A Double Knot Part 3

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"I did, and visited at that cottage time after time. Man, man, I tell you," he continued, speaking rapidly in his excitement, "the recollection of those days has been my solace in many a bitter winter's night, and I have looked forward to my return as the great day of my existence."

"Stop!" said the other nervously. "Tell me this, Rob: did she--did she love you?"

"Love me?" exclaimed the other pa.s.sionately: "no. How could I expect it? She was a mere child, budding into maidenhood; but her eyes brightened when I came, and she was my little companion here in the happy days that can never be recalled. James Huish, I loved that girl with all my soul. My love has grown for her, and my first thought was to seek her on my return, and try to win her for my wife."

"It's deuced unfortunate, Rob," said the other in his nervous way.

Then, with a kind of bravado, he continued half laughingly: "But then, you see, you have been away two years, and you have stopped away too long. It's a pity, too, such friends as we were."

Ere he had finished speaking his companion had seized his arm as in a vice.

"Huis.h.!.+" he cried hoa.r.s.ely, "if you speak to me in that tone of voice I will not answer for the consequences. I do not wish to be rash, or to condemn you unheard; but this is of such vital import to me that, by G.o.d, if you speak of it in that flippant tone again, I shall forget that we are gentlemen, and, like some brute beast, I shall have you by the throat."

"Loose my arm," exclaimed the other, flus.h.i.+ng more deeply; "you hurt me."

"You hurt me," cried the other, trembling with pa.s.sion--"to the heart."

"If I have wronged you," exclaimed Huish, "even if duelling is out of fas.h.i.+on, I can give you satisfaction."

"Satisfaction!" cried the other bitterly. "Look here, James Huish. You have been a man of fas.h.i.+on, while I have been a blunt soldier. If what I hear be true, would it be any satisfaction for me to shoot you through the head, and break that poor girl's heart, for I could do it if I liked; and if I did not, would it be any satisfaction to let you make yourself a murderer?"

Huish shuddered slightly, and the colour paled in his cheeks.

"Now answer my question. I say, is this true?"

"We are old friends," retorted Huish, "but you have no right to question me."

"Right or no right, I will question you," exclaimed the other pa.s.sionately, "and answer me you shall before you leave this spot."

Huish glanced uneasily to the right and left, and, seeing this, his companion laid his hand once more upon his arm.

"No," he exclaimed, "you do not go; and for your own sake, do not provoke me."

The speaker's voice trembled with rage, which he seemed to be fighting hard to control, while Huish was by turns flushed with anger, and pale with something near akin to fear.

"I will not answer your questions," he exclaimed desperately.

"You promised me you would, and you shall, James Huish. Look here, sir.

A little over two years ago there was a servant at the cottage--a cold hard girl. I come back here, and I find this same girl now a woman.

She recognised me when I met her yesterday, and, believing that I was going to the cottage, she stopped me, and by degrees told me such a tale as I would I had never lived to hear. I went away again yesterday half mad, hardly believing that it could be true. To-day I returned, and she pointed you out to me as the villain--as Mr Ranby--a serpent crawling here to poison under an a.s.sumed name."

"Go on," said the other. "You meant marriage of course."

"I tell you, man, I never had a thought for that poor girl that was not pure and true. If I had spoken so soon, it might have checked an intercourse that was to me the happiest of my life. Now I come back and find that the peace of that little home is blasted--that the woman I have loved has been made the toy of your pleasure; that you whom I believed to be a gentleman, a man of honour, have proved to be the greatest of villains upon this earth."

"Have a care what you say," said Huish hotly.

"I will have a care," cried the other. "I will not condemn you on the words of others; I would not so condemn the man who was my closest friend. Speak, then; tell me. I say, is this all true?"

"You have no right to question me."

"I say, is this true, James Huish?"

"Look here. What is the use of making a fuss like this over a bit of an affair of gallantry."

"What!" cried the other, grasping the arm of Huish once more tightly.

"An affair of gallantry? Is it, then, an affair of gallantry to come upon a home like a blight--to destroy--yes, blast the life of a pure, trusting, simple-hearted girl, who believes you to be the soul of honour? James Huish, I do not understand these terms; but tell me this," he continued in a voice that was terrible in its cold measured tones, "is this true?"

"Is what true?" said the other, with an attempt at bravado.

