Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 92

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=Ointment of Chamomile.= (M. Bazin.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ANTHEMIDIS. _Prep._ Freshly powdered chamomile flowers, olive oil, and lard, in equal quant.i.ties. For the cure of itch.

=Ointment of Char'coal.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CARBONIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Resin ointment, 10 dr.; recently burnt charcoal (levigated), 3 dr. As a dressing to foul ulcers, especially those of the legs.

2. (Caspar.) Lime tree charcoal and dried carbonate of soda, of each 2 dr,; rose ointment, 1 oz., or q. s. In scald-head.

3. (Radius.) Animal charcoal (recent), 1 part; mallow ointment, 2 parts.

As a friction in glandular enlargements and indurations, as a dressing to fetid ulcers, &c.

=Ointment of Cher'ry-Laurel.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM LAURO-CERASI, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Essential oil of cherry-laurel, 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz. To alleviate the pain in cancer, neuralgia, and other local affections.

=Ointment, Chil'blain.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM AD PERNIONES, L. _Prep._ 1. From made mustard (very thick), 2 parts; almond oil and glycerine, of each 1 part; triturated together. To be applied night and morning.

2. (Cottereau.) Acetate of lead, camphor, and cherry-laurel water, of each 1 dr.; tar, 1-1/2 dr.; lard, 1 oz.

3. (Devergie.) Creasote and Goulard's extract, of each 12 drops; extract of opium, 1-1/2 gr.; lard, 1 oz. Twice or thrice daily.

4. (Giacomini.) Sugar of lead, 2 dr.; cherry-laurel water (distilled), 2 fl. dr.; lard, 1 oz.

5. (Linnaeus.) Balsam of Peru, 1 dr.; hydrochloric acid, 2 dr.; spermaceti ointment, 2-1/2 oz.

_Obs._ For Swediaur's, Vance's, and Wahler's ointments, see article CHILBLAIN.

=Ointment of Chloral Hydrate.= (Dowault.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CHLORALIS HYDRAS. _Prep._ Chloral hydrate, 2 parts; lard, 20 parts. Stimulant; stronger if required as a rubefacient.

=Ointment of Chlo"ride of Cal'cium.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CALCII CHLORIDI, U.

CALCIS MURIATIS, L. _Prep._ (Sundelin.) Chloride of calcium (dry), 1 dr.; strong vinegar, 40 gr.; foxglove (recent, in fine powder), 2 dr.; lard, 1 oz. In bronchocele, scrofulous tumours, &c.

=Ointment of Chloride of Lead.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM PLUMBI CHLORIDI, L.

_Prep._ (Tuson). Chloride of lead, 1 part; simple cerate, 8 parts; carefully triturated together. In painful cancerous ulcerations and neuralgic tumours. See LEAD (Chloride).

=Ointment of Chloride of Lime.= See OINTMENT OF HYPOCHLORITE OF LIME.

=Ointment of Chloride of Mercury.= See OINTMENTS OF CALOMEL and CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE.

=Ointment of Chlo"rine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CHLORINII, L. _Prep._ (Augustin.) Chlorine water, 1 part; lard, 8 parts; well triturated together. In itch, lepra, ringworm, fetid ulcers, &c.

=Ointment of Chlor-i'odide of Mercury.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI CHLORIODIDI, L. _Prep._ (M. Recamier.) Chloriodide (iodo-chloride) of mercury, 3 gr.; lard, 5 dr. Recommended as a powerful discutient or resolvent. See OINTMENT OF IODO-CHLORIDE OF MERCURY.

=Ointment of Chlo"roform.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CHLOROFORMI, L. _Prep._ (M.

Louis.) Chloroform, 1 dr.; simple ointment, 1 oz. In neuralgia and rheumatic pains, &c. It must be kept in a stoppered, wide-mouthed phial.

=Ointment of Cin'chona.= _Syn._ OINTMENT OF BARK; UNGUENTUM CINCHONae, L.

_Prep._ (Biett.) Red cinchona bark (in very fine powder) and almond oil, of each 1 part; beef marrow (prepared), 3 parts. In the variety of scald-head termed porrigo decalvans. A little oil of mace or tar is a useful addition.


=Ointment of Cobalt, Oxide of.= (Amst. Ph.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM OXIDI COBALTI. _Prep._ Simple cerate, 16 oz.; liquid subacetate of lead, 4 oz.; powdered smalt, 4 oz.

=Ointment of Coc'culus In'dicus.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM COCCULI (Ph. E.), L.

_Prep._ (Ph. E.) Kernels of _Cocculus indicus_, 1 part; beat them to a smooth paste in a mortar, first alone, and next with a little lard; then further add of lard, q. s., so that it may be equal to 5 times the weight of the kernels. Used to destroy pediculi, and in scald-head, &c.

