Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 207

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=Enema of Creosote.= _Syn._ ENEMA CREOSOTI. (Dr Wilmot.) Creasote, 1 dr.; decoction of starch, 12 oz. In epidemic dysentery.

=Enema of Croton Oil.= _Syn._ ENEMA OLEI CROTONIS. (Sundelin.) _Prep._ Croton oil, 2 to 4 drops; linseed oil, 2 oz.; gruel, 4 oz.

=Enema of Cubebs.= _Syn._ ENEMA CUBEBae. (Velpeau.) _Prep._ Decoction of mallow, 10 oz.; powdered cubebs, 6 dr.

=Enema, Domes'tic.= _Syn._ ENEMA DOMESTIc.u.m, L. This name has been applied to an enema of warm water, either with or without the addition of a little sugar, honey, or milk. The effect is laxative.

=Enema, Emoll'ient.= _Syn._ ENEMA EMOLLIENS, E. DEMULCENS, L. _Prep._ From decoction of linseed, barley, or starch, 1 pint; linseed or olive oil, 1 oz. Soothing and laxative; in excoriations of the lower bowels. 20 to 40 drops of laudanum may be added when there is much pain or looseness.

=Enema of Ergot.= _Syn._ ENEMA ERGOTae. (Boudin.) _Prep._ Infuse 1 dr. of ergot in 8 oz. of hot water and strain.

=Enema, Feb'rifuge.= _Syn._ ENEMA FEBRIFUGUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (Collier.) Water gruel, 12 fl. oz.; sugar, 1 fl. oz. In low fevers.

2. (Brande.) Vinegar, 2 fl. oz.; infusion of chamomile, 5 or 6 fl. oz. In typhus.

=Enema, Fe'tid.= See ENEMA OF a.s.sAFTIDA.

=Enema of Galls and Opium.= _Syn._ ENEMA GALLae ET OPII. (Dr Ryan.) _Prep._ Decoction of galls, 8 oz.; tincture of opium, 1/2 dr.

=Enema for Hoo'ping-cough.= _Syn._ ENEMA PERTUSSICULAIRE, L. _Prep._ 1.


2. (M. Reiken). a.s.saftida, 8 gr.; yolk of 1 egg; water, 1/2 pint.

_Obs._ This quant.i.ty is sufficient for 10 or 12 clysters for children under 1 year; 5 or 6 for those under 3 years; and 2 or 3 for those under 7. Two clysters are prescribed daily in hooping-cough. According to M.

Reiken, this is more successful in removing hooping-cough than any other remedy. To ensure success, it should not be administered until the feverish symptoms have pa.s.sed. M. Reiken sometimes uses an ointment of a.s.saftida as well as the clyster.

=Enema of Ipecacuanha.= _Syn._ ENEMA IPECACUANHae. (U. C. Hosp.) Ipecacuanha root (bruised), 1 dr.; boiling water, 8 oz. Macerate for an hour and strain.

=Enema, Lax'ative.= See ENEMAS (Cathartic, Common, &c.).

=Enema of Lead.= _Syn._ ENEMA PLUMBI, L. _Prep._ (Dr Newbold.) Acetate of lead, 6 gr.; tepid distilled water, 6 fl. oz. In strangulated hernia; repeated in two or three hours.

=Enema of Morphia.= _Syn._ ENEMA MORPHIae. (Beera.) _Prep._ Morphia, 1 gr.; oil of almonds, 1 oz. Triturate and add infusion or decoction of linseed, q. s.

=Enema, Nitrate of Silver.= _Syn._ ENEMA ARGENTI NITRATIS. (Boudin.) _Prep._ Nitrate of silver, 1 to 3 gr.; distilled water, 5 oz.

=Enema, Nu'trient.= _Syn._ FEEDING CLYSTER; ENEMA NUTRIENS, L. _Prep._ 1.

Strong beef tea, 12 fl. oz.; thickened a little with arrow-root or hartshorn shavings.

2. (M. Strong meat soup, 3/4 pint; dilute hydrochloric acid, 1/2 fl. dr.

3. Yolks of 2 eggs; brown sugar and salad oil, of each 1 oz.; mutton broth, 12 fl. oz. To nourish the body, when aliments cannot be taken or retained by the stomach.

=Enema, Oi"ly.= See ENEMA (Emollient).

=Enema of O'pium.= _Syn._ ENEMA OPIATUM, E. OPII (B. P. and Ph. L.), E.

OPII vel ANODYNUM (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Mucilage of starch, 2 fl. oz.; tincture of opium, 1/2 dr.

2. (Ph. E.) Starch, 1/2 dr.; water (boiling), 2 fl. oz.; mix, and when cool enough add of tincture of opium, 1/2 to 1 fl. dr.

