A Double Knot Part 4

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Then came the reaction, and, how he afterwards hardly knew, he made two or three desperate efforts to find rest for his feet, but only at first to send down avalanche after avalanche of stones and earth. Then one foot rested on a piece of old stump, and he was able to take some of the strain off his arms, resting there panting, and with a strange creeping sensation a.s.sailing his nerves as he thought that in a few minutes at most he must fall.

He glanced down once, to see that the stones were some thirty or forty feet below; and in his then position the height seemed dreadful, and with a shudder he wrenched his gaze away and looked up, thinking now of escape.

The stem he clung to was pretty strong, but the shrub was only rooted in the gravelly side of the pit, and at any moment it might be torn out by his weight. In fact, it seemed already to be giving way. But now his breath came in less laboured fas.h.i.+on, and the power to act began to return, the result being that he took in at a glance his situation, and, stretching out one of his feet, he found for it a more secure resting-place, one which enabled him to get hold of a stronger and tougher shrub, and draw himself to where he could stand in comparative safety, with the fence only some five feet above his hands.

Could he reach that, or must he descend?

He glanced down again.

Descent was impossible, for the side of the pit was eaten away by the weather, and receded from him, so once more with a shudder he looked up.

Yes, there was a clump of furze a foot or two higher, just on the edge where the gra.s.s reached before the gravel began to recede. Could he reach that?

For a few moments he hesitated to make the attempt--it was so hazardous, for, even should he reach it, the roots might give way. Then, rendered desperate by his position, and feeling sure that his fall must be the work of a few minutes if he stayed where he was, he gathered himself together, drew a long breath, made a tremendous effort, and got hold of the stout stem of the furze-bush, which tore and scarified his wrists.

But that was not heeded, and drawing his feet up, he struggled vainly for a few moments to get some place of rest for them, but only for the gravel and stones to keep crumbling away.

Another minute of such effort and he must have fallen. It was only by letting himself hang by his hands with outstretched arms that he could just rest one foot upon a great stone embedded in the face of the pit.

Small as it was, though, it was rest, and he remained quiescent once more.

As he hung there with nerves throbbing, and a strange aching sensation beginning to numb his muscles, he felt once more that he must fall, and so overpowering was the thought that he nearly loosened his hold. But the dread of death prevailed, and, making a fresh effort, he drew himself up quickly, gained a hold for the toe of one boot, made a s.n.a.t.c.h at a root a little higher, then at another, and his feet rested upon the furze stem. Another effort, and he had hold of one of the posts of the open fence, and the next minute he had crawled through the broken portion, struggled to his feet, and sunk down upon the heath, giddy, exhausted and ready to faint.

In a few minutes he had recovered himself, and getting up, he was fain to take off the stout bottom joint of his fly-rod, which, with its spear, made a st.u.r.dy support as he went to the edge of the pit, and with a shrinking sensation that he could not master, gazed down below.

He turned shuddering away, and walked a dozen paces to where he could made his way down through the trees to the bottom of a slope, where, parting the bushes, he directly after stood in the cart-track, now grown over with gra.s.s and heather, but which had once been the way used by those who carted the gravel.

His giddiness wore off, and gave place to a terrible feeling of dread as he walked hastily on, parting at last some low-growing twigs of birch, to stand beside the prostrate body of his adversary.

Millet was lying upon his back with one leg bent under him, and his arm in an unnatural position, and as James Huish gazed down upon him, the horrible thought occurred to him that the end of his affair of gallantry, as he termed it, might be a trial for murder.

As this thought presented itself, bitter repentance attacked him; his knees shook beneath him, and at last he fell upon them beside the body of his former friend, to moan in agony.

"G.o.d help me, what have I done?"

He took the fallen man's hand, and laid the arm in a natural position.

It was broken.

He then tried to lay his leg in its normal place, but there was something wrong; he could not tell what. And now he did what he might have been expected to do first, laid his hand upon the breast to try and find out if the injured man still lived.

He started to his feet then with the cold perspiration bedewing his forehead, and gazing sharply round, he exclaimed:

"I call Heaven to witness I never meant him harm."

Then, throwing himself upon his knees, he began to examine the injured man once more, with feverish haste tearing open his s.h.i.+rt-front, laying his ear close to his lips, and ending by scooping up some clear water with both his hands from a little pool hard by, and das.h.i.+ng it in the prostrate man's face.

"I little thought it would come to this. Rob--can you hear me? My G.o.d!" he groaned, "he must be dead."

At that moment, to his great joy, the injured man moaned slightly, and, to Huish's great relief, at last opened his eyes, and gazed vacantly round.

"Can you drink some of this?" said Huish eagerly, as he unscrewed the top of a small flask, and held it to the other's lips.

Millet swallowed a few drops, and soon the vacant look pa.s.sed from his eyes, and he groaned heavily.

"Huish," he said hoa.r.s.ely. "You've given me--my death-blow--hope first--now my life."

"No, no--no, no!" exclaimed Huish. "Can you bear for me to leave you now? I'll run for help."

"Stop," exclaimed Millet, making an effort to rise, and sinking back with a groan of agony. "Stop! come closer."

Huish obeyed, and held the flask once more to his lips, but it was pushed aside.

"Is this manslaughter or murder?" he said, with a bitter smile.

"I protest to heaven," began Huish.

"Hus.h.!.+ Listen! That poor girl--Mary--now--quick, at once--swear to me by all you hold sacred--you will--at once--make her your wife."

Millet's face was ghastly pale, and he spoke with difficulty, but one hand now grasped the wrist of Huish with a firm hold, and his eyes were fixed upon those of the man who bent over him with feverish intensity.

"Yes, yes, I will--on my soul, I will," cried Huish, with frantic vehemence. "Rob, old fellow, if I could undo--"

"You cannot. Quick, man; swear it--you will marry her--at once."

"I swear I will," cried Huish.

"So help you G.o.d."

"So help me, G.o.d!" exclaimed Huish, "and help me now," he added in agony, "for he is dying."

"Here--below there--Hi!" shouted a voice from the pathway above.

"What's the matter?"

"Quick, quick, help!" cried Huish, and his appeal was answered by rapid footsteps, the rustling of bushes, and directly after, a short, broad-shouldered young man, with a large head and keen grey eyes, was at his side.

"I say," he cried; "struggle up above, broken fence, man killed!"

Huish started back, staring at him with dilated eyes, and then by an effort he exclaimed:

"Quick--run--the nearest doctor, man."

"Six miles away," was the sharp reply. "I'm a sucker--medical stoo," he added; and pulling off his coat, he rapidly rolled it into a pad for a pillow before proceeding in a business-like way to examine the fallen man's injuries. "I say, this is bad--arm broken--hip joint out--hold still, old fellow, I won't hurt you," he said, as his patient moaned.

"You'd better go for help. I'll stay. Leave me that flask; and, I say, just see if my fis.h.i.+ng tackle's all right: I left it up at the top."

Then, as if inspired by the words uttered by the injured man a few minutes before, he exclaimed: "I say, I don't know that I ought to let you go; is this manslaughter or murder?"

"No," moaned Millet, unclosing his eyes, and speaking in a hoa.r.s.e whisper--"my old friend--an accident--sir--an accident."

"I say, the brandy, man, the brandy," cried the new-comer. "By Jove he's fainted."

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A Double Knot Part 4 summary

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