Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 171

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_Obs._ This decoction was strongly recommended by Swediaur in certain complaints. He gave half a pint at first, twice daily, and afterwards 4 times a day, unless it acted too strongly on the bowels, when the frequency of the dose was diminished, or it was discontinued for 3 or 4 days, and then had recourse to again, until the cure was effected.

=Decoction of Bran.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM FURFURIS, L. _Prep._ 1. From bran, 1/4 lb.; water, 1-1/4 pint; boil to a pint. In diabetes; and sweetened with sugar, as a demulcent and laxative in cough and sore throat.

2. Bran, 1 quart; water, 1-1/2 gall.; boil 5 minutes, and add cold water, q. s. to bring it to the proper temperature. As an emollient foot-bath.

=Decoction of Broom.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM SPAR'TII CAc.u.mIN'IUM; D. SCOPA"RII (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.) Broom-tops (dried), 1/2 oz.; water, 1/2 pint; boil 10 minutes, and strain.

2. (Ph. B.) Broom-tops (dried), 1 oz.; distilled water, 1 pint; boil for 10 minutes, and strain. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Broom (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM SPAR'TII CAc.u.mINIUM C., D. SCOPA"RII (Ph. E.), D. S. COMPOS'ITUM (Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Tops of broom (recent and dried), juniper berries (bruised), dandelion root (bruised), of each 1/2 oz.; distilled water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint, and strain.

2. (Ph. E.) Tops of broom and juniper, of each 1/2 oz.; cream of tartar, 2-1/2 dr.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint, as last. The above are diuretic and laxative.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 wine-gla.s.sful, 3 or 4 times a day; in dropsy, especially of the belly (ASCITES).

=Decoction of Buckbean.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM MENYANTHIS. Buckbean, 1 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint.

=Decoction of Burdock.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM ARC'TII, D. BARDA'Nae, L. _Prep._ 1. Bardana root, 6 oz.; water, 5 pints; boil to 3 pints, and strain.

2. (Wood.) Dried root, 2 oz.; water, 3 pints; boil to 2 pints, and strain.

As an alterative; a pint or more daily, in all those cases in which sarsaparilla is recommended.

=Decoction of Cabbage-tree Bark.= DECOCTUM GEOFFROYae (Ph. E. 1817), D. G.

INERMIS (Ph. D. 1826). _Prep._ (Ph. D.) Bark of the cabbage tree (bruised), 1 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil to a pint, and strain. Cathartic, narcotic, and anthelmintic.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 table-spoonfuls for an adult; 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls for a child, followed by demulcents and castor oil; in worms, &c.

=Decoction of Calumba (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CALUM'Bae COMPOS'ITUM, L. _Prep._ (Ph. U. S. 1831.) Calumba and qua.s.sia, of each 2 dr.; orange peel, 1 dr.; rhubarb, 20 gr.; carbonate of, 30 gr.; water, 20 fl.

oz.; boil to 16 fl. oz., strain, and, when cold, add of compound tincture of lavender, 1/2 fl. oz. Bitter, tonic, and stomachic.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 table-spoonfuls 3 or 4 times daily.

=Decoction of Centaury.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CIMICIFUGE, F. H. Lesser centaury, 2 oz.; water, 2 pints; boil for a few minutes, and strain.

=Decoction of Cey'lon Moss.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM FU"CI AMYLA'CEI, D.

PLOCA"RIae CANDI'Dae, L. _Prep._ From Ceylon moss, 2 dr.; water, milk, or whey, 1 pint; boil to 16 fl. oz., and strain. It may be sweetened and flavoured. In irritation of the mucous membranes and in phthisis.

=Decoction of Cham'omile.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM ANTHE'MIDIS, D. CHAMaeMELI, L.

From chamomiles, 1 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest for 10 minutes, simmer gently for 2 or 3 minutes longer, and strain with pressure. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Chamomile (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CHAMaeMELI COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D. 1826.) Chamomile flowers (dried), 1/2 oz.; fennel seed, 2 dr.; water, 16 oz.; boil a short time, and strain. Both the above are bitter, stomachic and tonic; the last is vermifuge. They are chiefly used as fomentations and clysters.

=Decoction of Cherry Laurel Bark.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM LAURO-CERASI CORTICIS.

(Dr Kastner.) Cherry laurel bark, 2 oz.; water, 2 pints; boil, and strain.

=Decoction of Chiret'ta.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CHIRAYTae, L. _Prep._ From chiretta or chyrata, 5 dr.; water, 1 pint; boil 8 or 10 minutes and strain.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 wine-gla.s.sful 2 or 3 times daily, as a stomachic tonic; in flatulency and acidity, especially in the dyspepsia of gouty persons.

=Decoction of Cincho'na.= See DECOCTION OF BARK.

=Decoction of Coffee.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM CAFFEI. Boil 10 dr. of raw coffee berries in 8 oz. of water to 5 oz. To be given in 3 doses during the intermissions of intermittent fever.

=Decoction of Col'ocynth.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM COLOCYNTH'IDIS, L. _Prep._ (Ph.

Bat.) Colocynth pulp, 1 dr.; water, 8 oz.; boil 10 minutes, and when quite cold, add of syrup of orange peel, 1 oz.; sulphuric ether, 1 dr.--_Dose_, 2 to 6 dr., 2 or 3 times a day; in dropsy, &c.

=Decoction of Colts'foot.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM TUSSILAG'INIS, L. _Prep._ (Pereira.) Fresh leaves of coltsfoot, 2 oz. (or flowers, 1 oz.); water, 2 pints; boil to a pint and strain. A popular remedy in chronic coughs and chest diseases. It is emollient and demulcent.--_Dose._ Half a teacupful, _ad libitum_. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Coltsfoot (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM TUSSILAGINIS COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ (Taddei.) Coltsfoot flowers, 6 oz.; figs, raisins, and jujubes, of each 2 oz.; water, 12 pints; boil down to 4 pints; add liquorice root, 2 oz.; again boil and strain. As the last.

