience, and it would be well if it could be found in more places in Ceylon, when so many hoekers would not be required to bring the lime from Tutucorin.

27. The lime found here is also a great convenience and profit, as that which is required in this Commandement is obtained free of cost. When no more lime is required for Coromandel, the 8,000 or 9,000 paras from Cangature must be taken to Kayts as soon as possible in payment of what the lime-burners still owe. If it can be proved that any amount is still due, they must return it in cash, as proposed by Commandeur Zwaardecroon, which Your Honour is to see to. But as another order has come from His Excellency the Governor of Coromandel for 100 lasts of lime, it will be easier to settle this account.

28. The dye-roots have been so amply treated of here and in such a way that I recommend to Your Honour to follow the advice given. I would add some remarks on the subject if want of time did not prevent my doing so.

29. The farming out of the duties, including those on the import of foreign cloth of 20 per cent., having increased by Rds. 4,056 1/2, must be continued in the same way. The stamping of native cloth (included in the lease) must be reduced, from September 1 next, to 20 per cent. The farmers must also be required to pay the monthly term at the beginning of each month in advance, which must be stipulated in the lease, so that the Company may not run any risks. There are prospects of this lease becoming more profitable for the Company in future, on account of the pa.s.sage having been opened.

30. With regard to the Trade Accounts, such good advice has been given here, that I fully approve of it and need not make any further comments, but only recommend the observance of the rules.

31. The debts due to the Company, amounting to 116,426.11.14 guilders at the end of February, 1694, were at the departure of Mr. Zwaardecroon reduced to 16,137.8 guilders. This must no doubt be attributed to the greater vigilance exercised, in compliance with the orders from the Honourable the Supreme Government of India by resolution of 1693. This order still holds good and seems to be still obeyed; because, since the date of this Memoir, the debt has been reduced to 14,118.11.8 guilders. The account at present is as follows:--

Guilders. [74]

The Province of Timmoraatsche 376. 2.8 The Province of Patchelepalle 579.10.0 Tandua Moeti and Nagachitty (weavers) 2,448.13.0 Manuel of Anecotta 8,539. 6.0 The Tannecares caste 1,650. 0.0 Don Philip Nellamapane 375. 0.0 Ambelewanner 150. 0.0 =========== Total 14,118.11.8

Herein is not included the Fl. 167.15 which again has been paid to the weavers Tandua Moeti and Naga Chitty on account of the Company for the delivery of Salampoeris, while materials have been issued to them later on. It is not with my approval that these poor people continue to be employed in the weaving of cloth, because the Salampoeris which I have seen is so inferior a quality and uneven that I doubt whether the Company will make any profit on it; especially if the people should get into arrears again as usual on account of the thread and cash issued to them. I have an idea that I read in one of the letters from Batavia, which, however, is not to be found here at the Secretariate, that Their Excellencies forbid the making of the gingams spoken of by Mr. Zwaardecroon, as there was no profit to be made on these, but I am not quite sure, and will look for the letter in Colombo, and inform Their Excellencies at Batavia of this matter. Meantime, Your Honours must continue the old practice as long as it does not act prejudicially to the Company. At present their debt is 2,448.13 guilders, from which I think it would be best to discharge them, and no advance should be given to them in future, nor should they be employed in the weaving of cloth for the Company. I do not think they need be sent out of the country on account of their idolatry on their being discharged from their debt; because I am sure that most of the natives who have been baptized are more heathen than Christian, which would be proved on proper investigation. Besides, there are still so many other heathen, as, for instance, the Brahmin Timmerza and his large number of followers, about whom nothing is said, and who also openly practise idolatry and greatly exercise their influence to aid the vagabonds (land-loopers) dependent on him, much to the prejudice of Christianity. I think, therefore, that it is a matter of indifference whether these people remain or not, the more so as the inhabitants of Jaffnapatam are known to be a perverse and stiff-necked generation, for whom we can only pray that G.o.d in His mercy will graciously enlighten their understanding and bless the means employed for their instruction to their conversion and knowledge of their salvation.

It is to be hoped that the debt of the dyers, amounting to 8,539.6 guilders, may yet be recovered by vigilance according to the instructions.

32. The debt of the Tannekares, who owe 1,650 guilders for 11 elephants, and the amount of 375 guilders due by Don Gaspar advanced to him for the purchase of nely, as also the amount of Fl. 150 from the Ambelewanne, must be collected as directed here.

33. With regard to the pay books nothing need be observed here but that the instructions given in the annexed Memoir be carried out.

