Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 53

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1 Sleep not, soldier of the cross!

Foes are lurking all around; Look not here to find repose, This is but thy battle-ground.

2 Up! and take thy s.h.i.+eld and sword; Up! it is the call of Heaven; Shrink not faithless from thy Lord, n.o.bly strive as he hath striven.

3 Break through all the force of ill; Tread the might of pa.s.sion down; Struggle onward, upward still, To the conquering Saviour's crown!

315. C. M. Doddridge.

Forgetting the Things Behind.

1 Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown.

2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way.

3 'Tis G.o.d's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high; 'Tis His own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye;--

4 That prize with peerless glories bright, Which shall new l.u.s.tre boast, When victors' wreaths and monarchs' gems Shall blend in common dust.

316. C. M. Anonymous.

The Whole Armor of the Lord.

1 O, speed thee, Christian, on thy way!

And to thine armor cling; With girded loins the call obey That love and mercy bring!

2 There is a battle to be fought, An upward race to run, A crown of glory to be sought, A victory to be won.

3 O, faint not, Christian! for thy sighs Are heard before G.o.d's throne; The race must come before the prize, The cross before the crown.

317. P. M. Staughton.

Onward and Upward.

1 Breast the wave, Christian! when it is strongest; Watch for day, Christian! when the night's longest; Onward and onward still be thine endeavor; The rest that remaineth will be forever.

2 Fight the fight, Christian! Jesus is o'er thee; Run the race, Christian! heaven is before thee; He who hath promised faltereth never; The love of eternity flows on forever.

3 Lift the eye, Christian! just as it closeth; Raise the heart, Christian! ere it reposeth; Thee from the love of Christ nothing shall sever; Mount when the work is done,--praise G.o.d forever!

318. L. M. Mrs. Barbauld.

The Christian Warfare.

1 Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes; See where thy foes against thee rise, In long array, a numerous host; Awake, my soul! or thou art lost.

2 Here giant danger threatening stands, Mustering his pale, terrific bands; There, pleasure's silken banners spread, And willing souls are captives led.

3 See where rebellious pa.s.sions rage, And fierce desires and l.u.s.ts engage; The meanest foe of all the train Has thousands and ten thousands slain.

4 Come, then, my soul! now learn to wield The weight of thine immortal s.h.i.+eld; Put on the armor from above Of heavenly truth and heavenly love.

5 The terror and the charm repel, And powers of earth, and powers of h.e.l.l; The Man of Calvary triumphed here; Why should his faithful followers fear?

319. 7s. M. Bulfinch.


1 There's a strife we all must wage, From life's entrance to its close; Blest the bold who dare engage!

Woe for him who seeks repose!

2 Honored they who firmly stand, While the conflict presses round; G.o.d's own banner in their hand, In his service faithful found.

3 What our foes? Each thought impure Pa.s.sions fierce, that tear the soul; Every ill that we can cure; Every crime we can control;

4 Every suffering which our hand Can with soothing care a.s.suage; Every evil of our land; Every error of our age.

5 On, then, to the glorious field!

He who dies his life shall save; G.o.d himself shall be our s.h.i.+eld, He shall bless and crown the brave.

320. 8 & 7s. M. Miss Bremer.

Suffering and Action.

1 Cheek grow pale, but heart be vigorous!

Body fall, but soul have peace!

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 53 summary

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