Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 19

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2 If we, beneath temptation's stress, Do fight against dark powers within, So, in Judea's wilderness, Christ wrestled with the thoughts of sin, When, in a weary, lonely hour, The tempter came with all his power.

3 So, tried as I, this earth he trod, Knew every human ill but sin, And though the holiest Son of G.o.d, As I am now so hath he been; Jesus, my Saviour! look on me; For help and strength I turn to thee!

114. 7s. M. Bulfinch.

"The Works Which I Do Bear Witness of Me."

1 Holy Son of G.o.d most high!

Clothed in heavenly majesty, Many a miracle and sign, In thy Father's name divine, Manifested forth thy might In the chosen people's sight.

2 But, O Saviour! not alone Thus thy glory was made known; With the mourner thou didst grieve, Every human want relieve; Far thy matchless power above Stands the witness of thy love.

3 Thou, who by the open grave, Ere thy voice was raised to save, Didst with those fond sisters shed Tears above the faithful dead; Even thy word of might appears Less resistless than thy tears.

4 Lord! it is not ours to gaze On thy works of ancient days; But thy love, unchanged and bright, More than all those works of might, More than miracle or sign, Makes us ever, ever thine.

115. C. M. Mrs. Hemans.

Christ Stilling the Tempest.

1 Fear was within the tossing bark, When stormy winds grew loud; And waves came rolling high and dark, And the tall mast was bowed.

2 But the wind ceased,--it ceased,--a word Pa.s.sed through the gloomy sky; The troubled billows knew their Lord, And sank beneath his eye.

3 And slumber settled on the deep, And silence on the blast; They sank as flowers that fold to sleep When sultry day is past.

4 O Thou that in its wildest hour Didst rule the tempest's mood, Send now thy Spirit forth in power O'er our dark souls to brood!

5 Thou that didst bow the billows' pride, Thy mandate to fulfil, Speak, speak to pa.s.sion's raging tide, Speak, and say, "Peace, be still!"

116. C. M. Bulfinch.

The Pool of Bethesda.

1 The aged sufferer waited long Upon Bethesda's brink; Till hopes, once rising warm and strong, Began in fears to sink; And heavy were the sighs he drew, And fervent was his prayer, For he, with safety full in view, Still languished helpless there.

2 His hope grew dim; but one was nigh Who saw the sufferer's grief; That gentle voice, that pitying eye, Gave promise of relief.

Each pang that human weakness knows Obeyed that powerful word; He spake, and lo! the sick arose, Rejoicing in his Lord.

3 Father of Jesus, when oppressed With grief and pain we lie, And, longing for Thy heavenly rest, Despair to look on high, O, may the Saviour's words of peace Within the wounded heart Bid every doubt and suffering cease, And strength and joy impart!

117. C. M. Bulfinch.

Christ Walking on the Sea.

1 Lord, in whose might the Saviour trod The dark and stormy wave, And trusted in his Father's arm, Omnipotent to save;

2 When darkly round our footsteps rise The floods and storms of life, Send Thou Thy Spirit down to still The dark and fearful strife.

3 Strong in our trust, on Thee reposed, The ocean-path we'll dare, Though waves around us rage and foam, Since Thou art present there.

118. P. M. Bowring.

"He Was There Alone."

1 He was there alone, when even Had round earth its mantle thrown, Holding intercourse with heaven: He was there alone.

2 There his inmost heart's emotion Made he to his Father known; In the spirit of devotion Musing there alone.

3 So let us, from earth retiring, Seek our G.o.d and Father's throne; And, to other scenes aspiring, Train our hearts, alone.

119. L. M. Bowring.

Jesus Teaching the People.

1 How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and reverence filled the place.

2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his followers' way; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day.

3 "Come wanderers, to my Father's home, Come, all ye weary ones, and rest!"

Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest.

4 Decay, then, tenements of dust!

Pillars of earthly pride, decay!

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 19 summary

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