Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 42

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250. L. M. Gaskell.

Faith in G.o.d's Love.

1 O Father! humbly we repose Our souls on Thee, who dwell'st above, And bless Thee for the peace which flows From faith in Thine encircling love.

2 Though every earthly trust may break, Infinite might belongs to Thee; Though every earthly friend forsake, Unchangeable Thou still wilt be.

3 Though griefs may gather darkly round, They cannot veil us from Thy sight; Though vain all human aid be found, Thou every grief canst turn to light.

4 All things Thy wise designs fulfil, In earth beneath, and heaven above, And good breaks out from every ill, Through faith in Thine encircling love.

251. L. M. *Dyer.

All Things Work for Good.

1 We all, O Father, all are Thine; All feel Thy providential care; And, through each varying scene of life, Alike Thy constant love we share.

2 And whether grief oppress the heart; Or whether joy elate the breast; Or life still keep its little course; Or death invite the heart to rest;--

4 All are Thy messengers, and all Thy sacred pleasure, Lord, obey; And all are training man to dwell Nearer to heaven, and nearer Thee.

252. L. M. *Bowring.


1 O let my trembling soul be still, While darkness veils this mortal eye, And wait Thy wise and holy will, Though wrapped in fears and mystery: I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see; Yet all is well since ruled by Thee!

2 When, mounted on Thy clouded car, Thou send'st Thy darker spirits down, I can discern Thy light afar, Thy light sweet beaming through their frown; And, should I faint a moment, then I think of Thee, and smile again.

3 So, trusting in Thy love, I tread The narrow path of duty on; What though some cherished joys are fled?

What though some flattering dreams are gone?

Yet purer, n.o.bler joys remain, And peace is won through conquered pain.

253. 7 & 6s. M. *C. Wesley.


1 See the Lord, thy keeper, stand, Omnipotently near; Lo! He holds thee by the hand, And banishes thy fear; Shadows with His wings thy head; Guards from all impending harms; Round thee and beneath are spread The everlasting arms.

2 G.o.d shall bless thy going out, Shall bless thy coming in; Kindly compa.s.s thee about, And guard from every sin.

Lean upon thy Father's breast; He thy quiet spirit keeps; Rest in Him, securely rest; Thy Guardian never sleeps.

3 O, my soul, unceasing pray, And in thy G.o.d confide!

He our faltering steps shall stay, Nor suffer us to slide: He is still our sure defence, We his ceaseless care shall prove, Kept by watchful Providence And ever-waking love.

254. S. M. Moravian.


1 Commit thou all thy griefs And ways into His hands, To His sure trust and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands;

2 Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas obey; He shall direct thy wandering feet, He shall prepare thy way.

3 No profit canst thou gain By self-consuming care; To Him commend thy cause,--His ear Attends the softest prayer.

4 Then on the Lord rely, So safe shall thou go on; Fix on His work thy steadfast eye, So shall thy work be done.

255. C. M. Alford.

G.o.d Our Refuge.

Psalm xlvi.

1 G.o.d is our refuge and our strength, When trouble's hour is near; A very present help is He; Therefore we will not fear.

2 Although the pillars of the earth Shall clean removed be, The very mountains carried forth, And cast into the sea;

3 Although the waters rage and swell, So that the earth shall shake; Yea, and the solid mountain roots Shall with the tempest quake;

4 There is a river that makes glad The city of our G.o.d; The tabernacle's holy place Of the Most High's abode.

5 The Lord is in the midst of her, Removed she shall not be; Because the Lord our G.o.d himself Shall help her speedily.

6 The Lord our strength and refuge is, When trouble's hour is near; A very present help is He; Therefore we will not fear.

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 42 summary

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