Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 144

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2. Guaiac.u.m, 19 gr.; emetic tartar and opium, of each 1 gr.; simple syrup, q. s. to mix; divide into 3 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, in acute rheumatism, &c.

3. Camphor and antimonial powder, of each 1/2 dr.; opium, 10 gr.; aromatic confection, q. s. to mix. For 12 pills. In fevers, and in some spasmodic diseases.--_Dose_, 1 pill.

4. Powdered guaiac.u.m, 10 gr.; compound powder of ipecacuanha, 5 gr.; confection of roses, q. s. to mix; for a dose. As a diaph.o.r.etic, in inflammatory affections and rheumatism.

=Pills, Diarrh'a.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTIDIARRHALES, L. _Prep._ (Trousseau & Reveil.) Soft extract of opium, 1-1/2 gr.; calomel and powdered ipecacuanha, of each 3 gr.; conserve of hips, q. s.; divide into 10 pills.--_Dose_, 1, two or three times daily; in chronic and choleraic diarrha.

=Pills, Diges'tive.= Under this head are generally cla.s.sed all the stomachic and milder aperient pills. See PILLS, BATH; PILLS, DINNER, &c.

=Pills of Digita'line.= _Syn._ PILULae DIGITALINae, L. _Prep._ 1.

Digitaline, 1 gr.; powdered sugar, 1/2 dr.; thick mucilage, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 daily, watching the effects; as a sedative to reduce the force of the circulation, in phthisis, enlargement of heart, &c. See PILLS, FOXGLOVE.

=Pills, Din'ner.= _Syn._ PILULae DICTae ANTECIb.u.m, L.; GRAINS DE SANTe, Fr.

_Prep._ 1. Aloes, 1 dr.; rhubarb and extract of gentian, of each 1/2 dr.; ipecacuanha and capsic.u.m, of each 12 gr.; syrup of ginger, q. s. to mix.

For 3-1/2-gr. pills.

2. (Dr Baillie's.) See _above_.

3. (BATH DIGESTIVE PILLS.) See _above_.


A. c.u.m MASTICHE, P. STOMACHICae MESUES; GRAINS DE VIE, GRAINS DE MESUES.) From aloes (powdered), 6 dr.; powdered mastic and petals of red roses, of each 2 dr.; syrup of wormwood, q. s. to form a pill-ma.s.s. For 3-gr. pills.

In small doses they excite the appet.i.te; in larger ones they produce a bulky and copious evacuation. This is the formula of the old Paris Codex.

Rhubarb is now frequently subst.i.tuted for the rose petals.

5. (Sir C. Bell's.) From sulphate of quinine, 4 gr.; mastic, 6 gr.; rhubarb, 50 gr.; syrup of orange peel, q. s. to mix. For 12 or, preferably, 18 pills.

6. (Sir Chas. Clarke's.) From extract of chamomile, 1/2 dr.; myrrh and rhubarb (in powder), of each 20 gr.; powdered Socotrine aloes, 10 gr.; oil of chamomile, 8 drops; mucilage, q. s. to form 20 pills. "These pills, which were originally prescribed by Sir Chas. Clarke, are much used in London." (Redwood.)

7. (Frank's.) From aloes and jalap, of each 4 parts; rhubarb, 1 part; syrup of wormwood, q. s. For 3-gr. pills.

8. (P. Cod.) Aloes, 6 dr.; extract of cinchona bark, 3 dr.; cinnamon, 1 dr.; syrup of wormwood, q. s.

The dose of the above is 3 to 5 gr., about an hour before dinner, to promote the appet.i.te; or, as a purgative, 10 to 15 gr.

=Pills, Diuret'ic.= _Syn._ PILULae DIURETICae, L. _Prep._ 1. From powdered foxglove, 12 gr.; calomel, powdered squills, and opium, of each 4 gr.; conserve of hips, q. s. For 12 pills.

2. (Dr A. T. Thomson.) Mercurial pill, 1 dr.; powdered squills, 20 gr.; confection of roses, q. s.; divided into 20 pills. The dose of either of the above is 1 pill, twice or thrice daily; in dropsy, &c.

