Representative Plays By American Dramatists Part 2

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PENCE, JAMES HARRY. (Compiler.) The Magazine and the Drama. An Index. New York: The Dunlap Society. 1896.

PHELPS, H. P. Players of a Century. A Record of the Albany Stage.

Albany, 1880.

REES, J. The Dramatic Authors of America. Philadelphia, 1845.

RODEN, ROBERT F. Later American Plays. 1831-1900. New York: The Dunlap Society. (1900, n. s. 12.)

SABIN, JOSEPH. Dictionary of Books Relating to America. From Its Discovery to the Present Time. Vol. 1, _seq._ New York: 1868 _seq._

SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. (2 vols.) Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1864.

SCHARF, J. THOMAS, and WESTCOTT, THOMPSON. History of Philadelphia.

1609-1884. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co. 1884.

SEARS, ALONZO. American Literature in the Colonial and National Periods. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1902.

SEILHAMER, GEORGE O. I. History of the American Theatre Before the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1888. II. History of the American Theatre During the Revolution and After. Philadelphia, 1889. III. History of the American Theatre: New Foundations. Philadelphia, 1891.

SIMPSON, HENRY. The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, Now Deceased.

Collected from Original and Authentic Sources. Philadelphia: William Brotherhead. 1859.

SMITH, SOLOMON FRANKLIN. Theatrical Management in the West and South for Thirty Years, with Anecdotal Sketches. New York: Harper & Bros.


SONNECK, OSCAR GEORGE THEODORE. Catalogue of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800. (2 vols.) Was.h.i.+ngton: Government Printing Office. 1914.

SONNECK, O. G. T. Early Opera in America. New York: G. Schirmer.


SONNECK, O. G. T. Report on the Star-Spangled Banner, Hail Columbia, America, and Yankee Doodle. Was.h.i.+ngton: Government Printing Office.


STONE, HENRY d.i.c.kINSON. Personal Recollections of the Drama. Albany, 1873.

_Times_, New York. The Early Theatre. December 15, 1895, p. 13.

TOMPKINS, EUGENE, and KILBY, QUINCY. History of the Boston Theatre.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1908.

TYLER, MOSES COIT. The Literary History of the American Revolution.

1763-1783. (2 vols.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1897.

WEGELIN, OSCAR. The Beginning of the Drama in America. _Literary Collector_, 9:177-181, 1905.

WEGELIN, OSCAR. Early American Plays. 1714-1830. New York: The Literary Collector Press. 1905. (See Dunlap Soc. Pub., n. s. 10, 1900; also the _Literary Collector_, 2:82-84.)

WEMYSS, F. C. Chronology of the American Stage from 1752 to 1852.

New York: Wm. Taylor & Co.

WEMYSS, F. C. Twenty-six Years of the Life of an Actor and Manager.

(2 vols.) New York: Burgess, Stringer & Co. 1847.

WILKINS, FREDERICK H. Early Influence of German Literature in America. _Americana Germanica_, 3:103-205, 1899.

WILLARD, GEORGE O. History of the Providence Stage. 1762-1891.

Providence: R. I. News Co. 1891.

WILSON, JAMES GRANT. (Editor.) The Memorial History of the City of New York. (4 vols.) New York History Co. 1892 _seq._

WINSOR, JUSTIN. The Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk Co., Ma.s.s. 1630-1880. Boston: Ticknor & Co. 1880.

WINTER, WILLIAM. The Wallet of Time. (2 vols.) New York: Moffat, Yard & Co. 1913.

WOOD, WILLIAM B. Personal Recollections of the Stage. Embracing Notices of Actors, Authors, and Auditors, During a Period of Forty Years. Philadelphia: Henry Carey Baird. 1855.


Only essential references are given, and wherever possible the author's name is indicated, rather than the t.i.tle. In such cases, the full t.i.tle of the reference may be had by consulting the General Bibliography.


William Allen, American Biographical Dictionary; Dunlap, i, 50; Seilhamer, i, 185; Tyler, Consult Index; Journal of William Black; Journal of Sarah Eve, Extracts from the: Written while living near the City of Philadelphia in 1772-1773 (Philadelphia, 1881); _American Museum_, 471-472; _Journal National Inst.i.tute Sciences_, i: 165, 1915; _Nation_, 100:415, April 15, 1915.


Allibone; Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography; Dictionary of National Biography; Duyckinck; Ryerson, American Loyalists; Sabin; Sabine, American Loyalists; Tyler; Winsor. Ellis P. Oberholtzer, Literary History of Philadelphia (1906); Sears. _Canadian Magazine_, 1914, 42:316-318; _Dial_ (Chicago), 59:68-69; 97, 1915; _Historical Magazine_ (New York), April, 1860, 127; _New England Magazine_, 1894, n. s. 9:678; Royal Society of Canada Proceedings and Transactions, ser. 2, vol. 6, sec. 2, pp. 49-59, Ottawa, 1900. The reader is also referred to the Nevins re-issue of "Ponteach," in which full bibliographies are given; also to Parkman's "History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac." Consult Caleb Stark's "Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark, with Notices of Several other Officers of the Revolution. Also, a Biography of Capt.

Phinehas Stevens, and of Colonel Robert Rogers" (1860).


Alice Brown, "Mercy Warren" (_Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times_). New York: Scribner's, 1896; Duyckinck; Ellet, Women of the American Revolution; Fiske, John, American Revolution; Griswold, Female Poets of America; Mrs. Hale, Woman's Record; Rees, 132; Seilhamer, ii, 3; Winsor, Boston; Wegelin. Adams, Works of John--ed.

by Charles Francis Adams.--Consult Index; _Blackwood Magazine_, xvii, 203; Correspondence Relating to Mrs. Warren's History of the American Revolution, _Ma.s.s. Hist. Coll._, ser. 5, v. 4, 315-511; _Harper's Magazine_, 1884, 68:749; _New England Magazine_, 1894, n.

s. 9:680; _North American Review_, lxviii, 415. In studying first editions of plays, the reader is referred to the Bibliographies of Charles Evans and Charles Hildeburn.


Allibone; Duyckinck; Victor H. Paltsits, A Bibliography of the Separate and Collected Works of Philip Freneau (including Brackenridge)--New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903; 1846 edition of Brackenridge's "Modern Chivalry," containing a biographical sketch by his son; Oberholtzer; Tyler; _United States Magazine_ (in the collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania). The reader is also referred to Mary S. Austin's "Philip Freneau, the Poet of the Revolution: A History of his Life and Times" (1901); F. L. Pattee's "The Poems of Philip Freneau: Poet of the American Revolution"--Edited for the Princeton Historical a.s.sociation, 3 volumes, 1902-1907; Samuel Davies Alexander's "Princeton College during the Eighteenth Century;"

James Madison's Correspondence while at College; W. C. Armor's "Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania," for a picture and an account of the administration of Governor Thomas Mackean. Consult also, for college atmosphere, the Journals of Philip Fithian, and the Correspondence of the Rev. Ezra Stiles, Letter of July 23, 1762, published by the Yale Press. (Styles encouraged "The Mercenary Match," by Barnabas Bidwell.)

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