Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 287

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_Obs._ The concentrated infusion produced by the above formulae is of very superior quality, and has acquired an extensive sale in the wholesale trade. 1 part added to 5-1/4 parts of water makes a perfectly transparent liquid, possessing exactly similar virtues to the INFUSION OF CALUMBA--B.


=Infusion of Canthar'ides.= _Syn._ INFUSION OF SPANISH FLIES; INFUSUM CANTHARIDIS, I. LYTTae, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Spanish flies (powdered) 20 gr.; boiling water, q. s. (about 3-1/2 fl. oz.) to yield 3 fl. oz., after expression and filtration.

=Infusion of Cap'sic.u.m.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CAPSICI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Pereira.) Capsic.u.m (powdered), 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint.--_Dose_, 1/2 fl. oz.

2. (Stephen's 'PEPPER MEDICINE'--Pereira.) Red pepper (_Capsic.u.m fructescens_), 2 table-spoonfuls (or 3 of cayenne pepper); common salt, 2 teaspoonfuls; boiling water, 1/2 pint; to the strained liquor, when cold, add of very sharp vinegar, 1/2 pint.--_Dose_, 1 table-spoonful, slowly swallowed, every half hour, in cholera, malignant sore throat, scarlatina, &c.

=Infusion of Car'away.= _Syn._ CARAWAY TEA; INFUSUM CARUI, L. _Prep._ From bruised caraway seed, 3 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint. In the flatulent colic of infants, and as an adjunct to aperient medicine.

=Infusion of Car'rot Seed.= _Syn._ INFUSUM DAUCI, I. CAROTae, L. Diuretic; in dropsy and nephritic complaints; 1/2 to 1 pint being taken daily.

=Infusion of Cascaril'la.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CASCARILLae (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Cascarilla, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 oz.; boiling distilled water, 10 oz.; infuse for one hour in a closed vessel and strain.--_Dose._ 1 to 2 oz., usually combined with carbonate of soda and tincture of cascarilla.

It is an excellent medicine in dyspepsia, debility, diarrha, &c.

2. (Concentrated; INFUSUM CASCARILLae CONCENTRATUM, L.)--_a._ Cascarilla (good and fragrant, bruised), 6-1/2 lbs.; rectified spirit of wine, 3 pints; cold water, 6 pints; macerate in a close vessel for 14 days, express the liquor, and filter.

_b._ As the last, but proceeding by the process of percolation.

_Obs._ If the preceding processes are well managed, the product is 10 lbs., and resembles brandy in colour and transparency, and is delightfully fragrant. 1 part of this infusion mixed with 6-1/2 parts of water makes a preparation exactly resembling the INFUSION OF CALUMBA--B. P.

3. (Alkaline; INFUSUM CASCARILLae ALKALISATUM, L.--Ph. Palat.) Cascarilla, 3 oz.; carbonate of, 2 dr.; boiling water, 16 fl. oz. Antacid and tonic.--_Dose_, l tablespoonful.

=Infusion of Cas'sia.= _Syn._ Ca.s.sIA TEA; INFUSUM Ca.s.sIA FISTULae, L.; EAU DE Ca.s.sE, Fr. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Ca.s.sia pods (bruised), 4 oz.; boiling water, 1-1/2 pint. Laxative.

=Infusion of Cate'chu.= _Syn._ COMPOUND INFUSION OF CATECHU; INFUSUM CATECHU (B. P.), L. _Prep._ (B. P.) Catechu in coa.r.s.e powder, 160 gr., cinnamon, bruised, 40 gr., boiling water, macerate for half an hour in a covered vessel, and strain. Astringent in diarrha.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz.

three or four times a day, or after every liquid dejection.

=Infusion of Catmint.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CATARIae. _Prep._ Dry catmint, 2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint.

=Infusion of Cayenne Pep'per.= See INFUSION OF CAPSIc.u.m.

=Infusion of Cen'taury.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CENTAURI, L. From the flowering tops of common or lesser centaury (_Erythaea centaurium_). Bitter, febrifuge, stomachic, and vermifuge. A popular remedy in obstructions, jaundice, debility, dyspepsia, &c.; and externally, for the itch, and to destroy pediculi. An infusion is also made of the root, which is about one half more powerful than the tops. The plant is "a valuable native medicine; in the places where it grows it is carefully collected for use in rustic pharmacy." (Lindley.)