=Pills, Dixon's.= According to Dr Paris these pills consist of aloes, scammony, rhubarb, and a little tartar emetic, beaten up with syrup. "The following formula produces a pill precisely similar to this nostrum:--Take of compound extract of colocynth (Ph. L. 1836), 4 dr.; powdered rhubarb, 2 dr.; pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony, 8 gr.; syrup of buckthorn, q. s.; mix, and divide into 120 pills. Aperient and diaph.o.r.etic.--_Dose_, 2 or 3, at bedtime." (Cooley.) Although a nostrum it is really an excellent medicine, adapted for numerous cases.

=Pills, d.u.c.h.esne's.= _Prep._ From aloes and gum ammoniac.u.m, of each 30 gr.; mastic and myrrh, 10 gr.; carbonate of and saffron, of each 3 gr.; syrup, q. s. In the dyspepsia of hysterical patients, in engorgements of the abdominal viscera, following intermittent fevers, &c.

=Pills, Dys'entery.= _Syn._ PILULae DYSENTERICae, L. _Prep._ Pure alumina and tannic acid, of each 20 gr.; antimonial powder, 15 gr.; castor oil, 1/2 dr.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.; frequently.

=Pills of Elate'rium.= _Syn._ PILULae ELATERII, L. _Prep._ (Radius.) Elaterium, 6 gr.; extract of gentian and Castile soap, of each 9 gr.; mix, and divide in 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 4; in obstinate constipation, and as a purge in dropsy, &c.

=Pills, Emet'ic.= _Syn._ PILULae EMETICae, P. CUPRI SULPHATIS COMPOSITae, L.

_Prep._ (Swediaur.) Sulphate of copper and ipecacuanha equal parts; syrup or conserve of roses, q. s. For 5-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, repeated every 15 minutes, until vomiting comes on. See EMETICS.

=Pills, Epilep'sy.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTEPILEPTICae, P. AD EPILEPSIAM, L.

_Prep._ 1. (Griffith.) Powdered indigo, 75 gr.; a.s.saftida, 15 gr.; Russian castor, 7 gr.; mix, and divide the ma.s.s into 20 pills.--_Dose_, 1 every hour.

2. (Recamier.) Oxide of iron, 9 gr.; camphor and extract of belladonna, of each 6 gr. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, every 3 or 4 hours.

=Pills, Er'got of Rye.= _Syn._ PILULae ERGOTae, P. SECALIS CORNUTI, L.

_Prep._ 1. (Dewees.) Powdered ergot, 1/2 dr.; extract of gentian, 1 dr.; divide into 15 pills. In obstructed and painful menstruation, haemorrhages, &c.--_Dose_, 1 pill, thrice daily.

2. (Lallemande.) Aloes, ergot, and rue, of each 8 gr.; for 12 pills. As the last.

=Pills of Er'gotine.= _Syn._ PILULae ERGOTINae, L. _Prep._ (Bonjean.) Ergotine (Bonjean's), 24 gr.; liquorice powder, 40 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 3 to 6 daily; as an internal haemostatic, &c.

=Pills, Everlast'ing.= _Syn._ PERPETUAL PILLS; PILULae aeTERNae:, P.

PERPETUae, L. Small spheres of metallic antimony. They possess the property of purging as often as swallowed, but have now long fallen into disuse.

=Pills, Expec'torant.= _Syn._ PILULae EXPECTORANTES, L. _Prep._ 1. Myrrh, 1-1/2 dr.; powdered squills, 1/2 dr.; extract of henbane, 2 dr.; syrup, q. s.; divide into 30 pills.--_Dose_, 2, night and morning.

2. (A. T. Thomson.) Powdered squills and extract of hemlock, of each 1/2 dr.; ammoniac.u.m, 1-1/2 dr.; divide into 30 pills.--_Dose_, 2 twice or thrice a day. In chronic coughs, asthma, &c., after an aperient. See PILLS, PECTORAL, &c.

