Richard Galbraith, Mariner Part 2

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I had nearly reached the top of the promontory when my terror was again renewed. I fancied I heard the murmur of voices above, coming in my direction. Instantly I crouched down among the bushes with suspended breath.

There were people here then, but the question was, who were they?

From the appearance of the land altogether I felt certain there could be no English settlers so near--therefore it was evident that the inhabitants must belong to the savage tribes; whether acquainted with, and friendly, or otherwise to, the white man, was to me a most unpleasant doubt. I therefore resolved, if possible, to avoid being seen, at any rate till I had inspected them further, as I had no desire to serve for the dinner of a hungry Kaffir family, or even, if not cannibals, to be tortured for their amus.e.m.e.nt. Hidden from view, I listened anxiously. All was silent, not a sound came, though once I fancied the bushes moved on the rock above, followed by a low whispering. Had they discovered my proximity, and were also watching, preparatory to making a seizure?

I knew that, bold as the Kaffirs are in a body, in a single attack they are cunning and fond of strategy. Therefore had I been perceived, they, not knowing but that others were with me, might be at that very moment stealthily encircling the bushes where I lay, which the next moment would perhaps be pierced as well as my body with a hundred arrows or spears, whichever it was their custom to use.

At this thought I crouched still lower, and cannot divine how long a time I remained there, my danger and the suspense making it, no doubt, appear far longer than it really was; when, everything remaining quiet, I grew nervous at the very silence, and at last determined, though totally unarmed, to reconnoitre the top of the promontory. I had certainly heard voices, but perhaps the speakers had pa.s.sed on, really unaware of my presence; if not, it was better for me to brave it out than to die like a dog without making any resistance. Besides, if the natives were so close, the place was no safe retreat for me, unless they happened to be friendly.

Stealthily quitting the bushes, and softly climbing the intermediate s.p.a.ce, I, reaching my hands to the ledge, pulled myself up to its level and looked over. I had hardly done so than I was so startled that I nearly let go my hold and fell back among the rocks; for the first object that met my view was a human face looking savagely into mine. My exclamation of surprise was echoed by one of no friendly character, accompanied by a round true English sounding oath, addressed to the black race in particular, as a heavy stick was poised in the air, and would have inevitably ended the career of Richard Galbraith, had I not cried out just in time.

"Good heavens! Jack Thompson, is that you and alive?"

The stick dropped from his hands, for it was indeed no other than the third mate of the wrecked s.h.i.+p; and with a second exclamation, seizing my arms, he pulled me on to the ledge.

"Why, d.i.c.k Galbraith! Spars and rope-yarns, but you only spoke in time.

Lord forgive me! but with that there gigantic cabbage leaf over your head, I took you for some savage cannibal."

In truth, I must have presented a strange figure, and despite our position, I could not help indulging in a laugh at Jack Thompson's face of dismay at what he had been about to-do; but speedily checking it, I asked with much concern how he had been saved, and whether there were any others of the crew as fortunate as ourselves.

"Only one more that I know of," replied Jack, "and that's the young minister chap as was allus reading."

"What, the Reverend Mr Ferguson, the missionary that we were to set ash.o.r.e in Madagascar?"

"Yes, that's him, and I must say he improves upon acquaintance. I confess I didn't think much of him on board, with his preachifying; but dash my top-sail if, with all his pale quiet face he ain't a jolly fellow in the moment of trouble. Ay, he's as cheerful as a sandboy, and somehow, his little bit of scriptur now seems rather consoling than otherwise."

"But how, Jack, in Heaven's name, did you escape from those terrible waves?"

"Why, much about the same way you did, I guess. We lashed ourselves to spars, and after a bit of severe tossing, got pitched up on this here sh.o.r.e."

"And what made you come to these rocks?"

"Why to seek shelter from that blessed furnace of a sun."

"And," I added eagerly, "have you seen any of the natives?"

"No, but we thought we heard one about half an hour ago," said a voice behind me. Looking round, I saw it belonged to the young missionary, who was standing looking down upon us, for we were seated on the rock.

"However," he continued, "'the native' has turned out to be no other than a fellow-comrade in distress."

The Reverend Mr Ferguson had a slim, gentlemanly figure, and a pale, thoughtful, studious face, but one which was frequently lighted up by the most pleasant, suns.h.i.+ny, and kindly of smiles.

"Thank G.o.d," he added devoutly, as he raised his eyes upward, "that there is, indeed, another of us saved."

As Jack Thompson had said, Mr Ferguson's "preachifying" no longer seemed out of place; and for myself, I am sure in my heart I most devoutly said Amen to the thanksgiving. Then, getting up, I asked if he could at all tell in what part of Caffraria we were--for that we were somewhere on that coast I was certain.

"From the few observations I have been able to make, I fancy this spot must be between Delagoa Bay and Natal," he replied.

"And the natives, Sir," put in Jack Thompson.