34. What is said here with regard to the Secretariate must be observed, but with regard to the proposed means of lessening the duties of the Secretary by transferring the duties of the Treasurer to the Thombo-keeper, Mr. Bolscho (in which work the latter is already employed), I do not know whether it would be worth while, as it is best to make as few changes as possible. The instructions with regard to the pa.s.sports must be followed pending further orders.

35. I will not comment upon what is stated here with regard to the Court of Justice, as these things occurred before I took up the reins of Government, and that was only recently. I have besides no sufficient knowledge of the subject, while also time does not permit me to peruse the doc.u.ments referred to. Mr. Zwaardecroon's advice must be followed, but in case Mr. Bolscho should have to be absent for a short time (which at present is not necessary, as it seems that the preparation of the maps and the correction of the Thombo is chiefly left to the surveyors), I do not think the sittings of the Court need be suspended, but every effort must be made to do justice as quickly as possible. In case of illness of some of the members, or when the Lieutenant Claas Isaacsz has to go to the interior to relieve the Dessave of his duties there, Lieut. van Loeveningen, and, if necessary, the Secretary of the Political Council, could be appointed for the time; because the time of the Dessave will be taken up with the supervision of the usual work at the Castle. I think that there are several law books in stock in Colombo, of which some will be sent for the use of the Court of Justice by the first opportunity; as it appears that different decisions have been made in similar cases among the natives. Great precaution must be observed, and the doc.u.ments occasionally submitted to us. I think that the number of five Lascoreens and six Caffirs will be sufficient for the a.s.sistance of the Fiscaal.

36. I will not make any remarks here on the subject of religion, but will refer to my annotations under the heading of Outstanding Debts.

37. I agree with all that has been stated here with regard to the Seminary and need not add anything further, except that I think this large school and church require a bell, which may be rung on Sundays for the services and every day to call the children to school and to meals. As there are bells in store, the Dessave must be asked to see that one is put up, either at the entrance of the church on some steps, or a little more removed from the door, or wherever it may be considered to be most convenient and useful.

38. All that is said here with regard to the Consistory I can only confirm.

39. I approve of the advice given to the Dessave to see to the improvement of the churches and the houses belonging thereto; but I have heard that the neglect has extended over a long period and the decay is very serious. It should have been the duty of the Commandeur to prevent their falling into ruin.

40. The Civil or Landraad ought to hold its sittings as stated in the Memoir. I am very much surprised to find that this Court is hardly worthy of the name of Court any more, as not a single sitting has been held or any case heard since March 21, 1696. It appears that these sittings were not only neglected during the absence of the Commandeur in Colombo, but even after his return and since his departure for Mallabaar, and it seems that they were not even thought of until my arrival here. This shows fine government indeed, considering also that the election of the double number of members for this College had twice taken place, the members nominated and the list sent to Colombo without a single meeting being held. It seems to me incomprehensible, and as it is necessary that this Court should meet again once every week without fail, the Dessave, as chief in this Commandement when the Commandeur is absent, is entrusted with the duty of seeing that this order is strictly observed. As Your Honours are aware, I set apart a meeting place both for this Court as well as the Court of Justice, namely, the corner house next to the house of the Administrateur Biermans, consisting of one large and one small room, while a roof has been built over the steps. This, though not of much pretension, will quite do, and I consider it unnecessary to build so large a building as proposed either for this Court or for the Scholarchen. The scholarchial meetings can be held in the same place as those of the Consistory, as is done in Colombo and elsewhere, and a large Consistory has been built already for the new church. As it is not necessary now to put up a special building for those a.s.semblies, I need not point out here the errors in the plan proposed, nor need I state how I think such a place should be arranged. I have also been averse to such a building being erected so far outside the Castle and in a corner where no one comes or, and I consider it much better if this is done within the Castle. There is a large square adjoining the church, where a whole row of buildings might be put up. It is true that no one may erect new buildings on behalf of the Company without authority and special orders from Batavia. I have to recommend that this order be strictly observed. Whether or not the said foul pool should be filled up I cannot say at present, as it would involve no little labour to do so.

41. I approve of the advice given in the annexed Memoir with regard to the Orphan Chamber.

42. I agree with this pa.s.sage concerning the Commissioners of Marriage Causes, except that some one else must be appointed in the place of Lieutenant Claas Isaacsz if necessary.

43. Officers. As above.

44. Superintendent of the Fire Brigade and Wardens of the Town. As above.

45. As stated here, the deacons have a deficit of Rds. 1,145.3.7 over the last five and half years, caused by the building of an Orphanage and the maintenance of the children. At present there are 18 orphans, 10 boys and 8 girls, and for such a small number certainly a large building and great expenditure is unnecessary. As the deficit has been chiefly caused by the building of the Orphanage, which is paid for now, and as the Deaconate has invested a large capital, amounting to Fl. 40,800, on interest in the Company, I do not see the necessity of finding it some other source of income, as it would have to be levied from the inhabitants or paid by the Company in some way or other.