"You know what I mean--about Mary Riversley."

"Well, there, yes, I suppose it is," said Huish, with a.s.sumed indifference; "and now the murder's out."

"No," exclaimed the other, with the rage he had been beating down struggling hard for the mastery; "not murder: it is worse. But look here, Huish. This girl is fatherless," he continued in a voice quite unnaturally calm. "I loved her very dearly, but, poor girl, her affection has gone to another. She cannot be my wife, but I can be her friend and I will. You will marry her at once."

"Not likely," was the scornful reply, as Huish tried to shake his arm free.

"I say, James Huish, you will marry this poor girl--no, this dear, sweet, injured lady--at once. The world would call her fallen; I say she is a good, true woman, as pure as snow, and in the sight of G.o.d Almighty your own wife. But we have customs here in England that must be observed. I say again, you will marry Ruth Riversley--at once?"

"I--will--not!" said Huish slowly and distinctly, the pain he suffered bringing a burning spot in each cheek, and his temper now mastering the dread he felt of his companion.

"I say again," said the other, in the same strange unnatural tone, "you will marry Miss Riversley--at once."

"And I say," cried Huish, now half mad with rage and pain, "I will not.

Marry her yourself," he said brutally, "if--"

"d.a.m.ned traitor?" cried the other, choking the completion of the sentence, as, active as a panther, he caught Huish by the throat. "Dog!

coward! scoundrel! Down on your knees, and swear you will marry her, or I will not answer for your life!"

Huish in his dread half wrenched himself free, and a wild, strange cry escaped his lips. Then, nerved by his position, he turned upon his a.s.sailant, and a deadly struggle commenced.

They were well matched, but the young officer, hardened by a rough life, was the more active, and as they swayed to and fro in a fierce embrace, he more than once seemed on the point of forcing his adversary to the ground; but Huish putting forth his whole strength recovered himself, and the struggle was renewed with greater violence than before.

It was an aimless encounter, such as would result from two men engaging when maddened with rage. Their cheeks were purple, their veins stood out in their temples, and their eyes flashed with the excitement of the encounter. The danger they risked in their proximity to the deep pit was not heeded, and more than once as they wrestled to and fro, they nearly touched the fence that ran along the brink; but neither seemed to be aware of its existence, the short gra.s.s and heather by the side of the path was trampled, the bushes rustled and the twigs were broken as the antagonists in turn seemed to gain the mastery, and then for a few moments they paused, each gripping the other tightly, and gazing angrily in one another's eyes.

There was the low sobbing pant of labouring breath, the heaving of strong men's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and then without a word being spoken the struggle recommenced.

It soon became evident that Huish was trying all he could to throw his adversary, the idea uppermost being that if he could get Captain Millet to the ground, he might hold him there till help came. On the other side Millet's main thought was to put into execution his threat; force Huish to his knees, and there make him humbly ask pardon and take such an oath as he should prescribe.

The upshot of the struggle was very different, though, from what either had imagined, and one that strongly influenced their future lives.

As the struggle was resumed, the better training of Millet, who was hard and spare, began to tell upon Huish, whose life of ease had not fitted him for so arduous an encounter. His breath was drawn heavily, and at rapid intervals; his grasp of his adversary was less firm; the big drops stood upon his face, and a singing noise began to sound in his ears, while the thought which made him feel infuriate seemed about to be realised, and in imagination he saw himself humbled before his friend.

In fact, the latter nearly had him at his mercy as they now swayed to and fro, and tightening his grasp with one hand, he suddenly lowered the other, and catching Huish at a disadvantage, he would in another instant have thrown him, when, maddened by desperation, Huish dashed himself forward to forestall his antagonist's effort, Millet's heel caught in a furze-bush, and the two men fell heavily against the rough fence.

There was a sharp crack made by the breaking wood, the rus.h.i.+ng noise of falling earth and stones, and the next moment Huish was clinging to the rough stem of a bunch of golden broom, hanging at arm's length over the gravel-pit, while from beneath him came up a dull, heavy thud as of some fallen body.

Faint, sick, breathless, and ready to loose his hold, Huish clung there in an agony of desperation for a few moments. The trees, the clouds above him, seemed to be whirling round, and he closed his eyes preparatory to falling in his turn.

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A Double Knot Part 3 summary

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