The Story of a China Cat Part 13

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With that Jeff turned and started on a run out of the yard. The Nodding Donkey, who had been very much afraid he was about to be stolen, was so thankful he did not know what to do. And the China Cat, who had feared that her friend was about to be taken from her, kept on staring as hard as she could.

Jeff ran faster. He gave one look back over his shoulder to see if any one might be chasing him, and he caught sight of the Cat's eyes again.

"Oh, golly!" cried Jeff.

At that moment his foot caught in a loose board of the walk, and down fell that bad boy Jeff with a bang, bruising knees and his nose and his chin.

"Ouch!" cried Jeff, as he got up and limped away.

"It serves him right," said the China Cat to herself, "for trying to take my friend, the Nodding Donkey."

"I guess you won't come back here in a hurry," said the Donkey to himself, as he saw Jeff going off down the street as fast as he could go. And the colored boy never did.

Joe came back, after having seen the hand organ and the monkey, and Joe carried his Nodding Donkey into Jennie's house. There the children played with their toys.

"How can I ever thank you?" said the Nodding Donkey to the China Cat.

"With your big, glaring eyes you saved me from that colored boy."

"I am glad I did," mewed the Cat. "I didn't want you to be taken away from me. You are the best friend I have."

"I am glad you think so," brayed the Nodding Donkey. "I had another very good friend in the workshop of Santa Claus, at the North Pole, but I have not seen him for a long time."

"Who was that?" asked the China Cat.

"He was a Plush Bear," answered the Nodding Donkey. "A most wonderful Plush Bear! When he was wound up he moved his head and his paws and he growled as natural as anything."

"Oh, tell me about him!" mewed the China Cat. "Tell me about the Plush Bear."

The Nodding Donkey was just going to do this when Jennie and Joe came into the room and the toys had to remain quiet, not even talking.

But I happen to know the story of the Plush Bear, and it is to be the very next one I tell you of these Make Believe Stories.

Of course s...o...b..ll had many more good times while she lived with Jennie, which she did for many years. She often had fun with the Nodding Donkey and other toys.

One day Joe came over to Jennie's house, carrying his Nodding Donkey, a toy which was seldom out of his arms.

"Oh, Jennie!" cried Joe, "let's have a picnic in the woods for our toys.

I'll take my Donkey, you can take your China Cat and I'll get Dorothy, d.i.c.k and the others to bring their toys."

"Oh, what fun to have a Toy Picnic!" exclaimed Jennie.

And the Nodding Donkey and the China Cat looked at one another most happily. They liked good times. The Toy Picnic was a great success, and how the boys and girls did laugh when the China Cat fell into the brook!

"But it doesn't hurt her," said Jennie, "and I was going to give her a bath, anyhow, 'cause I got some sticky candy on her tail."

The Cat, herself, was glad to be washed and clean, and here we must leave her, having fun as she is with the other toys.




Individual Colored Wrappers and Colored Ill.u.s.trations by LANG CAMPBELL

Mr. Garis has written many stories for boys and girls, among them his Uncle Wiggly volumes, but these books are something distinctly new, surprising and entertaining.


A tale of how mysteriously disappeared, and how he came riding home on the back of an elephant. It is also related how he broke his leg, and fed a hungry family in a cottage near a lake.


Racky creaked and groaned when fat Grandma sat on him too hard. He felt himself ill-treated, so he vanished. He did not intend to take Grandma's with him, but he did. And he rocked a bunny to sleep.


Tippy, the table, always wanted to travel and see the world, but he did not know how to start.

Until, all of a sudden, a diamond ring was hidden in his leg and a balloon carried him off through the air.


Just because he did not want to be used as a milking stool by the Maiden All Forlorn, Skiddy slid away Christmas eve. With him went Jack the Jumper, and they had a wonderful time in the toy shop.


Skippy always wanted to be a sailor. When the high water came in the spring, the sofa went sailing.

He had a Rooster for a crew, while Tatter, the rag doll with one shoe b.u.t.ton eye, was Captain.


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The Story of a China Cat Part 13 summary

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