Jewel: A Chapter in Her Life Part 10

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The prospect this offered was very pleasing to the broker.

"You wouldn't be afraid, eh?"

"Be what?" asked Jewel, looking up at him with a certain reproachful surprise.

"You wouldn't, eh?"

"Why, grandpa!"

"Well, I believe it would do well enough, since you don't mind. Zeke is going to meet this train. I'll tell the conductor to see that you get off at Bel-Air, and when you do, ask for Mr. Evringham's coachman.

You'll see Zeke, a light-haired man driving a brown horse in a brougham.

He'll take you home to his mother, Mrs. Forbes. She is my housekeeper.

Now, do you think you'll understand?"

"It sounds very easy," returned Jewel.

Mr. Evringham's long legs and her short skipping ones lost no time in boarding the train, which they found made up. The relieved man saw the conductor, paid the child's fare, and settled her on the plush seat.

She sat there, contentedly swinging her feet.

"Now I can just catch a boat if I leave you immediately," said Mr.

Evringham consulting his watch. "You've only a little more than five minutes to wait before the train starts."

"Then hurry, grandpa, I'm all right."

"Very well. Your fare is paid, and the conductor understands. You might ask somebody, though. Bel-Air, you know. Good-by."

Hastily he strode down the aisle and left the train. Having to pa.s.s the window beside which Jewel sat, he glanced up with a half uneasy memory of how far short of the floor her feet had swung.

She was watching for him. On her lips was the sweet gay smile and--yes, there was no mistake--Anna Belle's countenance was beaming through the gla.s.s, and she was wafting kisses to Mr. Evringham from a stiff and chubby hand. The stockbroker grew warm, cleared his throat, lifted his hat, and hurried his pace.



When her grandfather had disappeared, Jewel placed Anna Belle on the seat beside her, where she toed in, in a state of the utmost complacence.

"I have my work to do, Anna Belle," she said, "and this will be a good time, so don't disturb me till the train starts." She put her hand over her eyes, and sat motionless as the people met and jostled in the aisle.

Minutes pa.s.sed, and then some one brushed the child's arm in taking the seat beside her. "Oh, please don't sit on Anna Belle!" she cried suddenly, and looked up into a pair of clear eyes that were regarding her with curiosity.

They belonged to a man with a brown mustache and dark, short, pointed beard, who carried a small square black case and had altogether a very clean, fresh, agreeable appearance.

"Do I look like a person who would sit on Anna Belle?" he asked gravely.

The doll was enthroned upon his knee as he set down his case, and the train started.

"If she annoys you I'll take her," said Jewel, with a little air of motherliness not lost upon her companion.

"Thank you," he replied, "but I'm used to children. She looks like a fine, healthy little girl," keeping his eyes fixed on the doll's rosy cheeks.

"Yes indeed. She's very healthy."

"Not had measles, or chicken pox, or mumps, or any of those things yet?"

pursued the pleasant voice.

"Oh dear!" gasped Jewel. "Please let me take Anna Belle." She caught her doll into her arms and met her companion's surprised gaze.

"I haven't any of them," he returned, amused. "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid," answered the child promptly. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

"I was only going to say," said the young man, "that if she was ailing I could prescribe for her. I have my case right here."

Jewel's startled look fell to the black case. "What's that! Medicine?"

she asked softly.

"It certainly is. So you see you have a doctor handy if anything ails the baby."

The child gazed at him with grave scrutiny. "Do you believe in materia medica?" she asked.

The young doctor threw back his head and laughed heartily. "Well, yes,"

he answered at last. "I am supposed to."

To his surprise his neighbor returned to the att.i.tude in which he had found her, with one hand over her eyes.

He ceased laughing and looked at her in some discomfiture. Her mouth was set seriously. There was no quiver of the rosy lips.

To his relief, in a minute she dropped her hand and began to hum and arrange her doll's hat.

The conductor approached, and as the doctor presented his ticket, he said, "This little girl's fare is paid, I believe." The conductor nodded and pa.s.sed on.

"I'm to get off at Bel-Air," said Jewel. "I hope he doesn't forget."

"If he does, I shan't," said the doctor, "for I'm going to get off there myself."

The child's eyes brightened. "Isn't that nice!" she returned. Then she lifted Anna Belle and whispered something into her ear.

"No secrets," said the doctor.

"I was just reminding Anna belle how we are always taken care of,"

returned Jewel.

The young man regarded her with increasing interest and curiosity.

"Don't you wonder how I knew that your fare was paid?" he asked.

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Jewel: A Chapter in Her Life Part 10 summary

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