Principles of Orchestration Part 12

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_Servilia_ [[20]]--Trumpets.

_The Christmas Night_ [[182]]--Horn, Trumpets.

_Vera Scheloga_, beginning of Overture, and after [[45]]--Horn, Trumpets.

_Ivan the Terrible_, Act III [[3]]--Cornet.

_Snegourotchka_ [[155]]--Trumpets.

No. 70. _Legend of Kitesh_ [[65]] and elsewhere.--3 Trumpets, 4 Horns.

_Pan Voyevoda_ [[191]]--2 Trombones, Trumpet.

* _The Golden c.o.c.kerel_ [[20]]--2 Horns and Trumpets/Horns] 8 (cf.

further on).

After fanfare figures, those melodies best suited to the bra.s.s quality are those of an unmodulated diatonic character, rousing and triumphant in the major key, dark and gloomy in the minor.


No. 71. _Sadko_ [[342]]--Trumpet.

_Sadko_, before [[181]]--Trombones (cf. Ex. 27).

No. 72. _Snegourotchka_ [[71]]--Trumpet.

_Russian Easter Fete_ [[M]]--Trombone.

_Spanish Capriccio_ [[E]]--Alternative use in the horn of open and stopped notes (cf. Ex. 44).

_Ivan the Terrible_, Act II, before [[17]]--Ba.s.s trumpet, and 3 Horns a little further on.

_Mlada_, Act II [[33]]--Ba.s.s trumpet (cf. Ex. 46).

The genial and poetic tone of the horn in _piano_ pa.s.sages affords greater scope in the choice of melodies and phrases that may be entrusted to this instrument.


_The May Night_, Overture [[13]].

_The Christmas Night_ [[1]].

_Snegourotchka_ [[86]].

_Pan Voyevoda_ [[37]].

No. 73. _Antar_ [[40]].

Melodies involving chromatic or enharmonic writing are much less suitable to the character of bra.s.s instruments. Nevertheless such melodies may sometimes be allotted to the bra.s.s, as in the music of Wagner, and the modern Italian realists, who, however, carry the proceeding to extremes. Vigourous phrases in the form of a fanfare, although introducing chromatic notes sound singularly beautiful on the bra.s.s.


No. 74. _Sheherazade_, 2nd movement [[D]].

As a general rule, bra.s.s instruments lack the capacity to express pa.s.sion or geniality. Phrases charged with these sentiments become sickly and insipid when confided to the bra.s.s. Energetic power, free or restrained, simplicity and eloquence const.i.tute the valuable qualities of this group.

Bra.s.s in unison, in octaves, thirds and sixths.

As, from its very nature, the bra.s.s is not called upon to realise a wide range of expression, kindred instruments of one group may be employed _solo_, as well as in unison. The combination of 3 trombones or 4 horns in unison is frequently met with, and produces extreme power and resonance of tone.


_Snegourotchka_ [[5]]--4 Horns (cf. Ex. 15).

_Snegourotchka_ [[199]]--4 Horns and 2 Trumpets.

_Sadko_ [[175]]--1, 2, 3 Trumpets.

No. 75. _Sadko_ [[305]][13]--3 Trombones.

[Footnote 13: The composer has emended the score in the following manner: from the fifth to the ninth bar after [[305]], and also from the fifth to the ninth bar after [[306]], the three clarinets play in unison, the trumpet being marked _forte_ instead of _fortissimo_; in the example, the first of these pa.s.sages is corrected according to the composer's alteration. (Editor's note.)]

No. 76. _The May Night_, beginning of Act III--1, 2, 3, 4 Horns.

_Legend of Kitesh_, end of Act I--4 Horns (cf. Ex. 70).

No. 77. _Sheherazade_, 4th movement p. 204--3 Trombones.

_Mlada_; Lithuanian dance--6 Horns (cf. Ex. 61).

Owing to the resonant power of the entire group, the equality and even gradation of tone between the dark colour of the deep compa.s.s and the bright quality of the upper register, the use of bra.s.s instruments of the same kind in octaves, thirds or sixths invariably leads to satisfactory results. For the same reason the employment of bra.s.s instruments of different kinds, arranged according to normal order of register:

Trumpet Trumpet Trombone 2 Trombones 2 Trumpets 2 Horns 2 Horns Trombone Tuba Trombone + Tuba 2 Trombones Tuba

is likewise successful whether the instruments are doubled or not.

Another possible method, though not so reliable, is to combine horns (above) with trombones, exclusively in octaves:

2 Horns ] 4 Horns ]

1 Trombone] 8 or 2 Trombones] 8.


_Sadko_, before [[120]]--Trumpet/Trumpet] 8.

_Sadko_ [[5]]--2 Trumpets/4 Horns] 8.

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