Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 147

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=Pills, Meglin's.= _Syn._ PILULES DE MEGLIN, Fr. See PILLS OF HENBANE (Compound).

=Pills, Mercu"rial.= _Syn._ BLUE PILL; PILULA HYDRARGYRI (B. P.), PILULae HYDRARGYRI (Ph. L.), PILULae H. (Ph. E. & D.), P. MERCURIALES, L.; PILULES MERCURIELLES, Fr. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Mercury, 4 dr.; confection of roses, 6 dr.; rub them together until globules can no longer be seen; then add of liquorice powder, 2 dr., and beat the whole together, so that a proper ma.s.s may be formed.

2. (Ph. E.) As the last; afterwards dividing the ma.s.s into 5-gr. pills.

3. (Ph. D.) As the Ph. L. formula, but taking four times the quant.i.ty of the respective ingredients.

4. (B. P.) Mercury, 2; confection of roses, 3; decorticated liquorice root, in fine powder, 1; rub the mercury with the confection of roses until metallic globules are no longer visible, then add the liquorice, and mix the whole well together.--_Dose_, 3 to 6 gr. as an alterative, 10 gr.

as a purgative.

_Obs._ The remarks under 'MERCURIAL OINTMENT' (p. 1179), for the most part, also apply here. This pill, when properly prepared, presents no globules of mercury when moderately rubbed on a piece of white paper, and immediately communicates a white stain to a piece of bright gold or copper. It possesses considerable density, and has a dark blue or slate colour. It contains 1-3rd of its weight of mercury, which may be ascertained from its sp. gr.; or, more exactly, by an a.s.say for the metal.

It is the mildest and the most extensively used of all the mercurial preparations.--_Dose._ As an alterative, 1 to 3 gr.; as a purgative, 10 to 15 gr.; and as a sialogogue, 5 or 6 gr., or more, twice or thrice daily.

To prevent it affecting the bowels, it is commonly combined with either rhubarb or opium. A blue pill taken over-night, and a black draught in the morning, is a popular remedy in bilious complaints. See ABERNETHY MEDICINES.

5. (Collier.) Mercury, 2 dr.; sesquioxide of iron, 1 dr.; confection of red roses, 3 dr.; triturated, as before, until the globules disappear. An excellent extemporaneous subst.i.tute for the common mercurial pill. The addition of only a few grs. of the sesquioxide of iron to 1 oz. of conserve, renders the latter capable of rapidly killing a large quant.i.ty of quicksilver.

6. (Tyson.) Grey oxide of mercury (prepared by decomposing calomel with liquor of to which a little liquor of ammonia has been added), 2 dr.; confection of roses, 6 dr.; powdered chamomiles, 1 dr.; mix. As a subst.i.tute for the College pill.

7. ('Pharm. Journ.') Stearin, 1 dr.; rub it in a warm mortar till it a.s.sumes the consistence of thick cream, then add of mercury, 4 dr., and again triturate until the globules disappear; next further add, of confection of roses and wheaten flour, of each 3 dr., powdered gum, 1 dr., and form the whole into a pill-ma.s.s. As a subst.i.tute for the College pill.

8. (PILULae HYDRARGYROSae--P. Cod.) Mercury and honey, of each 6 dr.; triturate till the globules are extinguished, then add of aloes, 6 dr.; rhubarb, 3 dr.; scammony, 2 dr.; black pepper, 1 dr.; and make a pill-ma.s.s as before. Contains 1-4th part of quicksilver. Alterative and aperient.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr. BELLOSTE'S, BARBAROSSA'S, SeDILLOT'S, and MORELOT'S PILLS are nearly similar compounds. See PILLS OF CALOMEL and CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, &c.

9. (PILULae UNGUENTI HYDRARGYRI--Biett.) _Prep._ Mercurial ointment, powdered sarsaparilla, 1 dr. Mix, and divide into 48 pills. From 1 to 4 daily.

10. (PILULae HYDRARGYRI c.u.m SAPONE--P. Cod.) _Prep._ Mercurial ointment, 2 dr.; soap, 4 scruples; liquorice powder, 2 scruples. Make into 3-gr.


=Pills, Mercurial (Arabic).= _Syn._ PILULae MERCURIALES ARABICae, L. _Prep._ Take of quicksilver and corrosive sublimate, of each 1/2 dr.; triturate them patiently together until the globules disappear; then add, of agaric, pellitory, and senna, of each 1 dr.; honey, q. s. to make a pill-ma.s.s. For 3-1/2-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 2 a day. Employed in the 'traitement arabique'

for the cure of obstinate cutaneous diseases.