=Pills of Extract of Walnut Leaves.= (Negrier.) _Syn._ PILULae JUGLANDIS.

_Prep._ Extract of walnut leaves, 1 dr.; powdered walnut leaves, sufficient to form a ma.s.s; to be divided into 20 pills, 2 or 3 to be taken in the day.

=Pills, Family Antibil'ious.= _Syn._ ALOE PILLS; ALOeS ROSATA, PILULae ALOeS ROSATae, L. _Prep._ Socotrine or hepatic aloes, 3 oz.; juice of roses, 1 pint; dissolve by heat, strain through a piece of coa.r.s.e flannel, evaporate to a proper consistence, and form it into pills. Purgative, in doses of 5 to 15 gr.

=Pills, Fe'ver.= _Syn._ PILULae FEBRIFUGae, L. Of these the are those containing antimonials, bark, quinine, and salicine (which _see_).

=Pills, Fordyce's.= An active purgative, closely resembling in composition the compound gamboge pill of the Ph. L.

=Pills, Dr Fothergill's.= _Prep._ (Cooley.) Aloes, 4 dr.; extract of colocynth and scammony, of each 1 dr.; diaph.o.r.etic antimony, 30 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 3-1/2-gr. pills. A diaph.o.r.etic aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 pills at bedtime.

=Pills of Fox'glove and Hen'bane.= _Syn._ PILULae DIGITALIS ET HYOSCYAMI, L. _Prep._ (Dr A. T. Thomson.) Powdered foxglove, 4 gr.; powdered camphor, 12 gr.; extract of henbane, 18 gr. For 6 pills--_Dose_, 1 or 2 at bedtime; as a sedative in maniacal and spasmodic affections, &c.

=Pills of Fox'glove and Squills.= _Syn._ PILULae DIGITALIS ET SCILLae (Ph.

E.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. E.) Powdered foxglove and squills, of each 1 part; aromatic electuary (Ph. E.), 2 parts; conserve of red roses, q. s.; divide into 4-gr. pills. A valuable diuretic in dropsies.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 pills.

=Pills, Frankfort.= These are the Pilules Angeliques noticed among PATENT MEDICINES, formed into 2-gr. pills, and silvered.

=Pills, Franks'.= See PILLS, DINNER.

=Pills of Fuligoka'li.= _Syn._ PILULae FULIGOKALI, L. _Prep._ (Deschamps.) Fuligokali, 5 dr.; starch, 2-1/2 dr.; powdered tragacanth, 10 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 100 pills, which must be covered with 2 or 3 coats of gum, and preserved from the air. The pills of sulphuretted fuligokal (Pilulae Fuligokali Sulphurati) are prepared in a similar manner.

=Pills, Fuller's.= _Syn._ BENNET PILLS; PILULae BENEDICTae, L. _Prep._ (Cooley.) Aloes and sulphate of iron, of each 1/2 dr.; myrrh and senna, of each 20 gr.; a.s.saftida and galbanum, of each 10 gr.; mace and saffron, of each 6 gr.; syrup, q. s.; mix and divide into 4-gr. pills. Antispasmodic, emmenagogue, and tonic, and slightly aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 4, according to the object in view.

=Pills, Gairthorn's Mild Provi"sional.= _Prep._ (Cooley.) Compound gamboge pill, 60 gr.; aqueous extract of aloes, 40 gr.; sulphate of and extract of senna, 30 gr.; compound scammony powder, 15 gr.; balsam of Peru, 6 or 8 gr.; emetic tartar, 3 gr.; mix, and divide into 36 pills. Purgative.--_Dose_, 1, 2, or more, when required.

=Pills of Gal'banum (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULA GALBANI COMPOSITA (Ph. L.), PILULae G. COMPOSITae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Myrrh and prepared sagapenum, of each 3 dr.; prepared galbanum and soft soap, of each 2 dr.; prepared a.s.saftida, 1 dr.; treacle, q. s. to form a pill-ma.s.s.

2. (Ph. L. 1836.) As the last, omitting the soap.

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