Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 12

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74. P. M. Anonymous.

G.o.d is Love.

1 I cannot always trace the way Where Thou, almighty One, dost move, But I can always, always say That G.o.d is love.

2 When fear her chilling mantle throws O'er earth, my soul to heaven above, As to her native home, upsprings, For G.o.d is love.

3 When mystery clouds my darkened path, I'll check my dread, my doubts reprove; In this my soul sweet comfort hath, That G.o.d is love.

4 Yes, G.o.d is love;--a thought like this Can every gloomy thought remove, And turn all tears, all woes, to bliss, For G.o.d is love.

75. L. M. Sterling.

Love Supreme in G.o.d.

1 O Source divine, and Life of all, The Fount of being's wondrous sea!

Thy depth would every heart appall, That saw not Love supreme in Thee.

2 We shrink before Thy vast abyss, Where worlds on worlds eternal brood; We know Thee truly but in this, That Thou bestowest all our good.

3 And so, 'mid boundless time and s.p.a.ce, O, grant us still in Thee to dwell, And through the ceaseless web to trace Thy presence working all things well!

4 Nor let Thou life's delightful play Thy truth's transcendent vision hide; Nor strength and gladness lead astray From Thee, our nature's only guide.

5 Bestow on every joyous thrill Thy deeper tone of reverent awe; Make pure Thy children's erring will, And teach their hearts to love Thy law!

76. L. M. *

G.o.d Known Through Love.

1 No human eyes Thy face may see; No human thought Thy form may know; But all creation dwells in Thee, And Thy great life through all doth flow!

2 And yet, O strange and wondrous thought!

Thou art a G.o.d who hearest prayer, And every heart with sorrow fraught To seek Thy present aid may dare.

3 And though most weak our efforts seem Into one creed these thoughts to bind, And vain the intellectual dream, To see and know the Eternal Mind,--

4 Yet Thou wilt turn them not aside, Who cannot solve Thy life divine, But would give up all reason's pride To know their hearts approved by Thine.

5 And Thine unceasing love gave birth To our dear Lord, Thy holy Son, Who left a perfect proof on earth, That Duty, Love, and Truth are one.

6 So, though we faint on life's dark hill, And Thought grow weak, and Knowledge flee, Yet Faith shall teach us courage still, And Love shall guide us on to Thee!

77. 10s. M. Jones Very.

G.o.d's Fatherly Care.

1 Father! there is no change to live with Thee; Save that in Christ I grow from day to day; In each new word I hear, each thing I see, I but rejoicing hasten on my way.

2 The morning comes, with blushes overspread, And I, new-wakened, find a morn within; And in its modest dawn around me shed, Thou hear'st the prayer and the ascending hymn.

3 Hour follows hour, the lengthening shades descend; Yet they could never reach as far as me.

Did not Thy love its kind protection lend, That I, Thy child, might sleep in peace with Thee.

78. L. M. Bryant.

Loving-Kindness of G.o.d.

1 Father, to Thy kind love we owe All that is fair and good below; Bestower of the health that lies On tearless cheeks and cheerful eyes!

2 Giver of suns.h.i.+ne and of rain!

Ripener of fruits on hill and plain!

Fountain of light, that rayed afar, Fills the vast urns of sun and star!

3 Who send'st Thy storms and frosts to bind The plagues that rise to waste mankind; Then breathest, o'er the naked scene, Spring gales, and life, and tender green.

4 Yet deem we not that thus alone, Thy mercy and Thy love are shown; For we have learned, with higher praise, And holier names, to speak Thy ways.

5 In woe's dark hour, our kindest stay!

Sole trust when life shall pa.s.s away!

Teacher of hopes that light the gloom Of death, and consecrate the tomb!

79. 10s. M. Jones Very.

G.o.d Not Afar Off.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 12 summary

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