=Pills, Mercurial, Hahnemann's.= (F. H.) _Syn._ PILULae HYDRARGYRI HAHNEMANNI. _Prep._ Hahnemann's soluble mercury, 20 gr.; gum Arabic, 30 gr.; sugar, 30 gr. Mix, and divide into 30 pills.

=Pills, Mitch.e.l.l's.= _Prep._ Aloes, 1/2 dr.; rhubarb, 1 dr.; calomel, 6 gr.; emetic tartar, 2 gr. For 36 pills. An alterative aperient.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 pills.

=Pills, Moat's.= Similar to MORISON'S PILLS.

=Pills, Morison's.= _Prep._--_a._ (No. 1 Pills.) From aloes and cream of tartar, equal parts, made into a ma.s.s with either syrup or mucilage. A mild aperient.

_b._ (No. 2 pills.) From colocynth, 1 part; gamboge, 2 parts; aloes, 3 parts; and cream of tartar, 4 parts; made into a ma.s.s with syrup, as the last. An active purgative, often acting with great violence. Both No. 1 and No. 2 are divided into 3-gr. pills, of which 4 dozen are put into each 1s. 1-1/2d. box. The proper dose of either is 1 to 3 or 4 pills; but they are often given by the Morisons in doses of 12, 20, 30, or even more, daily. For the history of these pills and their proprietors, see 'Anat. of Quackery,' or 'Med. Circ.,' ii, 9-27.

=Pills of Mor'phia.= _Syn._ PILULae MORPHIae, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Morphine, 1 gr.; conserve of roses (stiff), q. s. For 6 (or, better, 8) pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill; as an anodyne or soporific.

=Pills of Morphia (Compound).= (Rougier.) _Syn._ PILULae MORPHIae COMPOSITae.

_Prep._ Sulphate of morphia, 2 gr.; cyanide of pota.s.sium, 4 gr.; mucilage, q. s. Make into 24 pills; 1 every six hours, in neuralgia.

=Pills, Moseley's.= _Prep._ Finest Turkey rhubarb, 60 gr.; Jamaica ginger, 30 gr.; sugar, 20 gr. (all in powder); tincture of rhubarb, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 4-gr. pills. A mild and excellent medicine, closely resembling KITCHENER'S PERISTALTIC PERSUADERS.

=Pills of Musk.= _Syn._ PILULae MOSCHI, L. _Prep._ (Dupuytren.) Opium, 2 gr.; musk (genuine), 8 gr.; camphor (in powder), 24 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 8 pills. Antispasmodic and stimulant.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, thrice daily, in low nervous affections; or the whole during the day in hospital gangrene, &c.

=Pills of Myrrh.= See PILLS OF ALOES AND MYRRH.

=Pills, Napier's Neuroton'ic.= Of these, like MORISON'S PILLS, there are No. 1 and No. 2. The first is a simple stomachic aperient; the other, a stimulant tonic. They both owe their sale and reputed virtues to extensive advertising. ('Anat. of Quackery.')

=Pills, Napoleon's.= See PECTORAL PILLS.

=Pills, Neuralg'ia.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTINEURALGICae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Marchal De Calvi.) Aqueous extract of opium, 4 gr.; sulphate of quinine, 16 gr.; powdered cinnamon, powdered orange leaves, and extract of valerian, of each 20 gr.; syrup of belladonna, q. s. For 3 dozen pills.--_Dose_, 1, hourly.

2. (Trousseau & Reveil.) Extracts of opium and stramonium, of each 8 gr.; oxide of zinc, 2 dr.; syrup, q. s. For 40 pills.--_Dose_, 1, every two or three hours, gradually increased in frequency until there is some considerable disorder of vision, &c. Both of the above should be used with care. See PILLS, MEGLIN'S, &c.

=Pills of Ni'trate of _Syn._ PILULae BIs.m.u.tHI TRISNITRATIS, L.

_Prep._ From trisnitrate of and powdered rhubarb, equal parts; syrup of orange peel, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 3-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, every two hours; as a tonic, stomachic, and antispasmodic, in dyspepsia, debility, spasms, &c.

=Pills of Nitrate of Mercury.= _Syn._ PILULae HYDRARGYRI PROTO-NITRATIS.