=Decoction, Com'mon.= See DECOCTION OF MALLOWS.

=Decoction of Cor'sican Moss.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HELMINTH'OCORTI, L. _Prep._ From the moss, 5 dr.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful, three times a day; as a vermifuge. In 1822, Mr Farr brought it forward as a remedy for cancer.

=Decoction of Cot'ton Root.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GOSSYP'II, L. _Prep._ (Dr Bouch.e.l.le.) Inner part of the root of the cotton plant, 4 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil to a pint.--_Dose._ A wine-gla.s.sful, occasionally, as an emmenagogue; or, every 30 or 40 minutes, to produce uterine contractions, for which purpose it is said to be as effectual as ergot of rye.

=Decoction of Dandeli'on.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM TARAX'ACI (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Fresh dandelion root (bruised), 1 _oz_.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint, and strain.

2. (Ph. E.) Herb and root (fresh), 7 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil to a pint.

Aperient, stomachic, and tonic.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. oz., or more, 2 or 3 times daily.

=Decoction,'ic.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM DIAPh.o.r.eTIc.u.m, L. Decoction of bark, 1 pint; liquor of acetate of ammonia, 4 oz.; aromatic confection, 1 oz.--_Dose_, 2 or 3 table-spoonfuls every 3 hours.

=Decoction of Dog-gra.s.s.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GRAMIN'IS, L.; PTISANE CHIENDENT, Fr. _Prep._ From dog-gra.s.s root (_Tritic.u.m repens_), 1 oz.; liquorice root, 1/2 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil 20 minutes, and strain.

Aperient and pectoral; by cupfuls, _ad libitum_. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Dog-gra.s.s (Ioduret'ted).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM GRAMINIS IODURE'TUM, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Decoction of dog-gra.s.s, 32 fl. oz.; syrup of peppermint, 2 oz.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 1/2 dr.; mix. By cupfuls, _ad libitum_.

=Decoction of Dog-wood.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM COR'NUS FLORIDae, L. _Prep._ (Ph.

U. S.) Dog-wood bark (bruised), 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil 10 minutes, and strain whilst hot. Tonic and astringent; recommended as a subst.i.tute for bark.--_Dose_. A wine-gla.s.sful.

=Decoction of Dulcama'ra.= _Syn._ DECOCTION OF BITTER SWEET, D. OF WOODY NIGHTSHADE; DECOCTUM DULCAMA"Rae (Ph. L. E. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Woody nightshade or bitter sweet (the new shoots), 10 dr.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to a pint, and strain.

2. (Ph. E.) Dulcamara (chopped small), 1 oz.; water, 24 fl. oz.; boil to a pint, and strain.

3. (Ph. D.) Twigs of woody nightshade, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil 10 minutes in a covered vessel, and strain. It should measure about 16 fl.

oz. Alterative, diaph.o.r.etic, and diuretic.--_Dose_. A wine-gla.s.sful, or more, 2 or 3 times a day; in chronic coughs and chronic skin diseases, and in most of those cases wherein sarsaparilla proves useful. See DECOCTION OF BITTER SWEET, also _below_.

=Decoction of Dulcama'ra (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM DULCAMA"Rae COMPOSI'TUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (Augustin.) Dulcamara (bitter sweet), 4 dr.; burdock root, liquorice root, sa.s.safras chips, and guaiac.u.m wood, of each, 2 dr.; water, 2 lbs.; boil to 16 fl. oz., and strain.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 wine-gla.s.sfuls 2 or 3 times a day.

2. (Foy.) As the last, but using dulcamara, 2 oz.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 wine-gla.s.sful; in similar cases to those in which the simple decoction is given, especially in chronic rheumatism and venereal affections.

=Decoction of El'der Bark.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM SAMBU"CI, D. S. CORTICIS. L.

_Prep._ 1. (Sydenham.) Inner bark of elder, 1 oz.; water and milk, of each 1 pint; boil to one half, and strain.

2. (Collier.) Bark, 1 oz.; water, 16 fl. oz.; boil to 1/2 pint, and strain.

3. (Pereira.) Bark, 1 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil to one half.--_Dose_. One wine-gla.s.sful 2 or 3 times a day; as an aperient and resolvent in various chronic disorders, in dropsy, and in certain cutaneous affections; or, 2 wine-gla.s.sfuls, as before, as a hydragogue cathartic in dropsies.

=Decoction of Elecam'pane.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HELEN"II, D. INU'Lae, L.

_Prep._ (Ph. U. S.) Elecampane root, 1/2 oz.; water, 1 pint; boil a few minutes and strain. Tonic and expectorant, and, in some cases, diuretic and diaph.o.r.etic.--_Dose_. A wine-gla.s.sful every hour or two. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Elecampane (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM HELENI COMPOSITUM, D. INULae C., L. _Prep._ (Rotier.) Elecampane, 1 oz.; hyssop and ground ivy, of each 2 dr.; water, 1 pint; boil 15 minutes, strain, and add of honey, 2 oz.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 table-spoonfuls; as the last.

=Decoction of Elm Bark.= _Syn._ DECOCTUM UL'MI (B. P.), L. _Prep._ Elm bark (cut in small pieces), 1 oz.; distilled water, 16 oz.; boil to 8 oz., and strain.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 oz., three or four times a day, as a cheap subst.i.tute for sarsaparilla in scaly skin diseases. (See _below_.)

=Decoction of Elm Bark (Compound).= _Syn._ DECOCTUM ULMI COMPOSITUM, L.

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