Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 21

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Dendrophila frontalis, _Horsf_.

Piprisoma agile, _Blyth_.

Orthotomus longicauda, _Gm_.

Cisticola cursitans, _Frankl_.

omalura, _Blyth_.

Drymoica valida, _Blyth_.

inornata, _Sykes_.

Prinia socialis, _Sykes_.

Acrocephalus dumetorum, _Blyth_.

Phyllopneuste nitidus, _Blyth_.

monta.n.u.s, _Blyth_.

virida.n.u.s, _Blyth_.

Copsychus saularus, _Linn_.

Kittacincla macrura, _Gm_.

Pratincola caprata, _Linn_.

atrata, _Kelaart_.

Calliope cyanea, _Hodgs_.

Thamn.o.bia fulicata, _Linn_.

Cyanecula Suevica, _Linn_.

Sylvia affinis, _Blyth_.

Parus cinereus, _Vieill_.

Zosterops palpebrosus, _Temm_.

Iora Zeylanica, _Gm_.

typhia, _Linn_.

Motacilla sulphurea, _Bechs_.

Indica, _Gm_.

Madraspatana, _Briss_.

Budytes viridis, _Gm_.

Anthus rufulus, _Vieill_.

Richardii, _Vieill_.

striolatus, _Blyth_.

Brachypteryx Palliseri, _Kelaart_.

Alcippe nigrifrons, _Blyth_.

Pitta brachyura, _Jerd_.

Oreocincla spiloptera, _Blyth_.

Merula Wardii, _Jerd_.

Kinnisii, _Kelaart_.

Zoothera imbricata, _Layard_.

Garrulax cinereifrons, _Blyth_.

Pormatorhinus melanurus, _Blyth_.

Malacocercus rufescens, _Blyth_.

griseus, _Gm_.

striatus, _Swains_.

Pellorneum fuscocapillum, _Blyth_.

Dumetia albogularis, _Blyth_.

Chrysomma Sinense, _Gm_.

Oriolus melanocephalus, _Linn_.

Indicus, _Briss_.

Criniger ictericus, _Stickl_.

Pycnonotus penicillatus, _Kelaart_.

flavirictus, _Strickl_.

haemorrhous, _Gm_.

atricapillus, _Vieill_.

Hemipus picatus, _Sykes_.

Hypsipetes Nilgherriensis, _Jerd_.

Cyornis rubeculodes, _Vig_.

Myiagra azurea, _Bodd_.

Cryptolopha cinereocapilla, _Vieill_.

Leucocerca compressirostris, _Blyth_.

Tchitrea paradisi, _Linn_.

Butalis latirostris, _Raffles_.

Muttui, _Layard_.

Stoparola melanops, _Vig_.

Pericrocotus flammeus, _Forst_.

peregrinus, _Linn_.

Campephaga Macei, _Less_.

Sykesii, _Strickl_.

Artamus fuscus, _Vieill_.

Edolius paradiseus, _Gm_.

Dicrurus macrocereus, _Vieill_.

edoliformis, _Blyth_.

longicaudatus, _A. Hay_.

leucopygialis, _Blyth_.

coerulescens, _Linn_.

Irena puella, _Lath_.

Lanius superciliosus, _Lath_.

erythronotus, _Vig_.

Tephrodornis affinis, _Blyth_.

Cissa puella, _Blyth & Layard_.

Corvus splendens, _Vieille_.

culminatus, _Sykes_.

Eulabes religiosa, _Linn_.

ptilogenys, _Blyth_.

Pastor roseus, _Linn_.

Hetaerornis paG.o.darum, _Gm_.

_albifrontata, Layard_.

Acridotheres tristis, _Linn_.

Ploceus manyar, _Horsf_.

baya, _Blyth_.

Munia undulata, _Latr_.

_Malabarica, Linn_.

Malacca, _Linn_.

rubronigra, _Hodgs_.

striata, _Linn_.

pectoralis, _Jerd._ Pa.s.ser Indicus, _Jard. & Selb._ Alauda gulgula, _Frank_.

Malabarica, _Scop_.

Pyrrhulauda grisea, _Scop_.

Mirafra affinis, _Jerd_.

Buceros gingalensis, _Shaw_.

coronata, _Bodd_.

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Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 21 summary

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