PILULES DE SAINTE MARIE. _Prep._ Powder of proto-nitrate of mercury, 7-1/2 gr.; extract of liquorice, 1/2 dr. Mix accurately, and divide into 60 pills.--_Dose_, 1, four times a day.

=Pills of Nitrate of Sil'ver.= _Syn._ PILULae ARGENTI NITRATIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (St. B. Hosp.) Nitrate of silver (crystallised), 12 gr.; liquorice powder, 24 gr.; treacle, q. s. For 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, twice or thrice a day; in chronic epilepsy and some other spasmodic disorders.

2. (Dr A. T. Thomson.) Nitrate of silver, 6 gr.; crum of bread, q. s. (say 1/2 dr.); mix, and divide into 12 pills.--_Dose_, 1, every six hours.

_Obs._ To prevent the blue or slate coloured tinge of the skin, so often produced by the continued use of the salts of silver, 8 drops of diluted nitric acid in 1 fl. oz. of water should be taken after each pill.

=Pills, Norton's Chamomile.= _Prep._ From aqueous extract of aloes, 1 dr.; extract of gentian, 3 dr.; mix, and drive off the excess of moisture by the heat of a water bath; then add of essential oil of chamomiles, 20 drops, and divide the ma.s.s into 60 pills. To preserve their aromatic properties, they should be kept in a dry gla.s.s bottle or a well-covered earthenware pot.--_Dose_, 1, as a dinner pill; or 2, night and morning, as a stomachic tonic. ('Anat. of Quackery.')

=Pills of Nux Vom'ica.= _Syn._ PILULae NUCIS VOMICae, L. _Prep._ 1. Nux vomica and aloes (both in powder), equal parts; syrup, q. s. For 3-gr.

pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, twice or thrice daily, carefully watching the effects; in nervous derangement, general debility, impotence, paralysis, &c.

2. Alcoholic extract of nux vomica, 1 part; powdered sugar, 2 parts; beaten up with rectified spirit, q. s. For 2-1/2-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2; as the last.

3. (Mondiere.) Alcoholic extract, 6 gr.; levigated black oxide of iron, 1 dr.; syrup, q. s. In atonic incontinence of urine, amenorrha, &c.

=Pills, Odontal'gic.= _Syn._ PILULae ODONTALGICae, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Bor.) Powdered opium and extracts of belladonna and henbane, of each 10 gr.; oil of olives, 20 drops; powdered pellitory of Spain, 1/2 dr.; beat them to a ma.s.s, and divide it into 1-gr. pills; keep them in a corked phial.

=Pills, Opiated Lead.= See PILLS OF LEAD.

=Pills of O"pium.= _Syn_. ANODYNE PILLS, NIGHT P., THEBAIC P.; PILULae OPII (Ph. U. S.), P. O. or THEBAICae (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Opium and conserve of red roses, of each 1 part; sulphate of potash, 3 parts; rub them together to a proper ma.s.s, and divide into 5-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 pills, as an anodyne or soporific. Each pill contains 1 gr. of opium, or double the quant.i.ty in the same pill of the previous edition of the Ph. E.

2. (Ph. U. S.) Powdered opium, 1 dr.; Castile soap, 12 gr.; water, q. s.

For 60 pills. As the last.

=Pills of Ox-Gall.= _Syn._ BILE PILL; PILULae FELLIS BOVINI, P. BILIS, L.

_Prep._ 1. From insp.i.s.sated ox-gall formed into pills by the addition of any simple powder; or the harder extract beaten up with a little proof spirit. Powdered rhubarb is frequently used for the purpose. For 3-gr.

pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 6; for constipation, flatulence, &c., arising from a deficiency of bile.

2. (Compound.) From insp.i.s.sated ox-gall, 1 dr.; powdered rhubarb, 1/2 dr.; powdered ipecacuanha and capsic.u.m, of each 15 gr.; oil of caraway, 12 drops. For 48 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 4; in loss of appet.i.te and dyspepsia, with torpor of the bowels, &c. See CONSTIPATION, GALL, &c.

=Pills of Ox'ide of Gold.= _Syn._ PILULae AURI OXYDI, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Teroxide of gold, 5 gr.; extract of mezereon, 2 dr.; mix, and divide into 60 pills. Each pill contains 1/12 gr. of teroxide.--_Dose_, 1 to 3; in scrofula, syphilis, malignant fevers, &c.

=Pills of Oxide of Mercury.= See PILLS, MERCURIAL.

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