Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 24

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=Liniment, Narcotic.= (P. Codex.) _Syn._ LINIMENT CALMANT; LINIMENTUM NARCOTIc.u.m. _Prep._ Anodyne balsam, 8 parts; compound wine of opium, cold cream, of each 1 part. Mix.

=Liniment of Ni'trate of Mercury.= _Syn._ CITRINE LINIMENT; LINIMENTUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS, L. _Prep._ (Sir H. Halford.) Ointment of nitrate of mercury and olive oil, equal parts, triturated together in a gla.s.s mortar, or mixed by a gentle heat. This liniment is stimulant, discutient, and alterative, and in its general properties resembles the ointment of the same name. For most purposes the quant.i.ty of oil should be at least doubled.

=Liniment of Nux Vom'ica.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM NUCIS VOMICae, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Tincture of nux vomica, 1 fl. oz.; liquor of ammonia, 2 fl.

dr.; mix. As a stimulating application to paralysed limbs. The addition of 1/2 fl. dr. each of glycerin and salad oil renders it an excellent application in chronic rheumatism and neuralgia.

=Liniment of Oil of Ergot.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM OLEI ERGOTae. _Prep._ Oil of ergot, 1 dr.; oil of almonds, or sulphuric ether, 3 dr.; mix.

=Liniment of O'pium.= _Syn._ ANODYNE LINIMENT; LINIMENTUM OPII (B. P., Ph.

L. & E.), L. OPII or L. ANODYNUM (Ph. D.), L. SAPONIS c.u.m OPIO, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Tincture of opium, 1; liniment of soap, 1; mix.

2. Tincture of opium, 2 fl. oz.; soap liniment, 6 fl. oz.; mix.

3. (Ph. E.) Castile soap, 6 oz.; opium, 1-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; digest for three days, then filter, add of camphor, 3 oz., oil of rosemary, 6 fl. dr., and agitate briskly.

4. (Ph. D.) Soap liniment and tincture of opium, equal parts.

5. (Wholesale.) Soft soap, 1-1/4 lb.; powdered opium and camphor, of each 1/4 lb.; rectified spirit, 1 gall.; digest a week.

_Obs._ This preparation is an excellent anodyne in local pains, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, &c.

=Liniment of Phos'phorus.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM PHOSPHORATUM, L. _Prep._ (Augustin.) Phosphorus, 6 gr.; camphor, 12 gr.; oil of almonds, 1 oz.; dissolve by heat; when cold, decant the clear portion, and add of strongest liquor of ammonia 10 drops. A useful friction in gout, chronic rheumatism, certain obstinate cutaneous affections, &c.

=Liniment de Rosen.= (P. C.) _Prep._ Oil of mace, 4 parts; oil of cloves, 4 parts; oil of juniper, 9 parts. Mix.

=Liniment, Sim'ple.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM SIMPLEX (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ (Ph.

E.) White wax, 1 oz.; olive oil, 4 fl. oz.; melt together, and stir the mixture until it is cold. Emollient; resembles spermaceti ointment in all except its consistence.

=Liniment of Soap.= _Syn._ OPODELDOC, CAMPHORATED TINCTURE OF SOAP, BALSAM OF S.; LINIMENTUM SAPONIS (B. P., Ph. L. E. & D.) L. SAPONACEUM, TINCTURA SAPONIS CAMPHORATA, BALSAMUM SAPONIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Hard soap (cut small), 2-1/2 oz.; camphor, 1-1/4 oz.; English oil of rosemary, 3 dr.; rectified spirit, 18 oz.; distilled water, 2 oz.; mix the water and spirit, add the other ingredients, digest at a temperature not exceeding 70 Fahr., agitating occasionally for seven days, and filter.

2. (Ph. L.) Castile soap (cut small), 2-1/2 oz.; camphor (small), 10 dr.; spirit of rosemary, 18 fl. oz.; water, 2 fl. oz.; digest with frequent agitation until the solid substances are dissolved.

3. (Ph. E.) Castile soap, 5 oz.; camphor, 2-1/2 oz.; oil of rosemary, 6 fl. dr.; rectified spirit, 1 quart.

4. (Ph. D.) Castile soap (in powder), 2 oz.; camphor, 1 oz.; proof spirit, 16 fl. oz.

5. (LINIMENT SAVONNEAU--P. Cod.) Tincture of soap (P. Cod.) and rectified spirit (863 or 41 o. p.), of each 8 parts; olive oil, 1 part.

_Obs._ This article, prepared according to the directions of the Pharmacopia, from 'soap made of olive oil and soda' (Castile soap), is apt to gelatinise in cold weather, and to deposit crystals of elaidate and stearate of lime. This may be avoided, when expense is not an objection, by first well drying the soap, employing a spirit of at least 85%, and keeping the preparation in well-closed bottles. A cheaper and better plan is to subst.i.tute the 'soft soap' of the Ph. L. ('soap made with olive oil and') for the Castile soap ordered by the College. The soft soap of commerce imparts to the liniment an unpleasant smell. The following formula, one of those commonly adopted by the wholesale druggists, produces a very good article, though much weaker than that of the Pharmacopia.

6. (Wholesale.) Camphor (cut small), 1-1/2 lb.; soft soap, 7 lbs.; oil of rosemary, 3 fl. oz.; rectified spirit of wine and water, of each 3-1/2 galls.; digest with occasional agitation for a week, and filter. This is the 'opodeldoc' or 'soap liniment' of the shops.

_Uses._ Soap liniment is stimulant, discutient, and lubricating, and is a popular remedy in rheumatism, local pains, swellings, bruises, sprains, &c.

7. (With Opium.) See LINIMENT OF OPIUM.