=Ointment of Cod-liver Oil.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM OLEI MORRHUae, U. O. JECORIS ASELLI, L. _Prep._ Cod-liver oil (pale and recent), 7 parts; white wax and spermaceti, of each 1 part; melted together. In ophthalmia and opacity of the cornea, either alone or combined with a little citrine ointment; as a friction or dressing for scrofulous indurations and sores; in rheumatism, stiff joints, and in several skin diseases. It often succeeds in porrigo or scald-head when all other remedies have failed. Scented with oil of nutmeg and balsam of Peru, it forms an excellent pomade for strengthening and restoring the hair.

=Ointment of Col'ocynth.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM COLOCYNTHIDIS, L. _Prep._ (Chrestien.) Colocynth pulp (in very fine powder), 1 part; lard, 8 parts.

Used in frictions on the abdomen as a hydragogue purgative, in mania, dropsy, &c.

=Ointment of Corrosive Sub'limate.= _Syn._ OINTMENT OF CHLORIDE OF MERCURY; UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. From corrosive sublimate, 2 to 5 gr.; rub it to powder in a gla.s.s or wedgwood-ware mortar; add of rectified spirit, 6 or 7 drops, or q. s.; again triturate; lastly add, gradually, of spermaceti ointment (reduced to a cream-like state by heat), 1 oz., and continue the trituration until the whole concretes. Used as a stimulant, detergent, and discutient application in various local affections; in lepra, porrigo, acne, &c., and as a dressing to syphilitic and some other ulcers.

2. (Ph. Chirur.) Corrosive sublimate, 10 gr.; yolk of 1 egg; lard, 1 oz.

As a dressing.

3. (POMMADE DE CIRILLO--P. Cod.) Corrosive sublimate, 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz.

Caustic; must not be confounded with the preceding.

=Ointment, Cosmet'ic.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM COSMETIc.u.m, L.; POMMADE DE LA JEUNESSE, Fr. _Prep._ (Quincey.) Spermaceti, 3 dr. (better, 4-1/2 dr.); oil of almonds, 2 oz.; melt together, and, when cooled a little, stir in of nitrate of ('white'), 1 dr.; and, lastly, of oil of rhodium, 6 drops. In itch and some other cutaneous eruptions; but chiefly as a pomade for the hair. Its frequent use is said to turn the latter black.

=Ointment of Cre'asote.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CREASOTI (B. P., Ph. L. E. D. & U. S.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Creasote, 1/2 fl. dr.; lard, 1 oz.; triturate together.

2. (Ph. E.) Lard, 3 oz.; melt it by a gentle heat; add of creasote, 1 dr., and stir the mixture until it is nearly cold.

3. (Ph. D.) Creasote, 1 fl. dr.; ointment of white wax, 7 dr.; as the last.

4. (B. P.) Creasote, 1; simple ointment, 8. Mix.

_Uses, &c._ In several skin diseases, especially ringworm; as a friction in tic-douloureux; a dressing for scalds and burns; an application to chilblains, &c.

=Ointment of Cro'ton Oil.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CROTONIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Croton oil, 15 to 30 drops; lard (softened by heat), 1 oz.; mix well. This is the usual and most useful strength to prepare the ointment. Rubefacient and counter-irritant; in rheumatism and various other diseases. When rubbed repeatedly on the skin, it produces redness and a pustular eruption. It also often affects the bowels by absorption. The only advantage it possesses over other preparations of the cla.s.s is the rapidity of its action.

2. (RUBEFACIENT POMADE--Caventou.) White wax, 1 part; lard, 5 parts; melt together, and, when quite cold, mince it small, add of croton oil, 2 parts, and mix by trituration. Stronger than the last.

=Ointment of Cy'anide of Mer'cury.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI CYANIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Cazenave.) Cyanide of mercury, 8 gr.; lard, 1 oz.; carefully triturated together.

2. (Pereira.) Cyanide of mercury, 10 to 12 gr.; lard, 1 oz. As a dressing for scrofulous and syphilitic ulcers, &c.; as an application in psoriasis, moist tetters, and some other skin diseases, &c. Biett orders the addition of a few drops of essence of lemon.

=Ointment of Cyanide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM POTa.s.sII CYANIDI, L.

_Prep._ (Cazenave.) Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 12 gr.; oil of almonds, 2 dr.; triturate, add of cold cream (dry), 2 oz., and mix by careful trituration.

As an anodyne in neuralgia, rheumatism, swelled joints, &c.; also as a friction over the spine in hysteria, and over the epigastrium in gastrodynia, &c.

=Ointment of Delphin'ine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM DELPHINIae, L. _Prep._ (Dr Turnbull.) Delphinine or delphinia, 10 to 30 gr.; olive oil, 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz.; mix as the last. Used as a friction in rheumatism, and the other cases in which veratrine is employed.

=Ointment, Depil'atory.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM DEPILATORIUM, L. See DEPILATORY (Cazenave's).


=Ointment, Deter'gent.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM DETERGENS, L. The OINTMENTS OF NITRATE OF MERCURY, NITRIC OXIDE OF MERCURY, TAR, VERDIGRIS, &c., when not too strong, come under this head.

=Ointment, Diges'tive.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM DIGESTIVUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (P.

Cod.) Venice turpentine, 2 oz.; yolks of 2 eggs; mix, and add of oil of St John's wort, 1/2 oz.

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