46. No more sums on interest are to be received in deposit on behalf of the Company, in compliance with the instructions referred to.

47. What is stated here with regard to the money drafts must be observed.

48. Golden PaG.o.das.--I find a notice, bearing date November 18, 1695, giving warning against the introduction of PaG.o.das into this country. It does not seem to have had much effect, as there seems to be a regular conspiracy and monopoly among the chetties and other rogues. This ought to be stopped, and I have therefore ordered that none but the Negapatam and Palliacatte PaG.o.das will be current at 24 fannums or Rds. 2, while it will be strictly prohibited to give in payment or exchange any other PaG.o.das, whether at the boutiques or anywhere else, directly or indirectly, on penalty of the punishment laid down in the statutes. Your Honours must see that this rule is observed, and care must be taken that no payment is made to the Company's servants in coin on which they would have to lose.

49. The applications from outstations.--The rules laid down in the annexed Memoir must be observed.

50. With regard to the Company's sloops and other vessels, directions are given here as to how they are employed, which directions must be still observed. Further information or instructions may be obtained from Colombo.

51. The Fortifications.--I think it would be preferable to leave the fortifications of the Castle of Jaffnapatam as they are, instead of raising any points or curtains. But improvements may be made, such as the alteration of the embrazures, which are at present on the outside surrounded by coral stone and chunam, and are not effective, as I noticed that at the firing of the salute on my arrival, wherever the canons were fired the coral stone had been loosened and in some places even thrown down. The sentry boxes also on the outer points of the flank and face had been damaged. These embrazures would be very dangerous for the sentry in case of an attack, as they would not stand much firing. I think also that the stone flooring for the artillery ought to be raised a little, or, in an emergency, boards could be placed underneath the canon, which would also prevent the stones being crushed by the wheels. I noticed further that each canon stands on a separate platform, which is on a level with the floor of the curtain, so that if the carriage should break when the canon are fired, the latter would be thrown down, and it would be with great difficulty only that they could be replaced on their platform. It would be much safer if the s.p.a.ces between these platforms were filled up. The ramparts are all right, but the curtain slopes too much; this was done most likely with a view of permitting the shooting with muskets at even a closer range than half-way across the moat. This deficiency might be rectified by raising the earthen wall about half a foot. These are the chief deficiencies I noticed, which could be easily rectified. With regard to the embrazures, I do not know at present whether it would be safer to follow the plan of the Commandeur or that of the Constable-Major Toorse. For the present I have ordered the removal of the stones and their replacement by gra.s.s sods, which can be fixed on the earthen covering of the ramparts. Some of the soldiers well experienced in this work are employed in doing this, and I think that it will be far more satisfactory than the former plan, which was only for show. The sentry boxes had better be built inside, and the present pa.s.sage to them from the earthen wall closed up, and they must be built so that they would not be damaged by the firing of the canon. The Dessave has been instructed to see that the different platforms for the artillery are made on one continuous floor, which can be easily done, as the s.p.a.ces between them are but very small and the materials are at hand.

I wish the deficiencies outside the fort could be remedied as well as those within it. The defect is that the moat serves as yet very little as a safeguard, and it seems as if there is no hope of its being possible to dig it sufficiently deep, considering that experiments have been made with large numbers of labourers and yet the work has advanced but little. When His Excellency the Honourable the Commissioner van Mydregt was in Jaffnapatam in 1690, he had this work continued for four or five weeks by a large number of people, but he had to give it up, and left no instructions as far as is known. The chief difficulty is the very hard and large rocks enclosed in the coral stone, which cannot be broken by any instrument and have to be blasted. This could be successfully done in the upper part, but lower down beneath the water level the gunpowder cannot be made to take fire. As this is such an important work, I think orders should be obtained from Batavia to carry on this work during the dry season when the water is lowest; because at that time also the people are not engaged in the cultivation of fields, so that a large number of labourers could be obtained. The blasting of the rocks was not undertaken at first for fear of damage to the fortifications, but as the moat has been dug at a distance of 10 roods from the wall, it may be 6 or 7 roods wide and a s.p.a.ce would yet remain of 3 or 4 roods. This, in my opinion, would be the only effectual way of completing the work, provision being made against the rus.h.i.+ng in of the water, while a sufficient number of tools, such as shovels, spades, &c., must be kept at hand for the breaking of the coral stones. It would be well for the maintenance of the proper depth to cover both the outer and inner walls with coral stone, as otherwise this work would be perfectly useless.

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Memoir Of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, Commandeur Of Jaffnapatam Part 6 summary

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