=Infusion, Cephal'ic.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CEPHALIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ (Edin. Hosp.) Valerian root, 2 oz.; rosemary tops, 4 dr.; boiling water, 1 quart, infuse 12 hours, strain, and add aromatic water, 4 fl. oz. As an antispasmodic, and in various affections of the head.

=Infusion of Cham'omile.= _Syn._ CHAMOMILE TEA; INFUSUM ANTHEMIDIS (B. P.) I. CHAMaeMELI, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Chamomile flowers, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 10 oz.; infuse for fifteen minutes, and strain.

Tonic, bitter, and stomachic; also emetic. It should be drunk cold, as it is emetic when warm.--_Dose._ As a stomachic, 1 to 3 oz.; as an emetic, 5 to 10 oz.

2. (Concentrated; INFUSUM ANTHEMIDIS CONCENTRATUM, L. From chamomiles, 5-1/2 oz., water; 1 pint; boil till the mixture weighs exactly 21 oz., express the liquor by means of a powerful tincture-press, cool, and add of essential oil of chamomile, 15 drops, dissolved in rectified spirit, 5 fl.

oz. agitate well, let it repose until the next day, then decant the clear, and filter. Strongly bitter and odorous, and beautifully transparent.

5-1/2 times as strong as the ordinary INFUSION--B. P.

=Infusion of Chamomile and Orange= (Dr Percival). _Syn._ INFUSUM ANTHEMIDIS ET AURANTII. _Prep._ Chamomile flowers, 1 oz.; dried orange peel, 1/2 oz.; cold water, 3 lbs.; macerate for 24 hours.

=Infusion of Cher'ry-laurel.= _Syn._ INFUSUM LAURO-CERASI, L. _Prep._ (Dr Cheston.) Fresh leaves of the common or cherry-laurel (_Cerasus Lauro-cerasus_). 2-1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse, strain, and add of clarified honey, 2-1/2 oz. As a lotion in cancer of the lip, and as a wash for malignant ulcers.

=Infusion of Chiret'ta.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CHIRATae, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Chiretta, cut small, 1 oz.; distilled water, at 120 F., 40 oz.; infuse half an hour, and strain.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz.

_Obs._ Chiretta is a pure tonic bitter, closely allied to gentian, and has been long esteemed in the East Indies as a remedy for acidity, flatulence, and dyspepsia, especially when occurring in gouty or debilitated habits.

It is usually given in combination with carbonate of soda or salts of iron. The whole of the plant is employed.

2. (Concentrated; INFUSUM CHIRETTae CONCENTRATUM, L.) From Chiretta, 4 oz.; for each pint of the product, prepared as either CONC. INFUSION OF CALUMBA or CASCARILLA. Eight times as strong as the common infusion.

=Infusion of Cincho'na.= _Syn_. INFUSION OF BARK, INFUSUM CINCHONae, L.

_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Yellow cinchona (calisaya) bark, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 oz.; boiling distilled water, 1 pint; infuse for two hours in a covered vessel, and strain.

_Obs._ Infusion of bark is tonic and stomachic, and in very large doses febrifuge. It is an extremely useful medicine in dyspepsia, debility, and during convalescences, and is often a valuable adjunct to more active remedies. Like the decoction, it is most energetic when strained whilst hot. The addition of 1 fl. dr. of diluted sulphuric acid to the water before pouring it on the bark increases its solvent power, and, consequently the strength of the infusion.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 fl. oz.

2. (Concentrated; INFUSUM CINCHONae CONCENTRATUM, L.)--_a._ Yellow bark (coa.r.s.ely powdered), 4 lbs.; boiling water, 8 lbs.; digest for 12 hours, express the liquid, add rectified spirit, 2 lbs., and after 24 hours'

repose decant the clear portion.

_b._ Yellow bark (in coa.r.s.e powder), 4 lbs.; cold water, 8 lbs.; rectified spirit, 2 lbs.; dilute sulphuric acid, 4 fl. oz.; mix the fluids, and either macerate the bark in them for a week in a closed vessel, or proceed by the method of displacement. Very superior.