"Of them I know little by recent report, save that some of the tribes are friendly, while others are very hostile to the white man."

"Pray Heaven," I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed, "that we may signal a s.h.i.+p before there is time to make their acquaintance."

"If it be Heaven's will, yes," rejoined the missionary, fervently. "But who knows, He may have cast us on these as a fitting soil to plant the seeds of His religion, which alone can give eternal happiness."

Jack and I made no answer, for as yet we were too worldly and weak of faith to feel as resigned to the ways of Providence as this self-sacrificing young minister, whose constant study was his Master's will.

"But come," he added cheerfully, "now we find it is an old comrade that, for the last half hour has been frightening us, let us continue our search for shelter and rest." Instantly concurring in this proposal, we soon found an overhanging rock, which formed a species of cave, the inside being well sheltered from the view of anyone on the outside by thickly tangled _mimosa_, and other bushes.

Into this we crept, I first, with a skill surprising to myself, having, by the aid of a stick knocked over one of the little animals such as I had seen, and which Mr Ferguson informed us was called a hyrax, or rock rabbit, they being very plentiful on this coast.

When we all three were inside the cave, we began to prepare our dinner.

Jack skinned the hyrax, while I looked about for the means to kindle the dry branches I had collected, to cook it. I had, I am sorry to say, never thought much of book-learning, but now I was to discover its immense value. While still puzzling my brains as to how to procure a spark, to no purpose, Mr Ferguson, who had quitted the cave after borrowing my knife, returned bringing two pieces of wood, one flat, the other of a different kind, sharpened to a keen point.

"Is that touchwood, Sir," I asked eagerly.

"Well, yes," he replied with a smile. "I will show you how the natives of Abyssinia, and I believe in this place also, procure fire when they want it. This," he added, meaning the flat piece, "is a soft wood; this pointed one is of the hard _acacia_. Now be ready to help when I want you."

So saying, he sat down, holding the flat piece of wood firmly on the ground with his feet, then, placing the pointed _acacia_ stick vertically upon it, began twirling it rapidly between the palms of his hands.

Jack and I attentively watched the process, and soon saw the hard point make its way slowly into the other, producing a fine dust, which presently began to darken in colour, and finally to smoke; upon this, by Mr Ferguson's orders we blew softly, and speedily after a flame springing up ignited the wood.

"Well, that's stunning, at any rate!" cried Jack, as the flame began to kindle the heap of branches.

"Yes; but we must not let the smoke be seen, else it will warn any keen-eyed Kaffir who may be in the neighbourhood of our whereabouts."

We now all set to work, and in this in voluntary picnic began to forget the dangers which encompa.s.sed us. A first-rate dinner we made, and, for my part, it tasted all the better for the short but earnest blessing Mr Ferguson asked for it. Afterwards he insisted upon Jack and I taking some sleep, of which we all stood in great need, saying it was necessary for one to remain awake, and that he would take the first watch, arousing one of us when our turn came.

To use an old expression, we were really dog-tired, and notwithstanding the hardness of our beds, scarcely a minute elapsed before we were sleeping soundly. Once, before falling off, I heard Mr Ferguson tell Jack that if he snored so loud he would arouse all Caffraria. I am ashamed to confess it even now, but so tired were we, that Jack and I never woke for our turn of watch, and the kind-hearted young clergyman never disturbed us, though he must have been quite as weary as we were.

We had been asleep some hours, for the sun had set, and a large, glorious-faced moon was s.h.i.+ning down full upon this uncultivated but splendid land, when I was startled broad-awake by a hand being placed on my shoulder. At the same moment Mr Ferguson's voice whispered in my ear--

"Richard--Richard Galbraith, get up; I believe our retreat is discovered, and the Kaffirs are upon us."



The moon shone in over the tops of the bushes outside the cave, with a broad flood of splendid silver light, throwing fantastic shadows inside upon the minister and me, the heap of ashes left from the fire, and on Jack Thompson, still sleeping in the further corner.

The beams falling at a direct angle, the foot of the bushes, by contrast, was left in intense darkness, and in this direction it was that, as the minister aroused me, I caught the sound of a stealthy movement. With suspended breath I half raised myself on my elbow. The minister knelt by my side, his left hand clutching my arm, his face turned to the entrance of the cave, with a finger raised to his lip, commanding silence.

We felt at that moment that our lives trembled in the balance, and, scarcely permitting a nerve to stir, we watched.

The stealthy rustling among the bushes, continued, evidently coming nearer. Once I motioned towards Jack Thompson with a look that I thought he ought to be awakened, but bending to my ear Mr Ferguson whispered,--

"I fear to do so. Our presence may yet be unknown to our enemies, and Thompson makes such a noise, sleeping or waking, that for his safety, as well as ours, he had better remain quiet while he is so."

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Richard Galbraith, Mariner Part 2 summary

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