Historical Miniatures Part 9

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Socrates walked, deep in thought, up and down the courtyard of his house, which was very simple and had no colonnades. His wife was carding wool, and did it as if she were pulling someone's hair.

The wise man kept silence, but the woman spoke--that was her nature.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"For the sake of old acquaintance, I will answer you, though I am not obliged to do so. I am thinking."

"Is that a proper business for a man?"

"Certainly; a very manly business."

"At any rate no one can see what you are doing."

"When you were with child, it was also invisible; but when, it was born, it was visible, and especially audible. Thus occupations which are at first invisible, become visible later on. They are therefore not to be despised, least of all by those who only believe in the visible."

"Is your business with Aspasia something of that sort?"

"Something of that, and of another sort too."

"You drink also a good deal."

"Yes, those who speak become thirsty, and the thirsty must drink."

"What is it in Aspasia that attracts men?"

"Certain qualities which give zest to social intercourse--thoughtfulness, tact, moderation."

"You mean that for me?"

"I mean it for Aspasia."

"Is she beautiful?"


"Anytos declares that she is."

"He tells an untruth. Do you see Anytos, Cleon's friend and my enemy?"

"He is not my enemy."

"But mine. You always love my enemies and hate my friends; that is a bad sign."

"Your friends are bad men."

"No, on the contrary. Pericles was the greatest of the Athenians, Phidias the best, Euripides the n.o.blest, Plato the wisest, Alcibiades the most gifted, Protagoras the most acute."

"And Aristophanes?"

"He is my enemy, though I do not know why. I suppose you have heard of the comedy which he has written about me."

"Anytos told me. Have you seen it?"

"I saw the _Clouds_ yesterday."

"Was it amusing--was it clever?"

"What did Anytos think?"

"He made me laugh when he described some scenes."

"Then it must be amusing, or you would not have laughed."

"Did you not laugh, my Socrates?"

"Yes, of course; otherwise they would have thought me a blockhead. You know that he has depicted me as a rogue and fool. Since I am neither, it was not serious; therefore it was in jest."

"Do you think so? I think it was serious."

"And you laugh at the serious? Do you weep, then, at jesting? Then you would be mad."

"Do you think I am mad?"

"Yes, if you think me a rogue."

"You know that Cleon is with the army."

"I was astonished to hear it."

"Astonished! You think, then, that he is not fit to command."

"No, I know nothing about his fitness as commander, for I have never seen him in the field. But I am astonished at his election, as he himself was, because it was unexpected."

"You therefore expect him to be defeated."

"No, I wait for the result, in order to see whether he wins or loses."

"You would be glad if he lost?"

"I do not love Cleon, but as an Athenian I would mourn if he were defeated; therefore I would not rejoice at his overthrow."

"You hate Cleon, but you do not wish his overthrow."

"On account of Athens--no."

"But except for that?"

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Historical Miniatures Part 9 summary

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