_Obs._ 1 fl. dr. of either of the above, added to 7 fl. dr. of water, produces an extemporaneous infusion of cinchona resembling that of the pharmacopia. The concentrated preparation of the Ph. L. being more than 8 times the usual strength, is placed amongst LIQUORS.


_b._ (Ph. D.; INFUSUM CINCHONae--Ph. D.) Crown or pale bark, 1 oz.; boiling water, 1/2 pint; infuse 1 hour in a covered vessel, and strain through paper.

_Obs._ "This infusion is inferior to the preceding" (from yellow bark) "in activity, and is a very unnecessary one. It is said to oppress the stomach less than that of the other cinchona bark; the reason is obvious--it is weaker." (Pereira.)

_c._ Concentrated; INFUSUM CINCHONae PALLIDae CONCENTRATUM, L. As CONCENTRATED INFUSION OF CINCHONA, but using pale bark. The concentrated preparation of the Ph. L. will be found under LIQUORS.

=Infusion of Cin'namon.= _Syn._ CINNAMON TEA; INFUSUM CINNAMOMI, L. In flatulence, dyspepsia, and nervous colics.

=Infusion of Cloves.= _Syn._ CLOVE TEA; INFUSUM CARYOPHYLLORUM, I.

CARIOPHYLLI (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Cloves (bruised), 1 oz.; boiling distilled water, 20 oz.; infuse for half an hour, and strain.

Aromatic, stimulant, and stomachic, either alone or in combination; in colic, dyspepsia, gout, &c.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz.

2. (Concentrated: INFUSUM CARYOPHYLLI CONCENTRATUM, L.)--_a._ Bruised cloves, 3 oz.; boiling water, 16 fl. oz.; infuse as above and strain; when cold, add of rectified spirit 1/4 pint, and filter.

_b._ Bruised cloves, 1-3/4 lb.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; cold water, 3 quarts; macerate for 7 days, and express the liquid; sprinkle the marc with water, 12 fl. oz., and after the lapse of an hour again submit it to the press; lastly filter the mixed liquors. Very fine. The above are about eight times the strength of the INFUSION OF CLOVES.--Ph. L.

=Infusion of Cof'fee.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CAFFEI, L. _Prep._ (Dr McBride.) Unroasted coffee berries (bruised), 30 in no.; cold water, 1 quart; macerate 2 or 3 hours. In calculus, &c.--_Dose_, 1/2 pint every morning.

_Obs._ Sir J. Floyer and Sir J. Pringle cured asthma with a strong solution of roasted coffee. M. Bouchardat prescribes a strong infusion made by displacement (percolation), and mixed with a little brandy, in poisoning by opium and other like narcotics, after the administration of emetics and ioduretted water. M. Honore also employs very strong-made coffee in alb.u.minuria. Clausen gives it in gout, and Parker employs it as a nervous stimulant in lieu of ammonia and wine, for persons of a slightly sensitive and excitable temperament.

=Infusion of Contrayer'va.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CONTRAYERVae, L. _Prep._ (Pereira.) Contrayerva (in powder), 1 oz.; boiling water, 12 fl. oz.

Stimulant, tonic, and diaph.o.r.etic; in low fevers, &c.

=Infusion of Copal'che Bark.= _Syn._ INFUSUM COPALCHI CORTICIS, L. _Prep._ (Dr Stark.) Bark of copalche bush (_Croton pseudo-China_), 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest 2 hours, and strain. A warm bitter and stomachic.

=Infusion of Cor'sican Moss.= _Syn._ INFUSUM HELMINTHOCORTI, L. _Prep._ (Farr.) Corsican moss, 5 dr., boiling water, 1 pint; macerate for 10 or 12 hours, and strain. _Ad libitum_ in cancer. See DECOCTION.

=Infusion of Cotula.= _Syn._ INFUSUM COTULae. From dried flowers of Anthemio cotula, as infusion of chamomiles.

=Infusion of Cuspa"ria.= _Syn._ INFUSION OF ANGOSTURA BARK; INFUSUM CUSPARIae (B. P.), I. ANGUSTURae, L. _Prep._ (B. P.) Cusparia, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 oz.; distilled water, at 120, 20 oz.; infuse 2 hours, and strain. Stimulant and tonic; in typhus fever, bilious diarrha, dysentery, &c.

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