Historical Miniatures Part 10

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"Except for that, Cleon's overthrow would be a blessing for the State, for he has been unjust to Pericles, to Phidias, to all who have done anything great."

"Here comes a visitor."

"It is Alcibiades."

"The wretch! Are you not ashamed to be on intimate terms with him?"

"He is a man; he has great faults and great merits, and he is my friend.

I do not wish to be on intimate terms with my enemies." Alcibiades knocked at the door, and rushed in. "Papaia! The pair are philosophising together, and talking of yesterday's comedy! This Aristophanes is an a.s.s! If one wishes to kill an enemy, one must hit him; but Aristophanes aims at the clouds. Hit, yes! Do you know that Cleon is defeated?"

"What a pity!" exclaimed Socrates.

"Is it a pity that the dog is unmasked?"

"I think Alcibiades is misinformed," broke in Xantippe.

"No, by Zeus, but I wish I was!"

"Hus.h.!.+ here is Anytos coming," said Socrates.

"The second tanner! It is strange that the destiny of Athens is guided by tanners."

"The destiny of Athens! Who knows it?"

"I, Alcibiades, am the destiny of Athens."

"[Greek: _Hubris_]! Beware of the G.o.ds!"

"I come after Cleon; Cleon is no more; therefore it is my turn."

"Here is Anytos!"

Anytos entered: "I seek Alcibiades."

"Here I am."

"Must I prepare you....'

"No, I know."

"Prepare you for the honour...."

"Have I waited long enough."

"To go at the head...."

"That is what I was born for."

"To take the lead...."

"That is my place."

"And conduct the triumphal procession?"

"What procession?"

"Ah! you did not know. Cleon's triumphal procession from the harbour."

Alcibiades pa.s.sed his hand downwards over his face, as though he wished to changed his mask, and it was done in a moment.

"Yes, certainly, certainly, certainly. I have in fact just come here to--announce his victory."

"He lies," broke in Xantippe.

"I jested with the pair. There will be a triumphal procession, then, for Cleon! How fine!"

"Socrates," continued Anytos, "are you not glad?"

"I am glad that the enemy is beaten."

"But not that Cleon has won a victory?"

"Yes, it is nearly the same thing."

Xantippe seized the opportunity and struck in: "He is not glad, and he does not believe in Cleon."

"I know you," concluded Anytos. "I know you philosophers and quibblers!

But take care!--And now, Alcibiades, come and receive the despised Cleon, who has saved the fatherland!"

Alcibiades took Socrates by the hand, and whispered in his ear. "What a cursed mischance! Well, not yet!--but the next time!"


Kartaphalos, the shoemaker, sat in his shop by the Acarnanian Gate, and repaired cothurns for the Dionysian theatre, which was about to make a last attempt to revive the tragic drama, which had been eclipsed by the farces of Aristophanes. The Roman Lucillus lounged at the window-sill, and, since philosophy had been brought into fas.h.i.+on by Socrates and the Sophists, the shoemaker and the exiled Decemvir philosophised as well as they could.

"Roman!" said Kartaphalos, "you are a stranger in the city, as I am: what do think of the state and the Government?"

"They are exactly like the Roman. One may sum up the whole past history of Rome in two words--Patricians and Plebeians."

"Just as it is here."

"With the difference that Rome has a future. h.e.l.las only a past."

"What is known of Rome's future?"

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Historical Miniatures Part 10 summary

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