Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 251

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=Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lime.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS CALCIS HYPOPHOSPHITIS.

(Churchill.) _Prep._ Hypophosphite of lime, 1 part; syrup, 100 parts.

=Syrup of Hypophosphite of Potash.= See SYRUP OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES.

=Syrup of Hypophosphite of Soda.= See SYRUP OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES.

=Syrup of Hyposulphite of Soda.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SODae HYPOSULPHITIS.

(Mouchon.) _Prep._ Hyposulphite of soda, 1 oz.; water, 12 oz.; sugar, 33 oz. Dissolve with a gentle heat, and filter.

=Syrup of the Hypophosphites.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS HYPOPHOSPHITICUS. _Prep._ Hypophosphite of lime, potash, and soda, 1 part each, dissolved with heat in syrup, 100 parts.--_Dose_, 1 dr.

=Syrup of Hyssop.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS HYSSOPI. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ As syrup of coltsfoot.

=Syrup of Iceland Moss.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LICHENIS. Iceland moss deprived of its bitterness, 1 oz.; syrup, 32 oz. Make a concentrated decoction of the moss, strain and add the syrup, and boil to a proper consistence.

=Syrup of Indian Sarsaparil'la.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS HEMIDESMI (B. P., Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. D.) Indian sarsaparilla (_Hemidesmus Indicus_--Brown), bruised, 4 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse for 4 hours, and to the strained and defecated infusion add twice its weight of sugar. Tonic, diuretic, &c.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 fl. dr.; in nephritic complaints, and in some others, instead of sarsaparilla.

2. (B. P.) Hemidesmus, bruised, 1; refined sugar, 7; boiling distilled water, 5; infuse 4 hours, strain, add the sugar, and dissolve. The product should weigh 10-1/2 oz., and measure 8. Sp. gr. 1335.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 dr.

=Syrup of I'odide of Iron.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI IODIDI (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Mix iodine, 1 oz., and iron wire 3 dr., with distilled water, 8 fl. oz., and heat the solution until it a.s.sumes a greenish colour; then strain it, evaporate it to about 4 fl. oz., and add to it of white sugar, 10 oz.; lastly, when the syrup has cooled, add as much water as may be necessary, that it may measure exactly 15 fl. oz., and keep it in a well-stoppered black gla.s.s bottle. The formulae of the Ph.

E. & D. are nearly similar, a fl. dr. of each containing about 5 gr. of the pure dry iodide. This syrup is tonic and resolvent, and haematinic.--_Dose_, 15 or 20 drops to 1 fl. dr.; in anaemia, debility, scrofula, &c.

2. (B. P.) Iron wire, 1; iodine, 2; refined sugar, 28; distilled water, 13. Make a syrup with the sugar and 10 of the water, and keep it hot. Put into a strong soda-water bottle, covered with a cloth, the iron wire, the iodine, and 3 of the water, shake them together until the froth of the mixture becomes white, filter whilst still hot into the syrup. The product should be made up by water to weigh 43 or to measure 31-1/2. Sp. gr.

1385.--_Dose_, 20 to 60 minims.

=Syrup of Iodide of Iron, Compound.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI IODIDI COMPOSITUS. (Ricord.) _Prep._ This may be made by adding 1 oz. of the syrup to 9 oz. of compound syrup of sarsaparilla, both by weight.

=Syrup of Iodide of Iron and Quinine.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI ET QUINIae IODIDI. (Bouchardat.) _Prep._ Digest 1 dr. of iodine with 1/2 dr. of iron filings and 4 dr. of water, with a gentle heat and frequent agitation, till the solution is colourless. Filter it rapidly into a vessel containing 28 oz. of simple syrup. Dissolve also 12 gr. of sulphate of quinine in 2 dr. of water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and add to the former.

=Syrup of Iodide of Manganese.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS MANGANESII IODIDI. (M.

Hannon.) Pure hydrated carbonate of manganese, 1 dr.; concentrated hydriodic acid, q. s. to dissolve it. Mix this solution with 16-1/2 oz. of sudorific syrup.--_Dose._ From 2 to 6 tablespoonfuls daily.

=Syrup of Iodide of Pota.s.sium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS POTa.s.sII IODIDI. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1/4 oz.; water, 1/4 oz.; syrup, 9-1/4 oz. (by weight).

=Syrup of Iodine.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS IODINII. (Foy.). _Prep._ Compound tincture of iodine, 4 dr.; mint water, 4 oz.; syrup, 16 oz.

=Syrup of Iodohydrargyrate of Pota.s.sium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS IODOHYDRARGYRATIS POTa.s.sII (Puche). _Prep._ Iodohydrargyrate of pota.s.sium, 16 gr.; tincture of saffron, 2-1/2 dr.; syrup, 16 oz.

