Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 33

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_Prep._ 1. (Cazenave.) Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 10 gr.; emulsion of bitter almonds, 6 fl. oz. In chronic eruptions and other cases attended with much itching or irritation.

2. (Foy.) Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 8 gr.; distilled water, 1 fl. oz. In neuralgia, acute rheumatism, &c.; applied by means of compresses of linen.

Both the above are poisonous if swallowed.

=Lotion of Delphin'ine.= _Syn._ LOTIO DELPHINIae, EMBROCATIO D., L. _Prep._ (Dr Turnbull.) Delphinine, 20 to 60 gr.; rectified spirit, 2 fl. oz. Used as LOTION OF VERATRIA.

=Lotion of Diac'etate of Lead.= _Syn._ GOULARD'S LOTION; LOTIO PLUMBI DIACETATIS, L. The dilute liquor of diacetate of lead (LIQ. PLUMBI DIACETATIS DILUTUS--Ph. L.). See SOLUTION. Also Solution of subacetate of lead (B. P.), 3 minims, with 7 minims to 1 oz. water.

=Lotion, Evap'orating.= _Syn._ LOTIO EVAPORANS, L. VAPORANS, L. SPIRITUS DILUTI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Copland.) Sulphuric ether, rectified spirit, and solution of acetate of ammonia, of each 1-1/2 fl. oz.; rose water, 3-1/2 fl. oz.

2. (Guy's Hosp.) Rectified spirit, 1 part; water, 5 parts.

3. (Erasmus Wilson.) Rectified spirit, 1 part; water, 4 to 6 parts.

4. (CAMPHORATED--Ware.) Camphor, 1/2 dr.; elder flowers, 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 4 oz.; digest 24 hours, and strain.

_Obs._ The above are soothing and refrigerant, if allowed to evaporate by free exposure; stimulant, if the evaporation is prevented by covering the part with the hand, or a piece of oiled silk. They are useful applications in nervous headaches, restlessness, itching and irritability of the skin, &c. "A little rose water added to the simple water makes an agreeable addition, and sometimes camphor water (julep), or a little Goulard's extract, may be deemed advantageous, when a greater degree of calming effect is required." (Eras. Wilson.) Eau de Cologne, diluted with an equal quant.i.ty of water, is often used as an evaporating lotion.

=Lotion of Gall-nuts.= _Syn._ LOTIO GALLae, L. _Prep._ From gall-nuts (bruised), 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse until cold, and strain.

Astringent. An excellent application to sore nipples, or to strengthen them before suckling; spirit of wine, 3 fl. oz., may be advantageously added to the cold infusion, and a like portion of water omitted, See DECOCTION.

=Lotion of Glyc'erin.= _Syn._ LOTIO GLYCERINI, L. GLYCERINIae, L. _Prep._ 1. Glycerin, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint. To allay itching, and remove dryness, &c., in various skin diseases; also in chaps of the nipples, lips, and hands. For the latter purpose the addition of 2 to 3 dr. of borax is recommended by some writers.

2. Glycerin, 1 oz.; thick mucilage, 2 oz.; lime water, 7 oz. In burns, scalds, chaps, excoriations, &c.

3. (Startin.) Glycerin, 1 oz.; extract of belladonna, 1 dr.; soap liniment, 3 oz.; triturate together. In bruises, sprains, and swelled joints; gouty, neuralgic, and rheumatic pains, &c.

4. (Startin.) Trisnitrate of, 1/2 dr.; tincture of foxglove and dilute nitric acid, of each 1 fl. dr.; glycerin, 4 dr.; rose water, 8-1/2 fl. oz. To allay the itching in prurigo, and some other skin diseases.

_Obs._ Various lotions may be prepared by dissolving active medicinal substances in glycerin.


=Lotion, Gout.= _Syn._ LOTIO ANTARTHRITICA, L. _Prep._ 1. Glycerin, 1 oz.; extract of belladonna, 3 dr.; veratrine, 10 gr., dissolved in rectified spirit, 2 fl. oz.; mix, and further add, of water, 17 fl. oz. It is poisonous if swallowed.

2. ('SCUDAMORE'S G. L.') From camphor mixture, 9 fl. oz.; rectified spirit, 3 fl. oz. The above are applied on rags or compresses, or are poured on the surface of poultices.

=Lotion, Gowland's.= This celebrated nostrum is prepared as follows:--Take of Jordan almonds, 1 oz.; bitter almonds, 1/2 oz.; blanch them, and make an emulsion in soft water, 1 pint; to this add of b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 15 gr.; previously dissolved in rectified spirit, 2 fl. dr., together with enough water to make the whole measure 1 pint, and put it into bottles.

_Obs._ This preparation is chiefly used as a cosmetic to improve the complexion; and also as a wash for obstinate eruptions and minor glandular swellings and indurations. As a beautifier of the complexion, it is employed by simply wetting the skin with it, either by means of the corner of a napkin or the fingers dipped into it, after which it is gently wiped off with a dry cloth. Dr Paris represents this nostrum to contain 1/2 dr. of corrosive sublimate in every pint, which is not the case.

=Lotion, Granville's Counter-irritant.= See LINIMENT OF AMMONIA (Compound).

=Lotion, Hem'lock.= _Syn._ LOTII CONII, L. _Prep._ (Mid. Hosp.) Extract of hemlock, 3 dr.; opium, 1 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest until cold, and strain. Anodyne and resolvent; in glandular enlargements, painful ulcers, cancer, indurations, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c.

=Lotion, Hooping-cough.= (Struve's.) LOTIO ANTIPERTUSSICA, L. _Prep._ (Paris.) Pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony, 1 dr.; tincture of cantharides, 1 oz.; water, 2 oz. This is a powerful counter-irritant, and should be used with caution; as it is apt to induce a troublesome eruption on the parts to which it is frequently applied.

