Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 23

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ochropus, _Linn_.

calidris, _Linn_.

hypoleucos, _Linn_.

glottoides, _Vigors_.

stagnalis, _Bechst_.

Act.i.tis glareola, _Gm_.

Tringa minuta, _Leist_.

subarquata, _Gm_.

Limicola platyrhyncha, _Temm_.

Limosa aegocephala, _Linn_.

Himantopus candidus, _Bon_.

Recurvirostra avocetta, _Linn_.

Haematopus ostralegus, _Linn_.

Rhynchoea Bengalensis, _Linn_.

Scolopax rusticola, _Linn_.

Gallinago stenura, _Temm_.

_scolopacina, Bon_.

_gallinula, Linn_.

Hydrophasia.n.u.s Sinensis, _Gm_.

Ortygometra rubiginosa, _Temm_.

Corethura Zeylanica, _Gm_.

Porzana pygmaea, _Nan_.

Rallus striatus, _Linn_.

Indicus, _Blyth_.

Porphyrio poliocephalus, _Lath_.

Gallinula phoenicura, _Penn_.

chloropus, _Linn_.

cristata, _Lath_.


Phoenicopterus ruber, _Linn_.

Sarkidiornis melanonotos, _Penn_.

Nettapus Coromandelia.n.u.s, _Gm_.

Anas poecilorhyncha, _Penn_.

Dendrocygnus arcuatus, _Cuv_.

Dafila acuta, _Linn_.

Querquedula crecca, _Linn_.

circia, _Linn_.

_Fuligula rufina, Pall_.

Spatula clypeata, _Linn_.

Podiceps Philippensis, _Gm_.

Larus brunnicephalus, _Jerd_.

ichthyaetus, _Pall_.

Sylochelidon Caspius, _Lath_.

Hydrochelidon Indicus, _Steph_.

Gelochelidon Anglicus, _Mont_.

Onychoprion anasthaetus, _Scop_.

Sterna Javanica, _Horsf_.

melanogaster, _Temm_.

minuta, _Linn_.

Seena aurantia, _Gray_.

Thala.s.seus Bengalensis, _Less_.

cristata, _Steph_.

Dromas ardeola, _Payk_.

Atagen ariel, _Gould_.

Thala.s.sidroma _melanogaster, Gould_.

Plotus melanogaster, _Gm_.

Pelica.n.u.s Philippensis, _Gm_.

Graculus Sinensis, _Shaw_.

pygmaeus, _Pallas_.


The following is a list of the birds which are, as far as is at present known, peculiar to the island; it will probably at some future day be determined that some included in it have a wider geographical range.

Haematornis spilogaster. The "Ceylon eagle;" was discovered by Mr. Layard in the Wanny, and by Dr. Kelaart at Trincomalie.

Athene castonotus. The chestnut-winged hawk owl. This pretty little owl was added to the list of Ceylon birds by Dr. Templeton.

Batrachostomus monoliger. The oil bird; was discovered amongst the precipitous rocks of the Adam's Peak range by Mr. Layrard. Another specimen was sent about the same time to Sir James Emerson Tennent from Avisavelle. Mr. Mitford has met with it at Ratnapoora.

Caprimulgus Kelaarti. Kelaart's night-jar; swarms on the marshy plains of Neuera-ellia at dusk.

Hirundo hyperythra. The red-bellied swallow; was discovered in 1849 by Mr. Layard at Ambep.u.s.s.e. They build a globular nest with a round hole at top. A pair built in the ring for a hanging lamp in Dr. Gardner's study at Peradinia, and hatched their young, undisturbed by the daily tr.i.m.m.i.n.g and lighting of the lamp.

Cisticola omalura. Layard's mountain gra.s.s warbler; is found in abundance on Horton Plain and Neuera-ellia, among the long Patena gra.s.s.

Drymoica valida. Layard's wren-warbler; frequents tufts of gra.s.s and low bushes, feeding on insects.

Pratincola atrata. The Neuera-ellia robin; a melodious songster; added to our catalogue by Dr. Kelaart.

Brachypteryx Palliseri. Ant thrush. A rare bird, added by Dr. Kelaart from Dimboola and Neuera-ellia.

Pellorneum fuscocapillum. Mr. Layard found two specimens of this rare thrush creeping about shrubs and bushes, feeding on insects.

Alcippe nigrifrons. This thrush frequents low impenetrable thickets, and seems to be widely distributed.

Oreocincla spiloptera. The spotted thrush is only found in the mountain zone about lofty trees.

Merula Kinnisii. The Neuera-ellia blackbird; was added by Dr. Kelaart.

Garrulax cinereifrons. The ashy-headed babbler; was found by Mr. Layard near Ratnapoora.

Pomatorhinus melanurus. Mr. Layard states that the mountain babbler frequents low, scraggy, impenetrable brush, along the margins of deserted cheena land.

Malacocercus rufescens. The red-dung thrush added by Dr. Templeton to the Singhalese Fauna, is found in thick jungle in the southern and midland districts.

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Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History Part 23 summary

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