=Syrup of Ipecacuan'ha.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS IPECACUANHae, L. _Prep._ (Ph. E.) Ipecacuanha (in coa.r.s.e powder), 4 oz.; rectified spirit, 15 fl. oz.; digest for 24 hours at a gentle heat, and strain; add of proof spirit, 14 fl. oz., and again digest and strain, and repeat the process with water, 14 fl. oz.; distil off the spirit from the mixed liquors, evaporate to 12 fl. oz., and filter; next add to the residuum rectified spirit, 5 fl. oz., and simple syrup, 7 pints, and mix well.--_Dose._ As an emetic for infants, 1/2 teaspoonful; for adults, 1 to 1-1/2 fl. oz.; as an expectorant, 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls.

=Syrup of Iron and Iodide of Pota.s.sium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI ET POTa.s.sII IODIDI. _Prep._ Dissolve 1 oz. of iodide of pota.s.sium in 6 oz. of hot water, add 12-1/4 oz. (fl.) of syrup of iodide of iron, and sufficient simple syrup to make up 1-1/2 pint.

=Syrup of Jalap.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS JALAPINUS. (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Jalap, 10 dr.; coriander, 1/2 dr.; fennel seed, 1/2 dr.; water, 12 oz.; heat to 212 F. for twenty minutes, let it stand 24 hours; strain, and make a syrup with 24 oz. of sugar.

=Syrup of Kermes.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS KERMETIS, SYRUPUS ANTIMONIATUS. _Prep._ Kermes mineral, 20 gr.; syrup of squills, 1-1/2 oz.; syrup of marshmallow, 1-1/2 oz. Mix.

=Syrup of Lactate of Iron.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS FERRI LACTATIS. (Cap.) _Prep._ Lactate of iron, 1 dr.; boiling distilled water, 6 oz.; pure sugar, 12 oz.--_Dose_, 2 to 4 dr.

=Syrup of Lacto-phosphate of Lime.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS CALCIS LACTO-PHOSPHATIS. (P. Vincent.[219]) _Prep._ Burnt bones, 155 gr.; hydrochloric acid, 310 gr.; liquid ammonia, 200 gr.; concentrated lactic acid, distilled water, of each q. s.; sugar, 18-1/2 oz.; leave together for some time the bone ash and the acid until effervescence ceases, then add distilled water, 500 gr.; precipitate with the ammonia, filter, and well wash the precipitate with distilled water, until the was.h.i.+ngs cease to give a precipitate with nitrate of silver. Leave to drain for 12 hours, after gently heating in a porcelain capsule, and add sufficient lactic acid to dissolve the precipitate; add sufficient distilled water to make the product weigh 9-1/2 oz.; filter, and add the sugar; make dissolve with a gentle heat.

[Footnote 219: 'Pharm. Journ.']

=Syrup of Lactucarium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LACTUCARII. (U. S.) _Prep._ Lactucarium, 1 troy oz.; syrup, 14 oz. (o. m.); proof spirit, q. s.; rub the lactucarium with the proof spirit to a syrupy consistence, transfer to a percolator and percolate with proof spirit until 8 oz. (o. m.) of tincture have been obtained. Evaporate this portion in a water bath at 160F. to 2 oz. (o. m.). Mix it with the syrup made hot, and strain immediately.

=Syrup of Le'mon.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LIMONIS (B. P.), SYRUPUS LIMONUM (Ph. L.

& E.), SYRUPUS CITRI MEDICae. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Lemon juice (strained or defecated), 1 pint; white sugar, 2-1/2 lbs.; dissolve by a gentle heat, and set it aside; in 24 hours remove the sc.u.m, decant the clear portion, and add of rectified spirit, 2-1/2 fl. oz. The Edinburgh College omits the spirit. A pleasant refrigerant syrup in fevers, &c.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 fl.

dr., in any diluent. With water it forms an excellent extemporaneous lemonade.

2. (B. P.) Fresh lemon peel, 2; lemon juice, strained, 20; refined sugar, 36. Heat the lemon juice to the boiling point, and having put it into a covered vessel with the lemon peel, let them stand until they are cold, then filter and dissolve the sugar in the filtered liquid with a gentle heat. The product should weigh 56 and measure 41.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr.

=Syrup of Lettuce.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LACTUCae. (P. Cod.) Dissolve 2 oz. of extract of lettuce in 8 times its weight of cold water, filter, and add 6 lbs. 2 oz. of syrup, which, when boiling, has a specific gravity of 126.

=Syrup of Lime.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS CALCIS. (Trousseau.) _Prep._ Slake, 2-1/2 dr. of quicklime, with 3 oz. of water, and add it to 32 fl. oz. of simple syrup; boil 10 minutes and filter. This is usually diluted with 4 parts of syrup. Given in diarrha.

=Syrup of Liquorice.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS GLYCYRRHIZae. _Prep._ Liquorice root, 4 oz.; boiling water, 16 oz.; digest, strain, and make a syrup with sugar.