=Lotion of Hydrochlo"rate of Ammonia.= _Syn._ LOTIO AMMONIae HYDROCHLORATIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (WEAKER.) From sal ammoniac, 1 to 4 dr.; water, 1 pint. As a wash in itch, ulcers, tender feet, swelled joints, &c.

2. (STRONGER.) From sal ammoniac, 1 to 2 oz.; water, 1 pint. In contusions, chronic tumours, extravasations, chilblains, &c., when the skin is not broken. Both are stimulant and resolvent or discutient.

Vinegar is often subst.i.tuted for the whole or part of the water, and sometimes a fifth or sixth part of rectified spirit is added. See also LOTION OF CHLORIDE OF AMMONIUM.

=Lotion, Hydrochlo"ric.= _Syn._ LOTIO ACIDI HYDROCHLORICI, L. _Prep._ 1.

Hydrochloric acid, 1 fl. oz.; water, 1 pint. In lepra, and several other skin diseases.

2. (Foy.) Hydrochloric acid, 1 part; water, 16 parts. In chilblains, when the skin is unbroken.

=Lotion, Hydrocyan'ic.= _Syn._ LOTIO HYDROCYANICI, L. ACIDI HYDROCYANICI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Magendie.) Medicinal hydrocyanic acid, 1 to 2 fl. dr.; lettuce water, 1 pint. In hepatic affections.

2. (Sneider.) Medicinal acid, 1-1/2 fl. dr.; rectified spirit and water, of each 6 fl. oz.

3. (A. T. Thomson.) Medicinal acid and rectified spirit, of each 2 fl.

dr.; acetate of lead, 16 gr.; distilled water, 7-1/2 fl. oz. In impetigo, &c.

_Obs._ Lotions of prussic acid are employed to allay pain and irritation in various chronic skin diseases, especially the scaly and itchy eruptions; and in cancer, &c., with variable success. See HYDROCYANIC ACID.

=Lotion of Hyposul'phite of Soda.= _Syn._ LOTIO SODae HYPOSULPHITIS, L.

_Prep._ (Startin.) Hyposulphite of soda and alum, of each 1-1/2 dr.; eau de Cologne, 1/2 fl. oz.; rose water, 7-1/2 fl. oz.; in the advanced stages of acne.

=Lotion of I'odide of Ar'senic and Mer'cury.= _Syn._ LOTIO a.r.s.eNICI ET HYDRARGYRI HYDRIODATIS, L. _Prep._ From Donovan's solution, 1 part; water, 9 parts. In lepra, psoriasis, and other scaly skin diseases. See SOLUTION.

=Lotion of Iodide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ LOTIO POTa.s.sII IODIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. From iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 to 2 dr.; water, 1 pint. In the usual cases in which ioduretted preparations are employed.

2. (Dr O. Ward.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 dr.; water, 3/4 pint. In itch.

(See _below_.)

=Lotion of Iodide of Zinc.= _Syn._ LOTIO ZINCI IODIDI, L. _Prep._ (Ross.) iodine, 1-1/2 dr.; zinc filings, 1 dr.; water, 8 fl. oz.; digest with heat until the liquid becomes coloured, then filter. In enlarged tonsils.

=Lotion of I'odine.= _Syn._ LOTIO IODINII, L. _Prep._ From iodine, 2 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 fl. dr.; dissolve, well agitate the solution with distilled water, 1 pint, and filter. An excellent wash for scrofulous ulcers, and in chronic ophthalmia, cutaneous scrofula, and several chronic skin diseases, particularly in highly sensitive habits.

=Lotion of Iodine Compound.= _Syn._ LOTIO IODI COMP., L. _Prep._ 1. Iodide of pota.s.sium, 80 gr.; iodine, 60 gr.; water, 1 oz.

2. (Cazenave.) Iodide of pota.s.sium and iodide of sulphur, of each 1 dr.; water, 1 pint. In itch; either alone or diluted with an equal bulk of water.

3. (Dauvergne.) Iodine, 3 dr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 6 dr.; water, 3 fl.

oz.; dissolve, and label the bottle No. 1. Sulphuret of pota.s.sium, 4 oz.; water, 8 fl. oz.; dissolve. For use, a teaspoonful of No. 1, and a table-spoonful of No. 2, are to be added to about a pint of water. In itch, and several other skin diseases.

4. (Lugol.) Iodine, 1 to 2 gr.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 3 to 6 gr.; water, 1 pint. In scrofulous ophthalmia, fistulas, &c.; and as a wash in numerous skin diseases.

5. (Righini.) Chloride of lime, 4 dr.; water, 2-1/2 fl. oz.; triturate together, filter into a stoppered bottle, and add of tincture of iodine, 1 dr. With a pint of water it forms an effective application in itch.

6. (Soubeiran.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 oz.; iodine, 1/2 oz.; water, 6 oz.; dissolve. Used as iodine paint; also as a caustic to touch the surfaces of scrofulous ulcers, and the eyelids in scrofulous ophthalmia.

7. Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1/2 dr.; iodine, 16 gr.; water, 1 pint. This is the common and best form of iodine lotion, but for certain purposes it is used much stronger. (See _above_.)

=Lotion of Iron with Conium.= LOTIO FERRI c.u.m CONIO. Sulphate of iron, 8 gr.; extract of conium, 8 gr.; water, 1 oz.

=Lotion, Itch.= _Syn._ LOTIO ANTIPSORICA, L. _Prep._ (Cazenave.) Sulphuret of pota.s.sium, 1 dr.; soft soap, 2 dr.; water, 8 fl. oz.; dissolve. An excellent remedy for the itch. It leaves little smell behind, and does not soil the linen. (See _above_.)

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