8. (Sulphuretted; LINIMENTUM SAPONIS SULPHURETUM, L. SULPHURO-SAPONACEUM-- Jadelot, L.) Sulphuret of pota.s.sium, 3 oz.; soap, 12 oz.; water, q. s.; melt together, and add of olive oil, 12 oz.; oil of origanum, 1 fl. dr.; mix well. An excellent remedy for the itch, and some allied skin diseases.

=Liniment of Strychnia.= (Dr Neligan.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM STRYCHNIae.

Strychnia, 30 gr.; olive oil, 1-1/2 fl. oz. Ten drops to be rubbed over the temples in amaurosis.

=Liniment of Sul'phide of Carbon.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CARBONIS SULPHURETI, L. _Prep._ 1. From bisulphide of carbon, 1 dr.; camphorated oil, 1 oz.; mix.

2. (Lampadius.) Camphor, 2 dr.; bisulphuret of carbon, 4 fl. dr.; dissolve, and add of rectified spirit, 1 fl. oz. In rheumatism, gouty nodes, &c.

=Liniment of Sulphu'ric Acid.= See LINIMENT, ACID.

=Liniment, Tripharm'ic.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM TRIPHARMIc.u.m (Ph. L. 1746), L.

_Prep._ Take of lead plaster and olive oil, of each 4 oz.; melt, add of strong vinegar, 1 fl. oz., and stir until cold. Cooling and desiccative; in excoriations, burns, &c.

=Liniment of Tur'pentine.= _Syn._ KENTISH'S LINIMENT; LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINae (B. P., Ph. L. & D.), L. TEREBINTHINATUM (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Oil of turpentine, 16; camphor, 1; soft soap, 2; dissolve the camphor in the turpentine, then add the soap, and rub till thoroughly mixed.

2. (Ph. L.) Soft soap, 2 oz.; camphor, 1 oz.; oil of turpentine, 10 fl.

oz.; shake them together until mixed. Stimulant; in lumbago, cholera, colic, &c.

3. (Ph. L. 1824.) Resin cerate, 6 oz.; oil of turpentine, 4 fl. oz.; mix.

An excellent application to burns.

4. (Ph. E.) Resin ointment, 4 oz.; camphor, 4 dr.; dissolve by a gentle heat, and stir in oil of turpentine, 5 fl. oz.

5. (Ph. D.) Oil of turpentine, 5 fl. oz.; resin ointment, 8 oz.; mix by a gentle heat. This forms Dr Kentish's celebrated application to burns and scalds. The parts are first bathed with warm oil of turpentine or brandy, and then covered with pledgets of lint, smeared with the liniment.

6. (Compound--_a._ B. LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINae ACETIc.u.m.) Oil of turpentine, 1; acetic acid, 1; liniment of camphor, 1; mix.

_b._ (LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINae COMPOSITUM, L.) Acetic: ST JOHN LONG'S LINIMENT; (LINIMENTUM TEREBINTHINae ACETIc.u.m, L.) Oil of turpentine, 3 oz.; rose water, 2-1/2 fl. oz.; acetic acid, 5 dr.; oil of lemons, 1 dr.; yolk of egg, 1; make an emulsion. As a counter-irritant in phthisis.

_c._ (Ammoniated--Debreyne.) Lard, 3 oz.; melt, and add, of oil of turpentine and olive oil, of each 1 oz.; when cold, further add of camphorated spirit, 4 fl. dr.; liquor of ammonia, 1 fl. dr. In sciatica, lumbago, &c.

_d._ (Opiated--Recamier.) Oil of turpentine, 1 fl. oz.; oil of chamomile, 2 fl. oz.; tincture of opium, 1 fl. dr. In neuralgia, &c.

_e._ (Sulphuric--Ph. Castr. Ruthena.) Oil of turpentine, 2 oz.; olive oil, 5 oz.; mix, and add of dilute sulphuric acid, 1-1/2 dr. See ACID LINIMENT.

=Liniment of Vera'trine.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM VERATRIae, L. _Prep._ (Brande.) Veratrine, 8 gr.; alcohol, 1/2 fl. oz.; dissolve, and add of soap liniment, 1/2 fl. oz. In neuralgic and rheumatic pains, gout, &c.


1826), L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Verdigris (in powder), 1 oz.; vinegar, 7 fl.

oz.; dissolve, filter, through linen, add of honey, 14 oz., and evaporate to a proper consistence.

_Obs._ This preparation is wrongly named a 'liniment.' The College, after 'beating about the bush' for nearly a century, found a right name for it in 1788; but, as in many other cases, soon abandoned it for another less appropriate.

Oxymel of verdigris is stimulant, detergent, and escharotic. It is applied to indolent ulcers, especially of the throat, by means of a camel-hair pencil; and, diluted with water, it is used as a gargle. Care must be taken to avoid swallowing it, as it occasions vomiting and excessive purging.

=Liniment, Ver'mifuge.= Syn. LINIMENTUM ANTHELMINTIc.u.m, L. VERMIFUGUM, L.

_Prep._ Castor oil, 1 oz.; essential oils of wormwood and tansy, of each 1/2 oz.; Dr Peschier's ethereal tincture of pennyroyal buds, 20 drops; mix. Employed in frictions on the abdomen in cases of worms in children.

Its activity may be still further increased by the addition of a little garlic juice. ('Journ. de Med.') An excellent medicine.

=Liniment, Vesicating.= (Dr Montgomery.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM VESICANS. For children. Prep. Compound camphor liniment, 4 fl. dr.; oil of turpentine, 2 fl. dr. To produce immediate vesication in adults. Mix one part of the strongest liquor ammoniae, with two of olive oil, and apply six drops on spongio-piline for ten minutes.

=Liniment, Ware's.= _Prep._ From camphor liniment, 1 oz.; solution of carbonate of, 1 dr. In amaurosis.

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