=Syrup of Lobelia.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LOBELIae. (Mr Proctor.) _Prep._ Vinegar of lobelia, 6 oz.; sugar, 12 oz. Dissolve in a gentle heat.

=Syrup of Malate of Manganese.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS MANGANESII MALATIS. (M.

Hannon.) _Prep._ Malate of manganese, 1 oz.; simple syrup, 16 oz.; spirit of lemon peel, 2 dr.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 1 dr.

=Syrup of Manna.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS MANNae. (Ph. G.) _Prep._ Dissolve 3 oz. of manna in 12 oz. of water, strain and filter; then add 16 oz. of sugar, and make it into a syrup.

=Syrup of Mercury.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS HYDRARGYRI. _Prep._ "There are several forms for mercurial syrups, but they all appear liable to serious objection. Plenk:--Quicksilver, 1 dr.; powdered gum Arabic, 3 dr.; syrup, 2 oz.; triturate and gradually add 1 oz. of water. Larrey:--Sudorific syrup, 1 pint; b.i.+.c.hloride of mercury, 5 gr.; muriate of ammonia, 5 gr.; extract of opium, 5 gr.; Hofman's anodyne liquor, 1/2 dr.--_Dose_, 1/2 oz.

to 1 oz. Creron's syrup consists of mercurial ether (4 gr. of sublimate to 2 dr. of ether), 2 dr.; syrup, 8 oz." (Beasley.)

=Syrup of Marshmal'low.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS ALTHaeae (Ph. L. & E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Marshmallow root, fresh and sliced, 1-1/2 oz.; distilled water (cold), 1 pint; macerate for 12 hours, press out the liquor, strain it through linen, and add to the strained liquor twice its weight of white sugar (about 3 lbs.); dissolve by a gentle heat, and, when cold, add of rectified spirit, 2-1/2 fl. oz., or q. s. See SYRUP OF COCHINEAL.

2. (Ph. L. 1836.) Take of fresh marshmallow root, bruised, 8 oz.; water, 4 pints; boil down to one half, and express the liquor when it is cold; set it aside for 24 hours, that the faeces may subside, then decant off the clear liquid, and, having added to it of sugar, 2-1/2 lbs., boil the whole to a proper consistence. The formula of the Ph. E. is similar.

_Obs._ This is a popular demulcent and pectoral.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 fl. dr.; in coughs, &c. either alone or added to mixtures.

=Syrup of Milk.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS LACTIS. Reduce skimmed milk by gentle evaporation to one half, and add twice its weight of sugar.

=Syrup of Monosulphide of Sodium.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS SODII MONOSULPHIDI. (P.

Cod.) Crystallised monosulphide of sodium, 44 gr.; distilled water, 1 oz.; syrup, 94 oz. (by weight).

=Syrup of Mugwort.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS ARTEMISIae. As SYRUP OF WORMWOOD.

=Syrup of Mugwort, Compound.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS ARTEMISIae COMPOSITUS. (P.

Cod.) _Prep._ Take of fresh tops of mugwort, pennyroyal, catmint, and savine, of each 2 oz.; fresh roots of elecampane, lovage, and fennel, of each 88 gr.; fresh tops of wild marjoram, hyssop, feverfew, rue, and basil, of each 1 oz.; aniseed, 1/4 oz.; cinnamon, 1/4 oz.; all properly divided; rectified spirit, 2-1/2 oz. (by weight); water, 30 oz.; syrup of honey, 12-1/2 oz. (by weight). Put the plants in a vessel over a water bath, pour on the water mixed with the spirit, let it stand 24 hours, and then distil over 3-1/2 oz. (by weight). On the other hand, press the residue of the distillation, clarify with white of egg, and add sugar, 25 oz.; then make into a syrup, which, when boiling, has the sp. gr. 126.

Take the weight and evaporate until it has lost weight, equal to that of the distilled liquid, then add the syrup of honey, and lastly, when nearly cold, the distilled liquid, and strain.--_Dose_, 2 to 12 dr.

=Syrup of Mul'berries.= _Syn._ SYRUPUS MORI (B. P., Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1.

(Ph. L.) Juice of mulberries, strained, 1 pint; sugar, 2-1/2 lbs.; dissolve by a gentle heat, and set the solution by for 24 hours; then remove the sc.u.m, decant the clear liquid, and add of rectified spirit, 2-1/2 fl. oz. Used as a colouring and flavouring, when alkalies and earths are not present. Syrup of red poppies (_rhados_), slightly acidulated with tartaric or dilute sulphuric acid, is very generally sold for it.

2. (B. P.) Mulberry juice, 20; refined sugar, 32; rectified spirit, 2-1/2; heat the juice to the boiling point, and, when it has cooled, filter it; dissolve the sugar in the filtered liquid by a gentle heat, and add the spirit. The product should weigh 54. Sp. gr. 133.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr.

=Syrup of Mu"riate of Morphia.= See SYRUP OF HYDROCHLORATE OF MORPHINE.

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