Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 16

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1 Go when the morning s.h.i.+neth, Go when the noon is bright, Go when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night; Go with pure mind and feeling, Put earthly thoughts away, And, in G.o.d's presence kneeling, Do thou in secret pray.

2 Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee; Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If any such there be; Then for thyself, in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And blend with each pet.i.tion Thy great Redeemer's name.

3 Or, if 'tis e'er denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o'er thee When friends are round thy way, E'en then, the silent breathing Thy spirit lifts above Will reach His throne of glory, Where dwells eternal love.

4 O, not a joy or blessing With this can we compare,-- The grace our Father gives us To pour our souls in prayer: Whene'er thou pin'st in sadness, On Him who saveth, call!

Remember, in thy gladness, His love who gave thee all.

98. 7s. M. Mrs. Hemans.

All Must Pray.

1 Child, amidst the flowers at play, While the red light fades away; Mother, with thine earnest eye, Ever following silently;

2 Father, by the breeze of eve Called thy daily toil to leave; Pray! ere yet the dark hours be, Lift the heart, and bend the knee!

3 Traveller in the stranger's land, Far from thine own household band; Mourner, haunted by the tone Of a voice from this world gone;

4 Captive, in whose narrow cell Suns.h.i.+ne hath not leave to dwell; Sailor, on the darkening sea, Lift the heart, and bend the knee!

5 Ye that triumph, ye that sigh, Kindred by one holy tie, Heaven's first star alike ye see; Lift the heart, and bend the knee!

99. C. M. Montgomery.

What is Prayer?

1 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, Unuttered or expressed, The motion of a hidden fire, That trembles in the breast.

2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but G.o.d is near.

3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try; Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high.

4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air, His watchword at the gates of death; He enters heaven with prayer.

5 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice Returning from his ways; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, "Behold, he prays!"

6 In prayer, on earth, the saints are one; They're one in word and mind; When with the Father and the Son Sweet fellows.h.i.+p they find.

7 O Thou by whom we come to G.o.d, The Life, the Truth, the Way, The path of prayer thyself hast trod; Lord, teach us how to pray!

100. L. M. Hart.

Prayer the Life of the Soul.

1 Prayer is to G.o.d the soul's sure way; So flows the grace he waits to give; Long as they live should Christians pray; They learn to pray when first they live.

2 If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay, If guilt deject, if sin distress, In every need, still watch and pray.

3 'Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak, Though poor and broken be its word; Pray if thou canst, or canst not, speak; The breathings of the soul are heard.

4 Depend on Him; thou shalt prevail; Make all thy wants and wishes known; Fear not, His mercy will not fail; Ask but in faith, it shall be done.

101. C. M. Anonymous.

Silent Prayer.

1 Sweet is the prayer whose holy stream In earnest pleading flows; Devotion dwells upon the theme, And warm and warmer glows.

2 Faith grasps the blessing she desires, Hope points the upward gaze; And love, untrembling love, inspires The eloquence of praise.

3 But sweeter far the still, small voice, Heard by no human ear, When G.o.d hath made the heart rejoice, And dried the bitter tear.

4 Nor accents flow, nor words ascend; All utterance faileth there; But listening spirits comprehend, And G.o.d accepts the prayer.


102. 7s. M. Bowring.


1 Watchman! tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are; Traveller! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-beaming star!

Watchman! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell?

Traveller! yes; it brings the day, Promised day of Israel!

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 16 summary

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