3. (Ph. D. 1826.) Laudanum, 1 dr.; warm water, 6 fl. oz.

_Obs._ The above are the orders of the colleges, but in practice the quant.i.ty of laudanum is frequently doubled; this should, however, be done with great care. Opium clysters are used in dysentery, colic, cholera, and various painful affections of the intestines, bladder, &c. The bowels should be emptied before their administration, and in inflammatory complaints they should not be used for the first 48 hours. Clysters containing opium, even in small quant.i.ties, are dangerous remedies for young children; yet there are cases in which they sometimes succeed when every other remedy has failed. This is particularly so in the low chronic diarrha of infancy and early childhood. A case of this kind occurred in the family of the writer. The family medical attendant, as well as the physician he consulted, abandoned the little sufferer to apparently inevitable death, as beyond the reach of further a.s.sistance. A small opium clyster was given, and the child recovered.

=Enema of Ox-gall.= _Syn._ ENEMA FELLIS, E. F. BOVIS, L. _Prep._ (Dr Allnatt.) Fresh ox-gall, 2 fl. oz.; water gruel, 8 fl. oz.

2. (Dr Clay.) Ox-gall, 2 fl. oz.; water, 4 or 5 fl. oz. To soften indurated faeces, and in costiveness arising from deficiency of bile.

=Enema of Percyanide of Iron.= _Syn._ ENEMA FERRI PERCYANIDI. _Prep._ Triturate 5 gr. of Prussian blue, with 2 oz. of water; to be used daily, increasing the dose if necessary. An American remedy for ascarides.

=Enema of Pop'pies.= _Syn._ ENEMA PAPAVERIS, L. _Prep._ 1. DECOCTION OF POPPIES.

2. Poppy-heads (with the seeds), 5 dr.; water, 3/4 pint; boil to 12 fl.

oz., and strain. Anodyne; as a subst.i.tute for opium clyster.

=Enema, Pur'gative.= See ENEMA CATHARTIC.

=Enema of Quinine.= _Syn._ ENEMA QUINIae. Sulphate of quinine, 5 to 15 gr.; decoction of starch, 6 oz.

=Enema of Rue.= _Syn._ ENEMA RUTae. _Prep._ Confection of rue, 20 to 60 gr; thin gruel, 6 oz. to 8 oz.

=Enema, Sim'ple.= Barley water, rice water, thin-made starch, and decoction of mallows, are frequently so called, from being used either for simple laxative enemas, or as the vehicle for more active substances.

=Enema of Soap.= _Syn._ ENEMA SAPONIS, L. _Prep._ (St. B. Hosp.) Soft soap, 6 dr.; hot water, 1 pint; dissolve. To soften indurated faeces, &c.; and as a detergent in certain ulcerations of the r.e.c.t.u.m.

=Enema of Soot.= _Syn._ ENEMA FULIGINIS. Wood soot, 4 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pints; boil to a pint.

=Enema of Starch.= _Syn._ ENEMA AMYLI, L. See ENEMA SIMPLE (_above_).

=Enema, Stim'ulant.= _Syn._ ENEMA STIMULANS, L. The ordinary cathartic clysters are often so called. The following belong to a different cla.s.s:--

_Prep._ 1. Tincture of capsic.u.m, 1 fl. oz.; barley water or thin arrow-root, 1/2 pint; mix. In cholera, especially the cold stages.

2. To the last add, of ether, 2 fl. dr.; laudanum, 30 drops.

3. Decoction of poppies, 1/2 pint; tincture of capsic.u.m, 3 fl. dr.; oil of nutmeg, 10 drops. In diarrha.

=Enema of Tobac'co.= _Syn._ ENEMA TABACI (Ph. L. E. & D.), INFUSUM TABACI (Ph. D. 1826), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Tobacco leaf, 20 gr.; boiling water, 8 oz.; infuse half an hour, and strain.

2. (Ph. E.) Tobacco, 15 to 30 gr.; boiling water, 8 fl. oz.; as last.

3. (Ph. D.) Tobacco, 1 scrup.; boiling water, 8 fl. oz.

4. (Ph. L. 1836.) Tobacco, 1 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint.

_Obs._ Tobacco clyster is used in strangulated hernia, obstinate constipation, retention of urine, &c. It is violently depressing and relaxing; producing fainting, and even death, when improperly or injudiciously administered. "It is not to be forgotten that 2 dr., 1 dr., and even 1/2 dr., of tobacco, infused in water, have proved fatal." "The cautious pract.i.tioner, therefore, will not use more than 15 or 20 gr."

(Pereira.) Three parts of Virginia tobacco are equal to seven parts of any other kind. (Davy.)

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